Rachel Hauck Fires Up the Romance with “A Brush with Love” Kindle Giveaway!

Rachel Hauck A Brush with Love
“Fire” up the romance in the new year with Rachel Hauck‘s newest book, A Brush with Love, by entering her Kindle Fire giveaway! And be sure to catch a sneak peek of the soon-to-be-released How to Catch a Prince!


One grand prize winner will receive:

  • A Kindle Fire
  • A Brush with Love by Rachel Hauck

Enter today by clicking the icon below. But hurry, the giveaway only runs for a week, 12/30 – 1/5. Winner will be announced January 6th on Rachel’s blog.



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Melody Beattie-Quote Of The Week



I am not sure where I saw this topic but since it is the week of Christmas I thought it was a great time to write this post and get it posted.  The topic is: List the top 9 things that bring you joy.  So lets get on to the list.

  1. The first thing that came to mind was my nephew Brycen.  We watch him on the weekends and he always makes me smile.
  2. My cats are the next things that bring me joy.  You never know what cats are going to do so it is always a good time watching them.  It is fun that Brycen now tries to play with them and if he didn’t scream when he gets excited I think they would play even more together.
  3. My grandma always brings me joy because she is always saying or doing things that make me laugh.
  4. Books.  Do I really need to explain this one???
  5. Blogging brings me joy because it always me to share books and other things that I love.  It is also my way of connecting with the outside world.
  6. The fact that I have a job makes me happy-Not because I love my job but because I am lucky to have one in today’s society.
  7. The few friends I do have make me happy because they always make me smile and they aren’t high maintenance like other friends I have had.
  8. The great winter weather we have had so far.  Now I know we will be hurting next summer for water since we have hardly had any snow but I don’t miss having to drive in it during rush hour.
  9. That this year is almost over and a new year will start next week.

So those are 9 things that bring me joy.  What is bringing you joy this year?

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Freya Stark-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The Week

This weeks quote is by Freya Stark.

Freya Stark

I loved this quote because it is another way to look at Christmas which good for me because this time of year is always a hard time for me.  I am hoping that I can get up the courage to write a post about why this time of year is hard by this time next year but until then I am just going to leave it alone.

What do you think of this weeks quote by Freya Stark?

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