

Six months ago, brutal murders shook the small Ozark town—murders that stopped after a house fire reportedly claimed the killer’s life. Lauryn McBride’s family auction house has taken responsibility for the estate sale of one of the victims—the enigmatic Markus Chisom. Submerging herself in Chisom’s beautiful but strange world, Lauryn welcomes the reprieve from watching Alzheimer’s steal her father from her, piece by piece. She soon realizes that centuries-old secrets tie Abbey Hills to the Chisom estate and a mysterious evil will do anything to make sure those secrets stay hidden. Even the man who grew up loving her may not be able to protect Lauryn from the danger.

When Amede Dastillon receives an unexpected package from Abbey Hills, she hopes it might be the key in tracking down her beloved sister, long estranged from her family. Visiting Abbey Hills seems the logical next step in her search, but Amede is unusually affected by the town, and when mutilated carcasses begin turning up again in the small community, the local law enforcement isn’t sure if they are confronting a familiar evil or a new terror.

Two women brought together by questions that seem to have no answers.  Can they overcome the loss and darkness threatening to devour them—or will their own demons condemn them to an emotional wasteland?

My Review

I am so glad that I decided to read this book. This type of book usually isn’t my thing but I fell in love with this book. It is amazingly written and it kept me wondering what was going to happen. I wish I would I have read the first book first but even with me not reading it first I was still able to figure out what was going on in this book. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a good mystery/thriller.

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My best friend, okay she is more like a sister, had her baby on May 25.  I haven’t set foot in labor and delivery since I had and placed my daughter for adoption almost 7 years ago.  I that being there for her was going to be hard and it was going to bring emotions to the top that I hadn’t dealt with.  What I didn’t realize at the time was how healing it was going to be for me to be there with her and the baby.

After I got off of work I headed to the hospital and right when I pulled into the parking lot I broke down and started to cry.  I had to sit in my cry for a few minutes because the last thing she needed was to see me crying when see was in labor.  After I few minutes I got it together and I went into the hospital.  I didn’t really know where to be so I just stayed in the hall right outside the room she was in.

After she had him and we all came in the room and they asked me if I wanted to hold him all I could do was shake my head no.  My eyes filled up with tears and it was all I could do to keep from leaving the room.  To be honest in that minute I didn’t know if I would even hold him while he was in the hospital.  Every time I thought about holding him it brought all the emotions I had pushed to the background and hadn’t dealt with.

After they got her up to her postpartum room and her boyfriend left so he could run home and do a few things I stayed so that she wouldn’t have to be alone.  I didn’t want her to be alone because I know when I had my daughter it was hard to be in the hospital all alone.  After it was just the 3 of us I knew it was time to hold him and start to deal with the emotions.

After I held him for a little bit I realized that he did something for me that I didn’t know he could.  I can’t put into words what he did but he healed a part of me that I thought would always be broken.  He is so special to me because he will never know what he did for me and that is okay but he will always be a huge part of my life.

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Quote Of The Week-Making Mistakes

I can’t believe that is already the beginning of June.  It seems like just yesterday it was New Years day.  I can’t believe how fast the year is going.  Anyway here is this weeks quote:

I really liked this quote because it is so true.  I would rather spend my life making mistakes then just sitting around and let life pass me by.

Do you agree with this quote?

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What I Miss Most

I remember while I was in school thinking that I was never going to miss being in school.  Now that I have been out of school for a few years I realize that I do miss school.  I don’t miss tests but I miss learning.  I actually miss going to classes and learning new things.  It is crazy for me to think that I miss anything about school because I really hated school until I got to college.

High school was rough for me because of bullying and I just wanted to get out of there.  Once I started college and Weber State University I came to love learning and  going to class.  I know it had a lot to do with the fact that I was taking classes that I enjoyed and wasn’t stuck taking tons of classes that didn’t interest me.

I miss learning things.  I don’t know what it is about sitting a class room listening to a professor teach that makes me feel like I am learning but it does.  I really want to take a class here are there because I do miss learning.  I feel like I am wasting away when I am not in school.  I am sure that is because I never have finished school so I still feel like I need to finish.

School has always come easy to me and I think that is why I miss learning.

What do you miss about school?

Mama’s Losin’ It

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