I was going to write something for the writers work shop this week but non of the prompts really jumped out at me so I went to NaBloPoMo and they have prompts you can use to write about so I am going to pick on of them and write about that. The one that I chose is: What do you want your life to be like in five years?
Lets see in five years from today I will 30 about to turn 31. This is hard because I have a hard time lately knowing what I want my life to be like right now. I guess in 5 years I would like to be at a job that pays my bills and maybe even allows me to move out of my grandparents house. I also want to have the MS be stable. It would be so great for people not to know that I am sick unless I tell them that I am sick. I am lucky right now because unless I tell you that I am sick you can’t tell I am. It is nice for people not to know I am sick. If people know they tend to treat me differently than before they knew that I was sick. I hate when people are jerks to me until they find out I am sick then they try and be my best friend. I also don’t care if I am with someone or not. As long as I am happy where I am at the rest of it doesn’t really matter. I just want to be happy with what is going on and where I am at is all.
Well that is what I hope my life will be like in 5 years. I hope everyone has a great Thursday!
So I am going to be brave and post this on this blog. I will find out if the ex reads it or not after this post but I have to let the world in on what the idiot did this time. I was talking to Tim who I met through my husband and I still talk to him from time to time. He had called me because he had talked to a mutual friend of my husbands and his and had gotten a great story on my husband.
So I guess my husband was training a student named Brad. I guess at some point my husband got the number to his students wife and started text messaging her. We are sure what they talked about but lets just say my “lovely” husband told his students wife not to tell her husband. Which she turned around and did. Now if it were me and someone was talking to my husband and told them not to tell me I would kick their ass!!! His student wouldn’t do it. I always knew my husband was a total jerk but I didn’t know he would really go this low. Every time I think about it I am amazed that he really is that big of a douce-bag. It takes a special person to think that doing that is right!!!!!
Oh at the best part of the whole thing is I guess the same mutual friend was sticking up for me when my husbands student was calling me a bitch. First off I am proud to say I am a bitch but find is sweet that someone who has never met me knows that I am not one thanks to Tim. After the friend told the student what my husband did to me he changed his tune!!!!!! I was shocked that a total stranger would do that for me but I am okay being the bitch! Now I need to meet this person and thank them for standing up for me but tell them I am okay being the bitch because I know the truth about what happened in my marriage!
I found it funny and gross that I found all this out. I am shocked he really is that kind of person but at the same time it doesn’t really surprise me to much. I hope you all enjoyed the newest development with my idiot husband!!!!!!
It is Tuesday so that means it is time for a post by Jacqui. This week she has written about her ghost stories. She is also the designer of my blog layout! She blogs at The In & Outs. Everyone needs to clink on the link and go check out her blog!!!!!
So here are my ghost stories.
I really think that I have something attached to me. Every placed I’ve lived there has been something going on. When I lived at my moms the box fan (remember when everyone had those) in my room would turn on and off for no reason. One time I had it unplugged and was going to put it away during the winter and it starts to spin. I didn’t have the window open or anything to cause a breeze. My TV/radio would change channels for no reason or turn on. When I moved to my grandmas same thing would happen with the fan so I bought a new one (one of those mini fans from Wal-Mart that was like 12 bucks) and the same thing would happen. Same thing with the TV and radio and this time I had a different TV and radio. I don’t care if I have a ghost attached to me, maybe it’s my dad, a girl could dream right. If you don’t know that story my dad passed away when I was almost 9.
Okay so I move to Las Vegas soon after my 18th birthday and the same things happen there too. Fans start, TVs turn on (even hubs TV would), and radios (both hubs and my radio would do this at the same time) would play this classical music when not even plugged in. This one time I was sitting on my bed and I herd a squeaking noise from the living room so I go and look. When I enter the room my computer chair was spinning around it stopped and then it spun the other way.
Ok so since then we have live in 2 other apartments and the TV and radio stuff happens from time to time, lights turn on and off, the fan spins but everything else seems really quite.
Now we move into this house and things start up again. I will start with Benjamin’s TV; it always turns on every night and it’s always on the black and white fuzzy screen. It’s always showing this same image, and it’s just weird. I know ghost can communicate those that black and white screen, it’s called whit noise. Yes I am a big believer of ghost and I watch everything related to ghost. Now everytime that black and white screen is on and Benjamin sees it he freaks out, he starts to cry and shake. So now I have to make sure the TV is unplugged that is in his room. Even when I am right there and I am switching channels on his TV to go from the Direct TV to the channel I have it set up for the DVD it goes through one of those black and white screen, Benjamin just starts to freak out. I don’t know if he sees something that I can’t see because they say kids can see ghost.
Last week hub’s wakes me up asking where I put the controller for the TV downstairs. I told him where I put it normally and he says it not there. So I go downstairs half asleep and I ask did you look in the couch and he says yes but ill look again maybe I missed a place. So he removes all the cushions and pillows from the couch and its not there. So he puts it all back and I am looking behind the couch thinking maybe it fell behind the couch; so while I am looking I pick up a pillow that’s on the couch and the controller is there. Once I pick it up the TV turns on and it’s on that black and white fuzzy screen.
