Destiny Defied by J.A. Mark

Book ReviewDestiny Defied by J.A. Mark was an okay book to read.  I had high hopes for this book because from reading the back of the book it sounded like something that was right up my alley.  I did enjoy the characters and the setting of the book but that is about all I liked about this book.  I found that I got lost and confused trying to keep up with who was speaking.  Parts of the book also didn’t flow as well as others.  Like I said I usually love these types of books but that just wasn’t the book for me.  I would still recommend it because I know others will love this book it just wasn’t right for me.

Destiny DefiedAbout The Book

Destiny Defied | Book One in The Destiny series.

A dramatic shipwreck emancipates Riki Hammad, but the island where she finds refuge is compromised. Unless she finds a power truly great enough to defeat her dark past, she will choose death over returning to captivity. Lord Vétis, high priest of a cultic underground, will stop at nothing to reclaim their chosen one. Using black magic, he manipulates Riki and her four self-assigned bodyguards, triggering a battle that consumes the entire island. The underground will never allow Riki to live out her dreams of a normal life . . . something she has never known.

J.A. MarxAbout The Author

J.A. loves writing embattled spirit novels — adventure and suspense with supernatural undertones. On the side, she dabbles in non-fiction articles and e-zine editing. J.A. owes many thanks Jerry Jenkins and the Christian Writer’s Guild for their support and education.
Find J.A. online: website, Facebook,Twitter

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Writers Workshop-Show and Tell

Show & Tell

This week for the writers workshop I am going to write about number 1 which is something I brought for show and tell.  When I saw this prompt I was pissed that I still don’t have the thing I brought to school a few times.  I had kept if for years and years and a few years ago I figured it was time to let them finally go.

I guess I should tell you all what I brought.  If you are squeamish you might want to just skip to the end because I am sure this will gross out some people.  I got my tonsils out the summer before I started the 2nd grade and the doctor let me keep them so I would always bring them because it would gross people out.  I always thought it was so cool to have them and be able to show other people.  I am not one that gets easily grossed out so I thought it was funny when other people did get grossed out.

I also brought my cat a few times as well.  I wasn’t ever a huge fan of show and tell because I hated getting up in front of the class and having to talk to everyone.  To this day I still hate public speaking and getting up in front of people but that is a topic for another post one day.

What is one thing you remember bringing to school for show and tell?

This weeks prompts:

1. Something you brought for show and tell.
2. November 3rd is National Housewife’s Day…how did you celebrate?
3. The meaning of your name…does it suit you?
4. Tell us about something new you learned last month.
5. Share a list of some of your most recent favorite things.
6. What was your favorite song when you were 16 years old…is it still a favorite?

After you write your post make sure you click here so you can link up.

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5-Hour Energy Yummification Contest Winners

I am not a huge fan of energy drinks but I do like to drink 5-Hour Energy drinks on days where I don’t have the energy to get through my day.  5-Hour Energy recently had a contest where they asked their fans to film a video of what they mix their 5-Hour Energy shots with.  The winners were recently announced and I wanted to share the winning combinations with you because they sound amazing and I am going to have to try them.

First Place ($50,000 prize): “Pomelimelade” by Tim Merlau, Los Angeles, CA

o   This winning submission mixes a Pomegranate 5-hour ENERGY® shot with limeade, and then takes us on a musical journey through all that can be accomplished over several hours (spoiler alert:  it’s a lot).

o   “Pomelimelade”

§  1 glass Limeade

§  1 shot of Pomegranate 5-hour ENERGY®


 Second Place ($30,000 prize): “Ramalamadingdong” by Mark Golembeski, Los Angeles, CA

o   The second place video helps us turn that 2:30 feeling frown upside down by mixing a 5-hour ENERGY® shot with lemonade.  This video has it all: a clown, a puppy, a guy in a tutu, and much more.

o   “Ramalamadingdong”

§  1 glass Lemonade

§  1 shot of Berry 5-hour ENERGY®

Third Place ($10,000 prize): “Arnold Power” by Zac Sheorn, Lugoff, SC

o   The third place winner reminds us that you don’t have to be good at sports, but mixing a Pink Lemonade 5-hour ENERGY® shot with decaffeinated iced tea helps keep you refreshed while practicing.  And practicing.

o   “Arnold Power”

§  1 glass Decaf Iced Tea

§  1 shot of Pink Lemonade 5-hour ENERGY®

I have to say that the one I am most excited to try is Ramalamadingdong.  It seems like the one that I would enjoy the most out of the 3 of them.  If you want to check out the video’s you can click right here to watch them.  If you love energy shots and/or drinks that make sure you try these and let me know what you think of them!

