Quilts of Love | Swept Away – Kindle Giveaway & “Merry Quilted” Facebook Party!

Don’t miss the newest Quilts of Love book, Swept Away by Laura V. Hilton and Cindy Loven. November’s QOL release is a spark of romance and fun just in time for the holidays.

Enter to win a Kindle HDX, and RSVP for the “Merry Quilted” Quilts of Love Facebook party on December 9th. 


One winner will receive:

  • A Kindle Fire
  • Swept Away by Laura V. Hilton and Cindy Loven
  • Hidden in the Stars by Robin Caroll
  • Quilted by Christmas by Jodie Bailey

Enter today by clicking the button below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on December 9th. Winner will be announced during the “Merry Quilted” Christmas Facebook party on December 9th. RSVP today and connect with some of the Quilts of Love authors (Jodie Bailey, Laura V. Hilton, Cindy Loven, Cathy Elliott, and Gina Welborn) for a “merry” evening of book chat, Christmas traditions, prizes, and more!




RSVP today and spread the word—tell your friends about the giveaway via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on December 9th!

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The Big 30!

Torn Asunder by Alana Terry

Free Ebook Giveaway From Alana Terry

Torn Asunder is the upcoming release from award-winning Christian suspense novelist Alana Terry. You can pre-order Torn Asunder on amazon now for only 99 cents and have it delivered right to you when it’s released in December. As an added bonus, Alana, along with recording artist Cherie Norquay, is offering free downloads of one of the songs featured in Torn Asunder.

Synopsis: After graduating from the Secret Seminary, Hannah and Simon are ready to return to their homeland. Their training has equipped them to carry the gospel to a country ravaged by darkness and despair. If necessary, they’re even prepared to face the North Korean labor camps, but the hardest part of their mission isn’t the hunger, cold, and incessant danger. The hardest part is cutting off contact with one another.

In this world of spies, secret police, and informants, staying together might not just compromise their ministry. It could cost them both their lives.

A Christian romantic suspense from the author of The Beloved Daughter, which won awards from Women of Faith, Grace Awards, Readers’ Favorite, The Book Club Network, and more.

Pre-order Torn Asunder for only 99 cents or enter the giveaway below! You can also sign up to get a free mp3 song download from Cherie Norquay, whose work is put out by Grammy-award-winning producer, Phil Naish, and whose lyrics helped inspire certain scenes in Torn Asunder. Click below or get her free song downloads here. (Several of her song lyrics also appear in the novel itself.)

You can also sign up below to help spread the word about Alana’s fundraiser to help rescue North Korean refugees on a modern-day underground railroad.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Oprah Winfrey-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The WeekThis weeks quote is by Oprah Winfrey.

Oprah Winfrey

I loved this quote when I saw it because it is so true.  If you are always looking at what you don’t have you will never be able to see what you do have.  I have started to try and focus on the things I do have because when I focus on what I don’t have I found that I was more negative and I don’t want to be like that.

What do you think of this weeks quote  by Oprah Winfrey?

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I love to get free products and if you are anything like me than I know you love them as well.  I have belonged to a great site for years now and I wanted to write a post about it because I want you to know about them as well.  The site I am talking about is Influenster.  Once you sign up you complete task and earn badges.  If they have an upcoming VoxBox that they feel will interest you then they will send you the box for free.  Once you get a free box they ask that you complete tasks such as writing a blog post and posting about the products on all your social media accounts.

I have received a few boxes from them and I can’t wait until I receive more products from them.  I love subscription services but this one has to be my favorite because the products you receive are 100% free and free items are always better than items you have to pay for.  If you want to check out the kind of items I have received in the past you can click here.  Also if you would like to sign up you can click here and sign up!

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2014 Margaret Margaret