Piercing Through The Darkness

World Literary Cafe


It’s on the edge of her memory like a word on the tip of her tongue, but Kandi can’t remember what it is to save her life.

Despite being a cop, Jimmy can’t protect Kandi from the one thing that haunts her. She’s in danger and doesn’t even know it. After it happened, her brain repressed her memories of the accident, and now, she’s taking a Biology class under a man who wants to see her dead. The memories have started coming back, and it feels like she’s miles away from him. How can he protect her when she doesn’t even know she needs protecting?

Can these characters pierce their way through the darkness?

My Review

You start the book following the teacher  and all you know is that something happened to his wife and daughter a year before and that they passed away.  They a girl transferred into one of his classes and he recognizes her because she was the person who killed his family.  The girl is named Kandi and she has no idea why the teacher hates her.  You find out soon enough that she has no memory of what her evening knowing the teacher or of hurting his family.  Through the whole book you are getting more pieces of the past but you don’t find out how she hurt his family until the last few pages of the book.  I fell in love with the characters and I also loved how you didn’t know in the beginning of the book what happened to Mr Chandlers family.  I kept me so interested because I wanted to know what happened to his family and I also wanted to see if she would ever remember who he was and what she did to his family.  I would give this book 5 stars.  If you like mystery books you will love this one!

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Birthday Chronicle

Personalized Gifts for Anyone, Anytime

I received a Birthday Chronicle a few weeks ago and I think it is the coolest thing I have ever seen.  They ask you for the your birth date, the name of the person who it is going to and what you would like the headline to say.  I love how you can customize it right down to what the headline will say.  These would be a great gift for someone if you framed it and gave it to them.  I literally got this in my email inbox in like 4 hours after I filled  out and submitted the form.  I was shocked to see it so soon but it was  great to know that if you wanted to pick one of these up last minute for a gift that you could have it within hours.

Go and check out this great product!!!  They have a Facebook page, a Twitter page and a great newsletter.    Make sure you go and check out this great product.  After you check them out let me know what you think!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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Coping with Adoption

I was contacted by Sara and she wanted to write a guest post.  She wrote about tips to cope with placing your child for adoption.  Let me know what you think!

The decision to give your child up for adoption is a hard one, but coping with the aftermath of actually placing him or her in adoption is equally as hard if not harder. Once you do relinquish your baby you’re faced with an onslaught of emotions that are unparalleled to anything you’ve ever experienced and can be overwhelming to deal with on your own, even when you know that you’re ultimately doing the right thing. You’ve lost a part of you, and that’s hard no matter what the circumstances were that led you to the decision to place them in adoption in the first place. When faced with these feelings try to use these coping mechanisms:
1. Don’t close yourself off
As much as you may want to ignore the feelings and go on with your life as though nothing happened, it’s important to allow yourself time to grieve over the loss. Dealing with these feelings up front will help you heal quicker than if you try to bottle them up.

2. Recognize each stage of emotion
You likely will go through several stages of emotions: depression, guilt, anger, denial, and ultimately acceptance. Allow yourself time to fully experience each feeling and then let each one go. These feelings are normal and a necessary part of the healing process.

3. Find someone who can relate
Locate a support group or a mentor who can help you work through everything you’re feeling. Having someone to talk that has also been through all the same feelings you’re going through will provide you a crutch to lean on and to help you recover.

4. Write out your emotions
Start a journal or a blog that will allow you to chronicle your feelings. Writing in a journal can be very therapeutic for dealing with emotions and can allow you a way to voice all of your frustration and pain without worry of feeling judged by anyone. Also, blogging can open up a new community of support to you by connecting with other mothers who have also given up their child for adoption.

5. Find the good
If you made the decision to place your child up for adoption then it’s because you knew that you couldn’t give them what they needed and had enough foresight to see that someone else would be better suited to do so. As painful as this decision is, you should also rejoice in the fact that you chose to place them in a good and loving home.
Dealing with the grief over losing a child, even when it’s by choice, is a rocky road to travel. But there is light at the end of the tunnel so don’t give up hope. You may not ever be whole again, but you will recover.

Author Bio
Sara is an active nanny as well as an active freelance writer. She is a frequent contributor of nanny service. Learn more about her at: http://www.nannypro.com/blog/sara-dawkins/.

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Freaky Friday

As everyone knows they are getting rid of GFC for non-blogger blogs in March. Since I no longer use Blogger I am changing up things for this hop. I have combined the 4 different linkies into one.   You can link all the different ways people can follow you in the one linky.

I also have signed up for Linky Followers and if you wouldn’t mind could you follow me there instead of GFC.  Also leave a comment if you follow me there and I will return the favor!

There are just a few simple rules to follow for this one:

  • Grab the button and post in on your blog
  • Leave a comment so we can return the follow.
  • Try and follow are least 2 other people that are linked up

I hope you all have a great Friday and I also hope to see you next Friday!


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The Beautiful Wife

Celebrate with Sandy by entering her Kindle Touch Giveaway and coming to her “Beautiful Womanhood” Facebook Party {3/8}!

One beautiful winner will receive:

  • A Brand new Kindle Touch with Wi-Fi
  • The Beautiful Wife By Sandy Ralya
  • The Beautiful Wife Prayer Journal and Mentor’s Guide

Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends 3/7/12. Winner will be announced at Sandy’s “Beautiful Womanhood” Facebook Party on 3/8. Sandy will be hosting an evening of chat, laughter and encouragement – bring your friends! She’ll also be giving away some GREAT prizes: gift certificates, books, prayer journals and a live chat with Sandy for your Bible study or small group!

So grab your copy of The Beautiful Wife and join Sandy and friends on the evening of March 8th for an evening of fun.

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You Haven’t Seen The Last Of Me

Some of you will know that I love music.  I always have it on at work in the background and I usually have it on at night when I am designing or surfing the web.  I always seem to have songs for everything that I have gone through or are going through.  When I was pregnant the song “Welcome To My Life” by Simple Plan was how I was feeling.  Every time I hear that song now it brings back all of the memories and feelings I had when I found out I was pregnant.

Right now the song that describes how I am feeling is by Cher from the movie “Burlesque”.  It is called “You Haven’t Seen The Last Of Me”.

I love this song right now because I feel defeated.  There is a lot going on right now that I won’t get into but this song says how I feel right now.  Like the song says you haven’t seen the last of me.  I will get through everything that is going on and I will come out on top!

Do you have songs that explain certain parts of your life?

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