Changes From Last Year To This Year


This week for the writers workshop I am going to write about what was going on this time last year and what I think of it all now that it is a year later.  I went through the whole month of April and I really only wrote 5 actual posts.  The few other posts I had were reviews of some sort. Here is a list of the posts from last year if you would like to go back and check them out.  I also will list any changes in how I am thinking from last year to this year.

  • My MS Medications– all of my medication are basically still the same and since I am stable there is no reason to change them or to even mess with them.
  • Standing Still– I forgot that I wrote this post last year and to be honest I still feel like I am standing still but I also feel like I am all alone and I know that is because of how I have treated people.  There are parts of this post that are still true and other parts that aren’t because I really don’t have any friends anymore.
  • MS Tuesdays Medications That Don’t Work For Me– nothing has changed with this post because nothing has stopped working for me.
  • How To: Break Your New Cell Phone– lets just say I haven’t broken a phone since this post and I better not break my iPhone or I am going to be pissed.
  • My Top 10 YouTube Channels– this has changed so much so I am going to make another Top 10 because I have some new ones and I think everyone would like.  I still like all the ones I listed but there are some newer ones that I want to share with everyone.

How has your blogging changed from last year to this year?

Mama’s Losin’ It

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Stress Test by Richard Mabry


My Review

I read this book in less than a day. I love medical suspense books and this one kept me on the edge of my seat through out the whole thing. I was shocked at the ending because I really didn’t see it coming. I felt like I was with Matt throughout the whole book and I understood what he felt.  I can’t wait to check out other books by this author because he did such a great job of writing this one.  I loved the fact that he is a doctor writing about a doctor because he knows what he wrote about and it made it that much more believable.

About The Book

They may not have enough evidence to convict him, but they have enough to ruin his life.

Dr. Matt Newman thought he was leaving his life in private practice for a better one in academic medicine. But the kidnappers who attacked him as he left his last shift in the ER have no such plans-they just want him dead. Bound and in the trunk of his car, Matt’s only thought is escape. He does so, but at a price: a head injury that lands him in the ICU . . . where he awakens to discover he’s being charged with murder.

Sandra Murray is a fiery, redheaded lawyer who swore she was done with doctors. But when Matt calls, she knows she can’t walk away from defending someone who is truly innocent.

Matt’s career is going down the drain. His freedom and perhaps his life may be next. But with the police convinced he’s a murderer and the kidnappers still trying to finish what they started, finding the truth-and the faith to keep going-will be the toughest stress testMatt has ever endured.


About The Author

A retired physician, Dr. Richard Mabry is the author of four critically acclaimed novels of medical suspense. His previous works have been finalists for the Carol Award and Romantic Times Reader’s Choice Award, and have won the Selah Award. He is a past Vice-President of American Christian Fiction Writers and a member of the International Thriller Writers. He and his wife live in North Texas.

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In his latest novel, Darkness Before Dawn (Abingdon Press), Ace Collins leads readers on an emotionally charged ride from revenge to forgiveness.
fb-rafflecopter iconAce is celebrating the release of Darkness Before Dawn with a Retribution v. Redemption 12-Day Giveaway! Go {HERE} or click the button for all the details. Follow along for a new giveaway each day. (Moleskin journal, books, Starbucks gift cards and so much more!)

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Pain and Gain by Marc Schiller

Pain & Gain Cover


My Review

From the moment I started this book I couldn’t stop reading it.  I personally have never heard of the movie or the tv show that was about this so when I had no idea what I was getting into when I started reading this book and lets just say I was shocked.  If this book had been fiction I would have stopped reading it because some parts of it are so far out there that is insane.  I am actually at a lose of words to describe this book.  I liked the book and the fact that it is a true story made me like it even more.  This is for sure a book for people who love to read true crime stories like I do.

About The Book

Memoir/True Crime  Date Published: 1/25/13

Pain and Gain – The Untold True Story’ is a gripping memoir that tells the true story behind the Paramount film Pain and Gain. Written by the real Sun Gym Gang victim, Marc Schiller, ‘Pain and Gain – The Untold True Story’ will take readers on an adrenaline rush with a shocking ending.

This is the untold true story of one citizen’s pointless torture and month-long captivity. The story, formerly mistold if not utterly overlooked, has been made into a feature film. Even as a dark comedy, there is little amusement to be found in human suffering. The sick and twisted minds of Mr. Schiller’s captors would be fodder for the Darwin Awards if the results were not so alarmingly inhumane. Physical, mental and emotional torture, as well as sensory deprivation and starvation, the prisoner of war like conditions differed only in the fact that Mr. Schiller was completely alone during his extended stay at the warehouse he refers to as Hotel Hell. An early victim of identity theft in the years following Hurricane Andrew in Miami, Mr. Schiller chronicles his story in tortuous detail. His humiliation, pain and suffering at the hands of these perverted social misfits is a shocking revelation.
What is it like to be imprisoned in near dungeon-like conditions? All this mayhem on American soil toward the end of the last millennium.
Greed, lust for power and the desire to inflict pain and misery were the apparent motivating forces behind this gruesome incident.

Truly a harrowing tale and one that you won’t soon forget.


About The Author

Marc Schiller was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina immigrating to Brooklyn, NY with his parents when he was seven years old. An early entrepreneur, he started several small businesses by the age of nine. He attended high school in Brooklyn, participating in sports and was member of the school’s track team.

Marc received a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and a MBA from Benedictine University. Marc has had a long and diversified career both as a professional and entrepreneur. His professional career has spanned the U.S. as well as internationally. On an entrepreneurial level, Marc Schiller has launched several successful businesses including two accounting practices both in Miami and Houston, a delicatessen in Miami and an options and stock trading company.

Marc Schiller currently works as an accounting and tax resolution specialist for a national tax resolution company. He has two grown children: his son graduated from the University of Colorado-Boulder with a degree in economics and his daughter currently attends Loyola Marymount University in California.

‘Pain and Gain – The Untold True Story’ is Marc Schiller’s first literary publication.

Pain and Gain – The Book

Twitter  @painandgainbook

Buy The Book


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Susan May Warren is celebrating the release of Duchess with a Kindle Fire HD Giveaway.


One “glam” winner will receive:

  • A brand new Kindle Fire HD
  • Signed copies of Duchess, Baroness and Heiress

Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on May 4th. Winner will be announced on 5/7/13 at Susan’s blog.

Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning.

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The Heiress of Winterwood | Enter to win a “Downton Abbey Kindle Fire Prize Pack from @SarahLaddAuthor

Sarah Ladd is celebrating the release of The Heiress of Winterwood with a Downton Abbey Kindle Prize Pack Giveaway!
One winner will receive:

  • A brand new Kindle Fire
  • Downton Abbey, seasons 1-3

Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on April 30th. Winner will be announced on 5/2/13 {HERE}.

Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning.

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2013 Margaret Margaret