Forever Amish by Kate Lloyd

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Forever Amish by Kate Lloyd was another great Amish fiction book.  I have really been getting into Amish fiction books and this one didn’t let me down.  I loved the twists that this book took and it defiantly took me on a ride because I didn’t see some of things that happened happening that is for sure.  I loved Sally & Lizzie because they seemed like they could be real people.  I was happy with the ending because I had hoped throughout the whole book that it would end like it did.  If you love Amish fiction than this is definitely a must read!

Forever Amish

About The Book

The latest book in the Legacy of Lancaster trilogy, Forever Amishintroduces us to a young woman about to uncover a shocking secret and find an invitation to a new way of living. This is a story of forgiveness, legacies, and the ties that bind through generations.

It’s the Last Thing She Expects to Find

Sally Bingham needs some time away to sort through the changes in her life and to rethink her upcoming marriage. Despite her ailing father’s hesitations, she takes off for a bed and breakfast in Lancaster County for a weekend away. But her best-laid plans leave her in a near collision with a bishop’s buggy and in the home of a mysterious Amish woman named Lizzie. Lizzie introduces her to a different perspective on life, a charming farmhand named Armin— and opens a Pandora’s box that will forever change Sally’s life.

Kate Lloyd

About The Author

Author Kate Lloyd is a passionate observer of human relationships. A native of Baltimore, Kate spends time with family and friends in Lancaster County, PA, the inspiration for her novels. She is a member of the Lancaster County Mennonite Historical Society. Kate and her husband live in the Pacific Northwest. Kate studied painting and sculpture in college. She’s worked a variety of jobs, including car salesman and restaurateur.

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Runaway by SM Knowles writing as Aubrey Kendall

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Runaway by SM Knowles writing as Aubrey Kendall was a book I don’t usually get interested in by I did enjoy it for the most part.  I felt back for Courtney and I understand the choices that she made and why she made them but I don’t think I could even do what she did.  The story was a good story but there were parts that didn’t flow as well as other parts of the story.  Now that being said I really did enjoy this book and I was glad I got the chance to read it because like I said if I hadn’t been sent this book I don’t know that I would have read it on my own.


About The Book

At seventeen years old, Courtney Apuzzo is fed up. With a dead mom and an alcoholic father that beats her every chance he gets, Courtney decides that enough is enough. Packing up only what she needs, Courtney leaves home without telling a soul and heads off to find her new life.
Life on her own is not exactly as she thought it would be. With nowhere to stay, Courtney finds herself sleeping on an old stoop in an abandoned apartment alleyway. A chance meeting with a new group of friends seems like a great beginning to her second chance at a real life. But everything is not as it seems.
Tricked into a life she never wanted and fears, Courtney needs to run away, again. She needs to find a way out of this new and dangerous life. With the help from a man she barely knows, will Courtney find her way out? Or will she find herself on the run from a dangerous past, and a hopeless future? Faced with a choice that will change her life forever.

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A Moment In Time by Tracie Peterson

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A Moment in Time by Tracie Peterson was another great book.  I don’t know that I have ever read a book by her that I haven’t loved.  This is the second book in the Lone Star Brides series and I was so glad to be able to stay caught up with the characters I came to love from the first book called “A Sensible Arrangement”.  Now on to this book In this book you get to know more about Alice and things that happened to her and how she feels about everything.  The only thing I didn’t really enjoy about this book was the ending because I felt it was kind of abrupt but I am hoping they will fill in some parts in the third book in this series.  If you love historical fiction and/or Tracie Peterson that I know you will love this book.

A Moment In Time

About The Book

Alice Chesterfield is a woman pursued. Having survived an attack that left her scarred and her father dead, she is never free from the fear and memories of the man who is responsible.

Texas seems to be an answer to Alice’s prayers, and when she has the opportunity to relocate to a ranch near Dallas, Robert Barnett captures her attention. Unlike any man Alice has ever known, Robert doesn’t worry about the obstacles that stand in their way–and he hardly seems to notice the scar she bears.

But there are storm clouds gathering; devastating information about her family comes to light, threatening Alice’s peaceful sanctuary. Disillusioned, Alice must learn to place her trust in God as she seeks a measure of peace for her future…and for her heart.

Tracie Peterson

About The Author

Tracie Peterson is a bestselling author who writes in both historical and contemporary genres. Her novels reveal her love for research as well as her strong desire to develop emotionally meaningful characters and stories for her readers. Tracie and her family live in Montana.

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Harte’s Peak by Maria Michaels


Title: Harte’s Peak

Author: Maria Michaels

Release Date: June 20, 2014

Genre: Inspirational romance

Hosted By: Book Promotions by Literary Nook


Vera Carrington loves her newly renovated home and her cafe, The Bean, but with a balloon mortgage looming over head and a man from her past ready to bounce on her misfortune, she may have to face the agonizing decision of keeping one and selling the other.

Deputy Sheriff, Ryan Colton, is a new man in Christ. His days as a flamboyant pro-circuit skier are behind him, but to help Vera keep her home and her business, he agrees to coach her for an upcoming open ski tournament. He even agrees to hand over the purse if he should win.

