Where Am I . . .

Are you where you thought you would be in life?


I am not where I thought I would be in life.  The plans I had made when I was younger all went out the window when I got pregnant and placed my daughter for adoption or when I got diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis when I was 15.  I always thought that by the time I was in my late 20’s I would have my RN and either be a traveling nurse or work in the ER.  I never would have guessed that I would be living at home again, going through a divorce, and working as a receptionist.  I also never would have guessed that I would have had a child and placed her for adoption.

It is crazy to me how my life has turned out and what I have been through.  I don’t think there is anyway that anyone could ever guess where their lives was going to go.  I am hoping that I will be able to live my dream one day and work in the ER or even Life Flight.

I don’t regret anything that has happened in my life because if I didn’t go through everything I have gone through I wouldn’t be the person I am today.  I wouldn’t change anything about how my life is because I have grown and I am truly happy with who I am today.

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MS Tuesday-75%

***This is was originally posted on October 12, 2010.  I am going to be re-posting some of my MS posts because I have gotten so many new followers and I want to share them with my new readers.

I found a stat during invisible illness week that really shocked me but in the same sense it made total sense to me. It said that 75% of marriages where one person has a chronic illness end in divorce. I am shocked by this but I also know it is true because I am one of the 75%. When I worked at the nursing home I saw it all to often. Peoples spouses would leave them once they got sick. On the other had I also saw the husbands that stuck around. I was always in awe of the ones that stayed with there spouses.

It makes me sad that people are so shallow that they leave when things are going as they hoped. It hurts me because I was 100% honest with my husband before we got married and once he finally saw that I was sick he left a few months later. I would never leave someone because they are sick.   I know there are a few good men out there who leave but more than not they walk away.

The reason I am not dating is because I don’t want to deal with another person getting scared and walking away.  Since the MS is basically invisible well at least right now it is people can’t understand that I am sick.  Once they do finally see that I am sick they leave because they “can’t” deal with it.  I just irritates me that so many people are scared by something that affects me but I can’t change that about people.  I know this post is all over the place but it was hard for me to organize my thoughts on this post.

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