Month: August 2010

Day 15-Something or Someone You couldn’t live without & Random Dozen

There are a few things I couldn’t live without.

First off I have to say my girls Elinore and Sylvia.  Even though they can be the biggest pain in my ass most days.

There is Misti because she is more like family than my own family.  We have are moments but all sisters do!

I also couldn’t live with out my Macbook and my Blackberry!

1. What is your favorite fair/carnival food?
I love the Indian Fry Bread!  I shouldn’t eat it but I could eat it all day long while I am at the fair.
2. Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?
People-I need to just forget about them and move on that is for sure but for me it is a hard thing to do.
3. What is your favorite gift to receive?
Something from the heart!  I don’t care what it is as long as it is from the heart.
4. When was the last time you tried something new?
It has been awhile because I don’t like change.
5. What is your favorite and least favorite book genre?
Right now I am really into mystery books.
6.Silver or Gold?
7. What makes you sigh?
Stupid people
8. If you didn’t know how old you are, how old would you claim you are?
9. Would you break a law to save a loved one? To protect a loved one?
Nope If you did the crime you can do the time!  I couldn’t bring myself to do something dumb and against the law just to save someone.
10. If you had to teach something, what would it be?
 Something about Facebook or Blogging!
11. You’re having lunch with 3 people whom you respect and admire. They begin to criticize a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend. What do you do?
Stick up for the person!  I always stick up for my friends even if it makes me the odd man out.
12. Which of the 5 Love Languages is your prominent means of experiencing love?
Quality Time
Physical Touch
Acts of Service
Words of Affirmation

Day 14- A Letter To A Hero That Let Me Down

Today’s topic is easy in one sense and in another sense it is hard.  I could very easily write a letter to my mom who could have been my hero but why?  She wasn’t around and now that she could be around she still doesn’t want to be around.  Other than that there really isn’t anyone who has let me down.  I don’t have hero’s because people are human and they can let you down.  Now I have people I care about and look up to so I guess you could maybe say they are hero’s.  Then it goes back to the fact that all people will let you down and I don’t like to set myself up to get hurts.  So in the end I am going with I don’t have any hero’s because I don’t want to get hurt.

Day 13- A Letter To A Band

The first thing that comes to mind on this one is buy Simple Plan called Welcome To My Life.   Here is the video if you haven’t seen or heard it before.

I can’t really write a letter about it but I will tell you why to this day I love this song.  I first heard it when I was pregnant and I really did feel all alone.  I would put this song on repeat and listen to it over and over.  Now Every time I am having a rough time I turn it on and it makes me feel better.  I wish that some people in my life would listen to it and get what it is saying but that is a post for another day.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Saturday 9 & Day 12 Something I Never Get Compliments On

Saturday 9: Superstition

1. What are you superstitious about?
I hate Friday the 13 but other than that I am okay.  I used to work in the medical field and full moons and Friday the 13ths where the worst days to be working because the craziest stuff would always happen those days.  You could pretty much plan on having a weird shift those days.
2. What’s the story behind one of your scars?
Most of my scars happened when I feel off my bike and the other ones I have are from cats beating me up because I love to bug them!
3. What are three things that you would rather be doing right now?
Anything lol
4. What do you do when you’re bored?
Watch Movies
Surf the Web
Read Blogs
Play The Sims 3
5. What’s your favorite thing to do? Why?
I don’t just have one thing that I love to do.  I love a lot of things and they are the same as the list above!
6. What do you do when you’re lonely?
Read blogs or watch TV
7. How do you measure the passing of time in life?
I am not sure-I mostly go on ages
8. What would constitute “the perfectly lived day” for you?
No drama and not feeling sick or not being tired for the MS.
9. If you knew you were going to die in a year, what would you do in your final days?
I would do anything I could do.  I would want to try and experience as much as I could in the year that I had left.
I can’t really think of anything.  I have tried to fly below the radar and so that no one knows who I am.  I have done a good job of this so people haven’t noticed me very much at all.  I know that the people do notice don’t say much about my weight.

Day 11- Something People Compliment Me On The Most & FIve Question Friday

People only seem to notice the clothes I wear.  I am not sure if that is a good thing or not to be honest with everyone.  Some people when I was younger said they loved my hair because it was so thick and nice.  I have always hated my hair though.  Thick hair is a pain in the butt to take care of and it is super hot in the summer time  but people seemed to like it!
It is Friday the 13th and that totally sucks!  I hope I make it all day with out anything major going wrong.  I have my infusion so lets pray that  I get through that without and problems.  I always seem to have problems when I have to go alone.  Grandma might be able to come though if the prison is still locked down this afternoon.  So I am hoping they will be so that I don’t have to go alone!

 1. Have you ever visited another country?
Just Tijuana Mexico if that counts.  Oh wait I have been to Canada too after I graduated and was on a trip with grandma.  We drove through Canada on our way from Michigan to New York to see the Palmyra pageant.
2. Where is the strangest place you have ever been?
Probably Ontario Oregon.  I hate that city more than anything.  There is nothing there and it is such a waste of time.  The only time I have been there is when I was on the truck with my husband and I hope I never have to go back!
3. What is your favorite season?
I don’t have one to be honest.  They all have there good and bad points to them. 
4. What one song will always cheer you up?
Pretty much anything will cheer me up.  I just love to listen to music.  It always makes my days better that is for sure.
5. What Disney character do you resemble most?

I have never thought about this.  Maybe Bell because she has brown hair like me?.?.

Writers Workshop & Day 10 – Someone I Need To Let Go, Or Wish I Didn’t Know

These are the prompts for this weeks Writers Workshop.
1.) Lou Holtz (don’t ask me who that is) once said, “life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it.”
Do you believe this? Describe a time when you feel like you could have responded a different way and produced a different outcome.
2.) I miss the friend you used to be. (The Myth Of You And Me)
3.) The most unbelievable blue eyes you’ve ever seen…
4.) The craziest reason I ever got in trouble as a child.
5.) What would you ask forgiveness for?

I am going to write about #1.

I totally believe this.  How you react to situations is much more of life then what happens.  Like when I had my daughter it is more about what I did when I was pregnant and what I did after I had her then the act of getting pregnant.  Life is all about how you react to situations.  There are many ways I could have reacted when I found out I was pregnant and each way would have lead to a different outcome in the end.  I chose the path that I thought would be easiest for me in the long run.  Everyone reacts differently to situations and they do what they believe is best for them at the time.

Another example would be what happened to a family member of one of the people I work with.  Not to get into the whole story the ended up shooting a guy and leaving him paralyzed from the waist down I believe.  Now if he had just called the cops he wouldn’t be in jail waiting to get sentenced to go to prison.  Now a side note to that is I don’t think the guy should be going to prison but that is a whole other issue.  It is always about how you react to situations and not the original situation.  You can make your life however you want it to be!
Today’s topic is easy.  The person I need to let go of is Pear!  Some of you are wondering who Pear is and I am not going to say because that is part of my life I don’t post on this blog.  If you are really interested leave a comment and I will explain in an e-mail.  As for the husband well I wish I didn’t know him at all.  He has really made me go back to the whole not trusting men and thinking they are all a waste of skin and a big waste of my time!