Mark Twain-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The Week

For this weeks quote I decided to do something that was funny because everyone always needs a good laugh.  Anyway this weeks quote is by Mark Twain.

Mark Twain

When I saw this quote I knew I wanted to use it because it made me smile.  The first thing I thought of was politicians and how they are always distorting the truth to fit whatever they are trying to convince people of at that time.

What do you think?

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The Ultimate Party on G+ #theultimateparty

This month I am a co-host for The Ultimate Party on Google+!

Every week Tammy from The Ultimate Linky, Tammy from My Life Abundant, Elizabeth from Positive Kismet, and Kim from KidPep are the hosts of this party; and this month the three cohosts for the party are Amanda from Old House to New House who is a permanent co-host, Tara from Anything and Everything, and Margaret from The World as I See It.

Please click on the links below and follow (circle) your hosts and co-hosts on G+:

I was so excited when I saw they still needed hosts for July because this has been a great way to gain new followers on G+ and it also brings so much traffic to my site every week.  It also is a great way to find new blogs to read.

Here are some reasons why doing a G+ party on Friday is The Ultimate Party:

  1. Posting on G+ helps with SEO optimization.
  2. Posting on G+ helps your posts get ranked higher in Google’s search engine.
  3. Friday is supposed to be the best time for interaction on G+, specifically between 11a.m. – 2 p.m. and 7 – 10 p.m. The linky will remain open until 8 p.m. Please link up as early as possible so that you get the most interaction on your posts.
  4. To help you gain more followers on G+.
  5. To interact with and to get to know other bloggers. For most parties you follow people but never interact. Here you get to see who has the same interests/niche as you do!
  6. BECAUSE IT’S FUN!! Why do a party if it isn’t going to be fun?

The Ultimate Party on G+

Here is a little extra information for this party:

  1. You can follow our G+ page (The Ultimate Party) if you want to see our updates. We also send out an event invitation to everyone who follows the page. So please follow it to get a reminder.
  2. If you wish, you can follow our Pinterest board called The Ultimate Party where all of your hosts can pin your great posts.
  3. Optional: You can include your pin URL that coincides with your post on G+ so that others can pin it if they want to do so. If you repin the pin, please try to remember to include the hashtag #theultimateparty in the pin description.
  4. We would love it if you grabbed our button!
The Ultimate Linky

If you would like to be considered to be a co-host, please contact Tammy from The Ultimate Linky HERE or let us know on The Ultimate Party Google+ page.

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The Revealing by Suzanne Woods Fisher

Book Review Graphic

The Revealing by Suzanne Woods Fisher wasn’t the book for me.  I have read the other two books in the series and for some reason this book just didn’t work for me and I am not sure why.  I feel bad for Naomi throughout the book though. I remember towards the end of the 2nd book that I wasn’t super impressed but I had one hard time getting through and finishing this book.  I was glad to get to see the characters again and find out what was going on with them.   I love Amish fiction but this just wasn’t the book for me.  I would still recommend them though because I didn’t really enjoy the first book & most of the 2nd book.

The Revealing

About The Book

Naomi King, soft spoken, loyal, and easily overlooked, has a gift. She sees what others can’t see. Intuition, she calls it. Others in Stoney Ridge don’t know what to make of it and dismiss her hunches and inklings altogether.

When a young woman arrives at the Inn at Eagle Hill with a shocking secret about Tobe Schrock, Naomi fears the worst. She can’t ignore the feeling that something sinister is at work— something more than a threat to the tenuous love begun between her and Tobe.

As signs mount, they begin to point to Jake Hertzler, the elusive mastermind behind Schrock Investments’ downfall. Soon, events spiral hopelessly out of control and Naomi must decide whether to listen to her head or her heart.

In this riveting conclusion to The Inn at Eagle Hill series, bestselling author Suzanne Woods Fisher pulls out all the stops with a fast-paced tale of deception, revelation, and just the right dose of romance.

