Freaky Friday

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Widow, Virgin, Whore

Mama’s Losin’ It

Today for the Writers Workshop I am going to use prompt #1 which is:  Book review time! Some people STILL read books…share one of your more recent reads and tell us what you thought!  Now the book I am going to review I didn’t actually get this book in book form but I read it on my Nook. I read 1 to 2 books a week and sometimes more depending on what I have going on and this book surprised me.
Widow, Virgin, Whore
 AIDS Changes Everything!

When recently widowed Katherine Samuals purchases a home to share with her son, Christopher, and best friend, Denise Richards, the last thing she expects is to include Denise’s outrageous sister, Darla Richards, into the household. But Katherine concedes to Denise’s request because she adores Darla’s daughter, Chelsea, and feels this is a good opportunity to give the young teen a real home environment.

Living with Darla is anything by easy. She parties too much, sleeps around too much and speaks her mind without apology. To conservative Katherine and shy Denise, her behavior is detestable. When Darla is diagnosed with AIDS, the household is turned upside-down. Katherine finds herself thrown into Darla’s life, first as her caregiver, then as her companion as she explores the devastating lives of AIDS patients. Katherine’s fledgling writing career flourishes as she shares the experiences of Darla’s AIDS group in newspaper articles across the country. Denise finds true love for the first time, but struggles at the inappropriate timing of her personal happiness. Surprisingly, Darla also finds love – real love – in the strangest of places.

As the household struggles with the stress of living with a terminal illness, Katherine, Denise, and Darla learn just how strong and deep their bond of friendship, and sisterhood, is.

If you are a sister or best friend, you will love this story.

My Review

I chose this book to review and I was super excited about reading it but I was pleasantly surprised when I got into it and literally didn’t want to put it down.  Every time I have a few minutes with nothing to do I turned on my Nook so that I could read a little bit more even if it was only a few lines.  I fell in love with the characters and was sad at the ending but I also knew how it would end once I was a few chapters into it.  The one thing I can say about this book is don’t judge it because of the title or after the first couple of chapters.  Give it time and I know you  will fall in love with it like I did.
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My MS Meds

I am not sure if anyone would be interested in the medications I currently on for my MS but I am sure there is someone who would be interested to know what is working for me right now and all the things I have tried that hasn’t work for me over the 11 years I have be treating the MS.  For this post I am going to talk about the medications I am currently on and what I am taking them for.

Tysabri-I am currently using this to treat the MS.  I have been on it for over 3 years now and even though it is dangerous I won’t stop taking it because it is the only MS drug that is out there right now that is controlling the MS.

Baclofen- I take this three times a day.  There are some days that I may only take it once but depending on pain & how I am feeling I may take it all 3 times.  I use this for the spasms I have and I also use this because of my back injury.  If I don’t take this at night I wake up stiff in the morning and in tons of pain.

Zoloft(sertraline)-I take this once a day and it is my antidepressant.  Depression runs in my family but I also think that the MS has made mine worse and also made me super anxious.

Loritab- I use this as needed for pain.  I get 20 pills a month and I usually use them all but  most of them are use the weekend and week after my infusion because that is when I tend to have the most pain.

Fiorinal- I use this for my migraines.  I have had migraines since I was in 5th grade.  Most of the time if I can catch it at the beginning I can stop it from getting super bad but on days that I don’t catch it or it doesn’t respond to the usual things I have to take 2 of these.  The thing I love about this medication is I can still function at work while I am taking it.

I also use things such as Benadryl, Tylenol, and Ibuprofen almost daily.  If you have any questions about any of the medications please let me know.  Next time I am going to write about what MS treatments I have used and why I stopped using them.

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Standing Still

I am sure everyone knows the saying Have you ever been alone in a crowded room?  That is sort of how I have been feeling lately.  I feel like I am standing still while watching all of my friends passing me by and living their lives.  It has been hard for me to  watch life pass me by but I also know that I am just where I need to be in life.  It is hard at times to watch everyone I know get married and start their families.  I am not sure why this is so hard for me right now because I don’t want to be married and I don’t think I ever want kids of my own.
I think part of this comes because it is lonely to be the single one with no kids.  Now don’t get me wrong I am 100% happy for my friends that they are happy and doing everything they want to do with their lives.  I guess it all boils down to that it is hard to be the last one.  Some of you know that I am technically married right now but there is no way my husband and I would ever get back together to much has happened between us for it to ever work.
I have to wonder if I will ever get married again or if I will ever even date again.  Right now for the most part I am totally content to be single and not have to answer to anyone.  There are those days when I wish that I wasn’t single and I believe I have those days because my friends are either married or all in relationships so I see couples all the time.  Heck the office I work in everyone but one guy is married so I always seem to be the single one but most of the time that is okay.
I know this post rambled but it was just the thoughts I have had in my head that I knew need to be typed out.  I feel better now that I have typed it.
For everyone who is or has been in my spot what things have helped you?
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Quote Of The Week

I found this quote on my phone and I just loved it.  I think that people will also like it.  There isn’t much to say about this quote except for the fact that it makes so much sense to me and it has me looking at my life in a totally new light.

What do you think of this quote?  I am always on the look out for new quotes so if you have one you love leave it in the comments and I will check it out!

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Wholesale Keychain Review

I received 2 key chains from Whole Sale Key Chains in order for me to review them.  I received the USB key chain pictured above and also a Ravens football one.  I loved the USB one because I can always use another flash drive.  Their prices aren’t bad and I would recommend them to anyone who is looking for key chains for an event.  They do personalize the key chains as well!

I am always 100% honest with you guys.  The flash drive has been great but the 2nd key chain did break the 2nd day I had it.  Of course that could just be a random thing that happened but I wanted to let everyone know that  it did break and it didn’t even have it for 24 hrs.

FTC-I received the key chains free of charge in exchange for my review.  I received no other compensation and the opinions in this review are 100% my own.


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