Saturday 9: Superstition
1. What are you superstitious about?
I hate Friday the 13 but other than that I am okay. I used to work in the medical field and full moons and Friday the 13ths where the worst days to be working because the craziest stuff would always happen those days. You could pretty much plan on having a weird shift those days.
2. What’s the story behind one of your scars?
Most of my scars happened when I feel off my bike and the other ones I have are from cats beating me up because I love to bug them!
3. What are three things that you would rather be doing right now?
Anything lol
4. What do you do when you’re bored?
Watch Movies
Surf the Web
Read Blogs
Play The Sims 3
5. What’s your favorite thing to do? Why?
I don’t just have one thing that I love to do. I love a lot of things and they are the same as the list above!
6. What do you do when you’re lonely?
Read blogs or watch TV
7. How do you measure the passing of time in life?
I am not sure-I mostly go on ages
8. What would constitute “the perfectly lived day” for you?
No drama and not feeling sick or not being tired for the MS.
9. If you knew you were going to die in a year, what would you do in your final days?
I would do anything I could do. I would want to try and experience as much as I could in the year that I had left.
I can’t really think of anything. I have tried to fly below the radar and so that no one knows who I am. I have done a good job of this so people haven’t noticed me very much at all. I know that the people do notice don’t say much about my weight.
Day 11- Something People Compliment Me On The Most & FIve Question Friday

I have never thought about this. Maybe Bell because she has brown hair like me?.?.
Writers Workshop & Day 10 – Someone I Need To Let Go, Or Wish I Didn’t Know
These are the prompts for this weeks Writers Workshop.
1.) Lou Holtz (don’t ask me who that is) once said, “life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it.”
Do you believe this? Describe a time when you feel like you could have responded a different way and produced a different outcome.
2.) I miss the friend you used to be. (The Myth Of You And Me)
3.) The most unbelievable blue eyes you’ve ever seen…
4.) The craziest reason I ever got in trouble as a child.
5.) What would you ask forgiveness for?
I am going to write about #1.
I totally believe this. How you react to situations is much more of life then what happens. Like when I had my daughter it is more about what I did when I was pregnant and what I did after I had her then the act of getting pregnant. Life is all about how you react to situations. There are many ways I could have reacted when I found out I was pregnant and each way would have lead to a different outcome in the end. I chose the path that I thought would be easiest for me in the long run. Everyone reacts differently to situations and they do what they believe is best for them at the time.
Another example would be what happened to a family member of one of the people I work with. Not to get into the whole story the ended up shooting a guy and leaving him paralyzed from the waist down I believe. Now if he had just called the cops he wouldn’t be in jail waiting to get sentenced to go to prison. Now a side note to that is I don’t think the guy should be going to prison but that is a whole other issue. It is always about how you react to situations and not the original situation. You can make your life however you want it to be!
Today’s topic is easy. The person I need to let go of is Pear! Some of you are wondering who Pear is and I am not going to say because that is part of my life I don’t post on this blog. If you are really interested leave a comment and I will explain in an e-mail. As for the husband well I wish I didn’t know him at all. He has really made me go back to the whole not trusting men and thinking they are all a waste of skin and a big waste of my time!
Great Song
I try not to post twice in one day but I could resist posting this song because it is so me and how I am right now! Enjoy!
Day 9- Some One You Didn’t Want To Let Go But You Drifted & Random Dozen
Today’s topic is ironic because I wrote Misti a letter telling how we had drifted apart these past few months. It has been my fault because I am going through so much right now I have just been doing me and not really taking time for other people or things. I am in my hermit stage right now because I am tired of some people and how they treat others.

1. When was the last time you laughed until you cried?
A couple of weeks ago when I was watching TV in my grandparents room while they were getting ready to go to the prison for a program. Grandma was having a super hard time finding something she wanted to wear and just all three of us going back and forth left me laughing so hard I was crying. My grandma and I always end up crying though when we start to go back and forth with each other.
2. If you found $10 today, what would you do with it?
Use it at Wal-Mart tomorrow to buy chips or other junk food.
3. Do you volunteer anywhere?
No but I really want to start volunteering and the VA Hospital. I would love to work with soldiers.
4. What is your favorite summertime veggie or fruit, and how do you eat it?
Tomatoes- I will eat them almost anyway. I am not a huge fan of fried green tomatoes though but other than that I will eat them anyway. My favorite was is when they are red and I can just put a little salt on them and eat they straight out of the garden.
5. Is your social sphere (circle of friends) small, medium or large?
Super small and that is okay with me! I don’t let a lot of people in because I hate getting hurt.
6. When was the last time you attended a family or school reunion? How did that go?
July 31-It was the typical Tidwell reunion.
7. When you’re feeling blue, what is the best way someone can cheer you up?
Just let me be with my computer and my kids. My cubs can always make me smile!
8. Have you taken a vacation this summer?
I don’t even remember the last time I went on vacation-it was probably the year I graduated from high school.
9. What is the most unnecessary item you carry with you all the time?
My cell phone
10. What is the best summer flick you have seen so far?
I haven’t seen any new movies this summer so I have no idea what is even good out there anymore.
11. Describe a perfect summer day.
At home with my computer and cold Dr Pepper. It doesn’t get much better than that oh and maybe a good book or two to read!
12. Please a share a favorite photo from the summer so far!
I couldn’t just pick one so I went with both of them!
Day 8-Someone Who Made Your Life Hell, or Treated You Like Shit.
So far this is the easiest topic we have had. The one person I can think of that fits this is my husband. I will regret the fact that I married him forever! It is the worst thing I ever could have done but I had to do it hard way. If I would have listened to my family I never would have had to go through it. I have learned a lot from everything though so in the end it will be okay. Just getting to the okay part is hard right now. I would post a picture of the idiot but it would just piss me off so it is better that I don’t post one.