Suzanne Woods FisherAbout The Author

Suzanne Woods Fisher is the bestselling author of the Inn at Eagle Hill series, Lancaster County Secrets series, and the Stoney Ridge Seasons series, as well as nonfiction books about the Amish, including Amish Peace. She is also the coauthor of a new Amish children’s series, The Adventures of Lily Lapp. Her interest in the Anabaptist cultures can be directly traced to her grandfather, who was raised in the Old Order German Baptist Brethren Church in Franklin County, Pennsylvania. Suzanne is a Carol Award winner and a Christy Award finalist. She is a columnist for Christian Post and Cooking & Such magazines. She lives in California.

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Do You Unplug?


This post is a day early because I have a book review that has to posted tomorrow and I still wanted to write for the workshop this week because I loved the prompt I chose.

This week for the writer’s workshop I am going to write about number 3 which is: Do you “unplug” during the summer months? Why or why not?  I chose this one because I found it the most interesting.

As I sat and thought about if I have ever unplugged during the summer since I have blogged I realized that I have but it has always just kind of happened.  I have never planned to take a break during the summer months but I always seem to get super busy and blogging just falls to the side.

I have noticed that I do really well blogging up until my daughter’s birthday and after the beginning of July I fall off and I think it has to do with getting depressed and just not wanting to take the time and blog.  I haven’t done that this year but I do find that I am putting blogging off until the last possible minute which is something that I don’t usually do.  I tend to wait till the last-minute with book reviews because I have to finish the books but on posts like this I try to have them done a week in advance because they are easy to write & schedule.

On the years that I have taken a break during the summer I usually start blogging around September or October so I take the summer off and even longer some year’s.  I am sure if I had kids I would be taking the summers off because there are so many other things that I would want to do during the summer with the kids and blogging would be put on hold until they went back to school.  I am not sure how mommy bloggers can keep up blogging and taking care of their kids.  I am pretty sure that isn’t something I would be able to keep up with.

Do you unplug during the summer?

If you want to join in this week here are the rest of the prompts:

1.) A new friend.
2.) Book review!
3.) Do you “unplug” during the summer months? Why or why not?
4.) Something you got to do when you were young that you would not let your children do.
5.) List your top 12 solutions for bored children.

Mama’s Losin’ It

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10 Things I Don’t Understand

10 Things I Don't Know

This is just a random post that has been floating around in my drafts folder for awhile that I am going to finally take the time to finish and post.  The topic for this post is 10 things I don’t know and/or understand about the world we are living in today.

1-Why time goes so much faster now that I am an adult.  I can remember when I was growing up how slow time seemed to go and now that I am an adult I can’t believe how fast time goes and I am having a heck of time knowing that it is already July.

2-Where in the world all the stupid people came from.  Maybe this is just because I seem to deal with tons of them daily but it seems like they are reproducing faster than ever before.

3-Why people have to be so rude to the receptionist when they are pissed off at someone else.  I get bitched at on a regular basis because one the salesman won’t answer his phone and things like that.  I hate to break it to the world but I don’t control them or what they do because if I did this would be a whole lot different.

4-Why people still insist on messing with their phones while they are driving on the freeway or driving at all.  I used to be one of the people who messed with their phones but I realized just how dangerous it can be and stopped using my phone while I am driving.  In fact my family knows that if I have left work for the night that it won’t do them any good to call me because my phone is in my purse where it will stay until I get home.

5-I don’t get why people think everyone needs to be just like someone else.  We are all different for a reason.  The world would be boring if we were all the same.

6-Where all the common sense went in the world.  I see people do things or listen to people talk and I have to wonder where their common sense went.

7-I don’t understand why there needs to be so many commercials for things like Viagra & Cialis when I am trying to watch TV.  Nobody want to see them but I do have to say I loving listening when they read off the side effects lol

8-I don’t get people refuse to use their blinkers when they want to change lanes and/or move over.  I mean every car has them and they make driving so much easier and traffic flow better.  I also don’t understand why some people refuse to let you over even when you have your blinker on.

9-I don’t understand why some people feel the need to yell into their cell phone like the other person is deaf.  Most people can hear you just fine so you really don’t need to yell all the time.

10-I won’t ever understand why people feel the need to be mean to other people when they are on the internet because we all know if they were face to face with the person they are talking about they wouldn’t have the guts to say anything to them.

Those are the top 10 things that I don’t know or understand about the world we live in today.  Do you agree with me or do you have your own thoughts.  Please let me know what you think in the comments below.

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