Poor Sylvia

I haven’t written about my kids in awhile so I figure you might like to hear the latest thing that has happened to the baby of the group Sylvia.  If you have followed for awhile you know I have 2 cats Elinore or Alley Cat and Sylvia.  My grandparents also have a cat named Vinnie that has to be around 15 years old.  I recently received an awesome product to review on my blog (that review will be up in the next few days).  They packed the box with paper so that it wouldn’t shift while it was being shipped.  Now my two cats are easily scared and my family has been known to torment them from time to time because of how they act.  My grandparents cat has always loved paper.  So he was playing in the paper and is actually still sleeping on the paper because every time we try and clean it up he gets upset that we get rid of it.  Anyway Vinnie decided that he was going to hide in the paper and jump out at Elinore.  Now of course she took of running both times he did it which gave me the great idea of scaring the girls myself.  Let me just say Sylvia ran into the metal railing as she was trying to get away and go hide in the basement.

She finally at one point decided that it was safe to come up so she came into my room and I was taking her to eat because she hadn’t eaten because I had scared her.  My brother hears me coming down the hall holding her and he scared her again.  I think she would have been okay if she had only been scared the 2 times but then the next morning Vinnie is hiding in the paper again and scares poor Sylvia for the 3rd time.

Now my poor cat is having a hard time even functioning in the house.  I am sure part of it is because the paper is still in the living room because my grandma refuses to throw it out because Vinnie is still sleeping in it.  My hope is that after Christmas when the paper is gone and things are back to normal that she won’t be as scared as she is now.

***I know I shouldn’t have done it at all but it was funny.  I did get pissed when my brother did it the second time but there was nothing I could do since I had no idea he was going to do it until I walked past the paper and him.  If I had know I wouldn’t have walked down the hallway with her.

imPRESS Press-on Manicure- Review

I recently signed up for Influenster and I received my very first VoxBox from their program.  The thing that is so great about it is that the box’s are free.  You sign up and then unlock badges for things that interest you.  When they have a box that matches your interests and things that you influence they send you that months box for free.  In the box that I received this month they had these great imPress Press-on Manicure nails in them.

These nails are so super cute and are so easy to use.  Most of you know that I do get my nails done but if I didn’t I would be all over these because they have great styles and patterns.  They also have most of the crazy things that I do on my nails now.  I really recommend these to anyone who wants the look of nails without the cost.  They are so cute and if I ever stop getting my nails do I am for sure going to be using these.



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50% Off Sale At W.A.I.S.T.ed Space Designs

Are You wanting a new blog design for Christmas?

Do you know a blogger who would love a new design?

If you answered yes to either of those questions then this sale is for you. I am having a 50% off sale for any of my packages starting 12/12 and ending 12/31. If you are interested please fill out this form. Once I receive your form I will send you and invoice that reflects the 50% off price. Once I receive payment I will add you to my que. Right now I am free so if you want it done before Christmas make sure you fill out the order form and pay the invoice ASAP!


Also don’t forget that if you refer 3 people to me and the people you refer buy a package from me then you will get a free design! Make sure if you refer someone that they put your name down on the order form so I can keep track of it.

***The price does not include any image/kit fee’s. Also I add $3.00 fee to each order.
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Great Adoption Quotes

1. “If a mother and father can love more than one child then why is it so hard to understand that a child can love more than one mother and father?” ~ Unknown
2. “When she looks in the mirror, we want our daughter to know herself. It’s hard to face the world when you don’t know where your face came from.” ~ Adoptive parents
3. “However motherhood comes to you, it’s a miracle.” ~ Valerie Harper, adoptive mother
4. “Adoption comes from the heart, but the adoption process comes from the Law. You should follow your heart, but be sure you also follow the law.” ~ Irina O’Rear
5. “An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet,
regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break.” ~ An ancient Chinese belief

6. “Children and mothers never truly part, bound together by the beating of one another’s heart.” ~ Charlotte Gray (This one is pictured on the graphic image above.)
7. “Giving birth does not make a mother…. Placing a child for adoption does not make her less of one.” ~ Unknown
8. “There are two different kinds of strength. There’s the strength to make a parenting plan and then there’s the strength to give that plan to another.”
9. “Having a child means a piece of your heart is walking around in the world.” ~ Unknown

10. “Children need two things. One is roots and the other is wings.” ~ Unknown

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Home For The Holiday’s

While I watch this video I realize how lucky I am to live at home so I can always see my grandparents and family.  I remember being in college and my one roommate was from New Hampshire and she was so excited for the end of the semester because she got to go home.  I don’t know how people do it when they can’t go home or they have a loved one over seas serving our county.

I wish that everyone could be with their families during Christmas because it is such a good time to sit around and talk.  I know that growing up I thought Christmas was all about what you got and not about family.  After I had my daughter everything changed because it was no longer about me.  As you know I placed my daughter for adoption but it was fun to get the pictures of her first Christmas and see how happy she was.  I love watching little kids reactions when they open their presents and see what they got.

I hope that everyone gets to go home for Christmas so they can spend it with their families and loved ones!

This post is sponsored by T-Mobile.

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