Can Vera beat the odds and win the tournament? Will Ryan save the day, or will they both learn to trust God, no matter the outcome?


Harte’s Peak by Maria Michaels was such a fun book to read.  From the first page right up until the last page I didn’t want to put this book down.  I loved the characters in this book in fact I loved everything about this book & the authors writing.  I also loved that they brought the story back to go throughout and made me realize that anything is possible if you trust in God.


Vera served dinner at the counter, and they ate on the kitchen stools. No need to get fancy with Ryan. This wasn’t a date, and she wanted to make that clear.

Men like Ryan, church-going men, were to be her friends and nothing more. Even if those brown eyes, that devastating smile, and his athletic form reminded her that once she’d thought him a very attractive man.

A little too handsome maybe. She’d quickly placed him in the compete-with mirror-time category, but tonight it seemed she might have been wrong all along.

“This is delicious,” Ryan said.

He must have meant it because he cleaned his plate. She’d forgotten how satisfying it was to cook a meal for someone who appreciated it. “Thanks.”

“Maybe you should open that restaurant.” Ryan rose and took his plate to the sink.

In the sudden, gaping silence, Ryan seemed to regret his words. “I’m sorry. I know times are hard for everyone. Every business owner in town is struggling.”

Vera winced. She could ski with the wind and cook like a chef. “I don’t need your pity. The café is doing great.”

“That’s kind of what I thought. So tell me, why this urgency to get your hands on the top prize of twenty-five thousand dollars?”



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Author Bio

MB_035 (1)

When her dreams of achieving Rock and Roll Hall of Fame status were dashed, Maria Michaels tackled her first book in 2010, and now the people and voices that occupy her head refuse to leave.

She no longer sings unless you count randomly bursting into song to annoy her children (and the dogs).

Maria lives in northern California with her family, including two beagles, one who can say ‘hello’ and the other who can feel a pea through several pillows.


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Multiple Sclerosis Tuesday-My Current Thoughts & An Update


I thought I would so another Multiple Sclerosis Tuesday post this week.  Instead of talking about anything in particular I would just write down some thoughts I have been having about MS and a little update on what is going on with me right now.

Lately I have hated the fact that diseases like MS even exist.  I have gotten to know so many people that have auto-immune diseases and it just piss’s me off to know that god lets people suffer like we do.  That being said I know it is in his plan for all of us and that he gave us these things because he knows we can handle them.  I know that it is true but I often wonder if at times we aren’t given more than we can handle anyway that isn’t the point of this post.

I also have been wishing that people would stop judging those of us who have MS and think we are lazy because we can’t really do much.  Now that being said I for the most part can keep up with anyone and if I don’t tell you I have MS right now you can’t tell.  Even my own family thinks I am lazy because when I get home from work all I want to do it take my bath and go to bed.  People don’t take the time to ask or even realize how much energy it takes for me to just make it through my work day.

As for an update on me nothing much has changed since my last update.  I am back to getting my headaches almost every day again but I thinking that is just a part of the MS for me.  Also my Psoriasis is back with a vengeance which totally sucks.  It isn’t really the fact that it itch it find I am more embarrassed but it than anything else.  I mean it does hurt if I find myself scratching it but other than that I can ignore it.  I am glad that I wear a jacket all the time at work because it just makes me feel self conscious about myself.

That is all for this post.  If there is anything at MS that you would like to know more about please let me know in the comments below and I will make sure I get it written for you.

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A Natives Tongue by Michael D. Dennis Excerpt

native book cover

About The Book

In Michael D. Dennis’s touching new novel, A Native’s Tongue, a young man, torn between two women, struggles to find his way in the world.

As I walked out under the Los Angeles sky, the possibility of becoming something more than a short order cook, living in the valley, and resenting my dysfunctional family occurred to me…

Charlie Winters has never been an overachiever. He is used to just getting by while living with his single mother and working a dead-end job at a cheesesteak stand. Meanwhile, he’s constantly grappling with the voice of his sister, who died in a tragic car accident years earlier, echoing in his head.

So when Violet, an older woman, sets her sights on Charlie and refuses to let go, he follows along. He soon finds himself immersed in a destructive relationship that still fails to fill the void within him.

But then he meets Jennifer, a mystical young woman whose energy and life convinces Charlie to pursue her, even through the darkest corners of Los Angeles, and sets their lives upon a path that can’t be stopped.

Escaping to the California coast, Charlie and Jennifer finally find what they’ve always needed. But a sudden illness quickly pulls them both back to LA. It is there, amid the sex, drugs, and split-second decisions that pulse through the city, that tragedy strikes—threatening to tear Charlie and Jennifer apart forever.

Love and tragedy collide in Michael D. Dennis’s poignant new novel, A Native’s Tongue.


About The Author

Michael D. Dennis is an author and playwright who earned a degree in English literature from Loyola Marymount University. Winner of a LMU Playwriting Award for his play Death of a Watchdog, Michael also had his play, Hen in the Field, produced at the Whitefire Theatre in 2012. His highly anticipated debut novel, A Native’s Tongue, will be released in June 2014. Michael currently lives in Santa Monica, California with his girlfriend and two dogs, Jack and Aurora. To learn more, go to or connect with Michael on Facebook ( and Twitter (

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