Month: August 2010

Day 4- Something I Need To Forgive Someone For & Writers Work Shop

Today’s topic is easy for me.  I need to forgive my parents for leaving me at my parents when I was 8 years old.  I know I was better off where I was at but there at still days that it hurts and sucks.  I feel like I missed out on a lot of moments that children usually have with their parents.  I think what makes it harder for me to forgive my mom is that fact that she doesn’t even seem to care.  Hell I took the time to find and contact her and now she acts like she could careless.  At least my dad is trying.  I am not totally comfortable with it yet but I am working on it and he understands that and is willing to let things go at my pace.  So I am working on forgiving him but I truly think I am just going to write my mom off and try to forget about her because she doesn’t seem to care at all about me so why should I let it hurt me anymore. 

Now for the writers workshop.  This week I chose # 1 which is : If I could do it over again…  If I could do anything over again I wouldn’t get married.  It has been nothing but a waste of time and huge waste of my money.  I can honestly say that it is the worst mistake I have made thus far in my life.  I would be so much father with my goals if I had just stayed single and not wasted time on him.  He has done nothing but make my life hell the entire 4 years we have been together.  So that would have to be the thing I would do over again.

Here is a twitter party that I am going to take part in on Friday.  It for those of us that aren’t attending BlogHer.  It is being thrown by One Cluttered Brain!  Everyone should come and join us!  It should be a great time and there will even be giveaways!

Day 3-Something I Have To Forgive Myself For

There are a lot of things that I need to forgive myself for.  I am super hard on myself and get mad when I mess up and/or let someone else down.  I have the hardest time saying no to people because I feel like that is letting them down. I really just need to realize that I am human people that really care about me will still be around even if I tell them no I can’t do something because I am too sick or whatever the reason maybe.  I also need to forgive myself because I am not perfect and I do mess up.  Like for example when I got pregnant.  Everyone makes mistakes and I know that but I still beat myself up because of everyone I let down and how it totally changed where I was going in life.  I still haven’t forgiven myself for that. Now don’t get me wrong I don’t regret that she is here and with her family but I regret letting everyone down because of it all.

That is all I can think of to write!  I hope everyone is having a great day!

Day 1- Something I Hate About Myself

Image from Google.

Today is the first day of the 30 days of truth and lets just say I am not excited about today’s topic.  I could go on for days and days about things I hate about myself.  I guess the main things that I hate about myself are my weight and being sick all the time.  I know I can change the whole weight issue but I am trying and it doesn’t seem to get any better.  I know I am not the most dedicated person when it comes to trying to lose the weight but the MS also plays a huge role in me not losing it.  Which is why I hate being sick.  I wish I could make the MS go away and be a normal 25 year old that isn’t worried about what tomorrow is going to be like.