Now we go to what happened this Wednesday. I was on the computer doing some designs and I hear something fall. I go to the kitchen and look and something that I had on top on my kitchen cabinets was on the ground. I didn’t have the air on so it couldn’t be the draft from that and it was too heavy for anything to knock it down. I know it wasn’t the cat because she been sleeping in her bed next to me the whole time I was on the computer. So I pick up the thing that fell, it was plastic so it didn’t break and put it back up on top of the cabinet to see if it happens again. About 2-5minutes pass by and both TVs upstairs turn on really loud and they are on that black and white screen with the same image showing on both TVs. So I turn them off and try to talk to them, I said “you don’t need to play these games and that I can try to help you.” Then I go back to my designs.
Hub’s thinks that I am crazy for trying to communicate with it. Since then I haven’t had any activity. Its funny, I was texting my friend JD telling him about this and he’s like its not wanting to communicate with you any more because you’re getting entertained with it! Whatever it is wants to scare you not entertain you. HAHA
So that’s my ghost story! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hope you all enjoyed her post! I am always looking for guest posters and things like that so if anyone is interested please let me know!
I saw this on a few blogs that I read and I decided it looked like a lot of fun so I am going to link up and join in with the fun. They want us to write a post introducing ourselves and then answer 5 questions. I am going to start by answering the 5 questions and then I will introduce myself.
1.) Why do you blog? I blog because it is the way that I relieve stress and I find it fun. I am at the point where I don’t care if people read my blog or not it is my therapy and that is all that matters to me. Now it is a bonus if I get comments!
2.) What do you blog about? I blog about my life and what is going on in it. I don’t have a real theme to my blog just post what I want to post when I want to post it.
3.) What do you find to be the biggest reward you get from blogging? I get to get rid of stress and get my feelings out in the open.
4.) How long have you been blogging? I have had this blog since 9/23/2008 and I had one before that so for a few years now.
5.) Let’s hear the story behind your blog title! It is basically just what I blog about the world and how I see things.
I think I pretty much explained myself while I answered the questions so I am going to leave it as it is! I hope everyone is having a great Monday!
It has been awhile since I posted an update on the MS and my life on this blog. Now I won’t post everything that is going on in my life right now because of the ex but I do post what I won’t post here on my private blog so if anyone wants to read it let me know and I will send you an invite to read it.
Anyway, now on to the update. The MS is being crazy again and I don’t think I am stable anymore. I have an MRI in August but this won’t be a true indicator of how I am doing because I was off of the medication for a few months while the drug company got there shit together and then again when the drug company didn’t send my drug on time so I was two weeks late. That is the one thing with the medication that I am on you have to take the same time every month or you risk flair ups and relapses. I have started to wish that people could live in my body for a week they would truly get what it was like to be me.
Brita’s birthday wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be because I had something to get excited about! The day after her birthday was my SITS day and I knew I would get tons of comment love and that the ladies would say things I needed to hear and not even realize it. So once again I want to thank everyone that stopped by and all my new followers for saying such nice things and saying things I needed to hear at that moment.
There really isn’t much left to say so I hope everyone is had a great weekend and has a great week!!!!!
This is a harder one to write for me because I try not to have dreams because I hate to be let down. Now this doesn’t mean that I don’t dream but it does mean that saying them out loud to other makes them real and then I can’t help but be hurt if they don’t come true. I am going to list a few of them and hope that they will come true at some point!
To be happy with me. I don’t know that I have ever been truly happy with myself but I want to start being happy with me and not let everything bad in the world get to me and bring me down. I need to realize that I will never be the super skinny girl and I will always have a little gut but that it is ok because if I am healthy then the number on the scale shouldn’t matter.
I would love to be able to find a man that will take care of me and isn’t scared of the MS and everything that goes along with it.
I guess the what I am saying is I want to be happy and healthy!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saturday 9: Go Your Own way
1. When was the last time you were told to go your own way? This actually happened this week but it was more me deciding to go my own way because it was better for me this way. 2. What one experience has strengthened your character the most so far? Placing my daughter for adoption or being diagnosed with MS. Both of them have made me the person I am today. 3. What’s your favorite thing to do on a rainy day? Read a book or if the rain is warm I love to play in it. 4. How long can you go without your cell phone? I went without a day without it and I totally loved it. It is so relieving not having to worry about it and what not. 5. Do you wish you were somewhere else right now? I wish I was anywhere but where I am. I don’t know where I want to be right now but I know that I don’t want be here. 6. Of all the people you’ve ever known, who have you most feared? A lot of people actually. I get scared of people easily so it isn’t an easy question to answer. 7. Do people tell you that you look your age? No they think I look younger than what I am hell I get ID’ed to buy rated R movies lol 8. Your ex shows up randomly at your house, what do you say? I don’t answer and pretend like I am not home. I have nothing to say to him and he has no reason to just drop by. As far as I am concerned he is as good as dead to me. 9. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? No- Some people do things that are so bad that they don’t deserve a second chance but I usually give everyone lots of chances. In fact the only person I have ever written off is my birth mom because she doesn’t seem to care at all about me.