This is a sponsored post written on behalf of Coyne PR & 5-hour Energy.  The opinions expressed in this review at 100% mine.
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Our Little Secrets by Merry Farmer

Book ReviewOur Little Secrets by Merry Farmer was a fun book to read.  If you have been here for awhile you know that I have done tons of reviews for historical fiction lately and I have to say that this one stood out from the crowd for me.  Books can tend to blend together when you read as many as I do so to find one book that stands out from the coward it a good thing for me.  To be honest I am not sure what it is about this book that I loved so much but I can’t find any one thing that I loved more than the rest.  From the first chapter right on through the end I had to keep reading because I had to know what happens with the characters.  If you love historical fiction than I would for sure check this one out because I think this is one that shouldn’t be missed.

OurLittleSecrets-coverAbout The Book

Genre classification:†Western Historical Romance
Michael West swore he would never fall in love again. So when the beautiful and wily Charlotte steps off the train looking for a new life he jumps at the business opportunity she presents. Engaged forty-five minutes after meeting, married the next day, Michael thinks he’s found everything a respectable man should have. Except that Michael is as far from respectable as they come. They agreed not to ask questions about each other’s pasts, but when the past seeps into their present Michael suspects his passionate new wife is not who she says she is. Too bad he’s already fallen in love with her.

Charlotte Baldwin has a secret. She fled Philadelphia to escape the sins of her past but someone is following her. What better way to hide than by marrying Michael West, Cold Springs, Montana’s enigmatic shopkeeper? A new name, a new life, and a passionate husband is exactly what she needs to leave her sins behind. But when it comes to keeping secrets Charlotte may have met her match in Michael. When a connection neither of them expects catches up with them, the shocking revelation means Charlotte may have run right into the arms of her enemy.

No sin stays a secret forever….

Merry Farmer HeadshotAbout The Author

Merry Farmer lives in suburban Philadelphia with her two cats, Butterfly and Torpedo. She has been writing since she was ten years old and realized one day that she didn’t have to wait for the teacher to assign a creative writing project to write something. It was the best day of her life. She then went on to earn not one but two degrees in History so that she would always have something to write about. Today she walks along the cutting edge of Indie Publishing, writing Historical Romance and Sci-Fi. She is also passionate about blogging, knitting, and cricket and is working towards becoming an internationally certified cricket scorer.

Find Merry Farmer on her website, Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon Author Page.

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Vince Lombardi-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The WeekThis weeks quote is by Vince Lombardi.

Vince Lombardi

I agree with this quote.  It says a lot about a person when you see what they do with what they have.  You see rich people at times not wanting to help others but then you see people who have nothing or next to nothing always giving away the little bit that they do have because they see people who need it more than they feel they do.  Those are just my thoughts on it all.

What do you think of this weeks quote by Vince Lombardi?

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Quilts of Love | Quilted By Christmas – Kindle Giveaway & “Merry Quilted” Facebook Party!

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Don’t miss the newest Quilts of Love book, Quilted by Christmas by Jodie Bailey. October’s QOL release is a warm Christmas tale of God’s steadfast love.

Enter to win a Kindle HDX, and RSVP for the “Merry Quilted” Quilts of Love Facebook party on December 9th.

One winner will receive:
  • A Kindle Fire
  • Two copies of Quilted by Christmas by Jodie Bailey (One for you and one to give away as a gift!)
  • Hidden in the Stars by Robin Caroll
  • Swept Away by Laura V. Hilton and Cindy Loven

Enter today by clicking the button below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on November 16th. Winner will be announced November 17th at the Quilts of Love blog.

Wait! There’s more! RSVP for the “Merry Quilted” Quilts of Love Christmas Book Chat Party on December 9th and connect with some of the Quilts of Love authors. Jodie Bailey, Laura V. Hilton, Cindy Loven, Cathy Elliott, and Gina Welborn will be hosting a “merry” evening of book chat, Christmas traditions, prizes, and more!



RSVP today and spread the word—tell your friends about the giveaway via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on December 9th!

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