Mary Kay & Influenster VoxBox


Last month I received a box from Influenster and the box was filled with products for Mary Kay for me to try.  Here are the products I received and a little bit about how I feel about them.

First thing I pulled out of the box was a cream eye color in the color Violet Storm & an Eyeshadow brush to apply it with:


I really loved the color as most of you are aware I love to color purple and this was a fun color to wear.  The brush is super soft and applied the product well.

The next product I got was a lip stick in the color Pink Cherie/Rose Cherie:


I loved how this products is packaged and how it opens.  It took me a minute to figure out how to work it when I first opened it up but I d0 love the color and how it looks on.

I also got a lash primer & mascara:

Mascara Lash Primer

I haven’t tried the primer yet but I did try the mascara and I really like it.  It does give you more length and it didn’t make me want to itch my eyes off which is always a plus because most mascara’s make me want to do that.

This is the first time I have ever tried Mary Kay products and I liked them but I don’t know if I would spend the money on them since they are out of my price range.  Also if you want to sign up for Influenster and get free box’s you can sign up here or leave your email in the comments and I will send you an invite!

Mary Kay® provided these complementary products through Influenster for you to try.

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First Concert

My First Concert

The first concert I attend (or at least I think it was my first) was NSYNC.  I was in 7th or 8th grade.  I went with one of my best friends back then.  I can still remember waiting in line to buy the tickets months and months before the show.  I remember every little detail about the show and remember how I was the day after the show.


I remember I was super sad and depressed because I had looked forward to going to see them for months and months and then it was over and I felt like I didn’t have anything else to look forward to.  I remember that my grandma laughed at me when I told her why I was sad and now that I look back at it I have to laugh as well.  It crazy how I looked at things when I was younger and how  big this concert was build up in my head.  I did go and see them one more time along with a few other boy bands that were popular at the time.

Now that I am an adult I tend to want to go and see more comedians than music stars.  I have seen Jeff Dunham twice and I loved every second of those shows.  I stake his website so I will know when he come back and my brother and I can go and see him again.  It is weird to me that I love music so much but the thought of going to a musical concert makes me head hurt now.  When I was younger I loved the loud music at concerts and now I don’t think I would be able to stay through the whole thing no matter how much I loved the show.

Who did you see for your first concert? Do you like to see comedians or music stars more?

Mama’s Losin’ It

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My brother had his gallbladder out on Sunday and I wanted to write about something here because I see a lack of it respect for choices that others make regarding their own bodies and/or lives.  I love people sharing information with me but I get tired of people trying to push their views on me and others.  Everyone makes different choices because everyone is different.

For example I know now my doctor doesn’t totally agree with some of my choices but she has left it up to me.  She tells me her opinions and what she would do if she was me.  I have seen a lot this going around and it upsets me because everyone makes choices based on their own lives and their own situations.

This doesn’t have to do with just health things but anything going on in people’s lives.  I have stopped sharing most things on Facebook because I get tired of people judging and/or trying to push their views on me and my other friends.  I came to realize while I was pregnant what it feels like to be judged and I try my hardest not to judge anyone.  I know that we all judge people on some level but I do my best to keep in check because I know how it felt to be judged and it is an horrible feeling.

I have friends in my life that I don’t agree with their choices but I do respect them and I also allow them to live their lives as they see fit.  There is no way that everyone in the world will agree with what you do or how you do it but people need respect their choices.

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MS Tuesday Multiple Sclerosis Hug


I haven’t posted about Multiple Sclerosis for awhile because I really haven’t had anything new to write about but the past few weeks I have been experiencing what people call the Multiple Sclerosis Hug.  The first time I heard about it was a few months ago and now that I have researched it I think it may be what some of back pain has actually been this whole time.

Anyway lets get to what the MS Hug is a “band-like” sensation that feels like a tight strap or girdle wrapped around the torso area.  This is the best description of it I could find.  I have looked high and low for more information on this and anything else I could find about it and I am having no luck.  Which I am finding to be a pretty common this when it comes to some of the symptoms that I have been having as of lately.

That being said those that know about the medication I am on might worry that it could be a serious side effect of the medication I am taking and I can assure you it isn’t that.  I have felt these ways for years I just never put everything together.  I should have figured it all had something to do with the MS but since they come and go I usually forget about it after they pass.

I couldn’t really find any statistics on how often it happens but one site did say up to 75% of will experience pain but they don’t have one for how many people experience the MS Hug.  They say it cause by a lesion on the spinal cord that affects the muscles between your ribs.

I haven’t talked with my doctor about this yet  but I will be talking to her at the end of the month after I have an MRI so I will see what she recommends when it comes to treatment and things like that.  I did see there are a few medications you can take to try and help with it but I don’t think I will do anything for mine at this point because it does come and go.  Now if it ever sticks around for awhile I will for sure figure out some treatment options.

Is there anything you would like to know more about?  If so please leave a comment and I will write about it in the next few weeks!

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Nails Of The Month ~ Spray Paint


I haven’t done a Nails of The Month post in awhile but I wanted to make sure I did one for the nails I have right now because I am in love with them.  We got the idea for these nails from part of the design I had for the 4th of July.  To me these remind me of spray paint and they are just perfect for me:

IMG_0503 IMG_0520 IMG_0521

We just had a white base with 3 neon colors put on top.  They are definitely something that I will be doing again just with different colors.   I love how I haven’t ever seen anything like them anywhere and they are just fun for summer time.  A funny story to go along with these nails is the only person other than family that has said anything about them was a random guy when I was out getting lunch one day while I was at work.  Why is it that guys seem to be the only ones who ever notice my nails?

What do you guys think?  As always if you have any fun ideas please leave them in the  comments because I am always looking for new and fun things to do with my nails!

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