Blogger Tutorial-Moblie Friendly

Do you want your readers to be able to read your blog on their mobile devices?

1. Log in to Blogger In Draft the same log in info as you would on Click on Settings

3. Click on the Mobile & Email tab

4. Where it says “Show mobile template” you want to select “Yes, On mobile devices, show the mobile version of my template”

5. If you like you want click on “mobile preview” to see what it would look like on a mobile device

6. Click save and you’re done.

This was borrowed with permission from Wacky Jacqui Designs.
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MS Tuesdays-Medications That Don’t Work For Me

This week for MS Tuesdays I am going to talk about the  medications that I have taken to treat MS and why they didn’t work for me.  I have tried quite a few of them and I hope that people that this might help someone who is having a hard time finding a treatment that may work for them.  Please don’t base your choice for treatment on this post because just because something didn’t work for me doesn’t mean that it won’t work for you.  My best advice to research them and then with the help of your doctor go with the one that you both think will work the best for you.

I have taken 3 treatments other than the Tysabri that I am taking right now.  I have taken Avonex, Betaseron, & Copaxone.  I am going to talk a little bit about each one and how the effected me while I was taking them.

  • Avonex- I started out on this medication when I was diagnosed at 15.  Let me just say that this medication I took on and off for years because it was the one medication at the time that had the least amount of shots a week that you had to take.  This medication was rough for me to say the least.  They say it has flu like symptoms.  The best way to descride how the medication made me feel for the whole weekend after I took it is my skin literally hurt to have anything touch it.  It didn’t matter if I took the Benadryl like they told me to.  Every week I was sick all weekend and as time when on they said the reaction should get less and less but for me it got worse every week.  Like I said I tried this medication for years on and off because it was only taken once a week unlike all the other treatments at the time that are taken multiple times a week.
  • Betaseron-This medication is taken every other day.  So one this medication was literally sick everyday of my life because I never got used to the side effects of this medication as well.  This medications has the same side effects as Avonex has.  This one had an autoinject so that I could give myself the shot but me being me I couldn’t push the button I would sit there for an hour and in the end someone would have to come and push the button for me.  I hate giving myself shots and since no one else wanted to give me shots this medication did last long either.

Here is the link to where I talk about all the interferon treatments they have.

  • Copaxone-Now this medication isn’t an interferon so they thought that this one should work for me.  This medication is given through a shot everyday day.  Now this really didn’t work for me because I couldn’t give myself shots.  I think I tried this one for about a year but towards the end I wasn’t taking it regularly because all the injection sites would get red and develop hives.  I will also say that at this point in my treatment I was being a stubborn teenager and I just wanted to ignore the disease and act like it wasn’t part of my life.  Here is the link to the original post where I talk about all the possible side effects of this medication.

There are more than just these 3 medication out there for MS and last year the did release the first pill you can take for MS.  If you want to read more about that you can go and read this post where I wrote about it before.

The best advice I am give anyone is to research treatment options and then with the help of your doctor pick the one that will work best for you.

If you want to know more information or want me to write about something please let me know in the comments below.

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret

Two Graves

World Literary Cafe

About The Book

Forty year old Preston Peterson, pudgy, myopic and socially inept, knows the terror of being bullied. From his earliest childhood memory, he has faced ridicule, name calling, harassment and beatings. Fear ruled his life, possessed him, controlled his every encounter with others.

Now, he has killed.

Now, rage rules his life.

Digging out his despised High School year book, Preston uses computer aged photographs to find and kill look-alikes of his persecutors.

The time has come for those who bullied him to pay the ultimate price for their torture.

Preston is getting even and everyone is a target.

But with a panicked city and Lieutenant Gregg Mann’s task force looking for him, Preston should have remembered the Chinese proverb, “Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig TWO GRAVES.”

My Review

The author does a great job of building the novel and the suspense in the book. I really like his style of writing and will be checking out other books by him for sure. Now that being said I couldn’t get into this book because of the way he described the killer reminded me of my husband and so for me I just couldn’t get into the book because of the fact he reminded me of my husband.

I would think most people would love this book because he is a great writer and does develop his characters well. I do recommend this book to anyone who likes thrillers.

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret

Milestone Tapes


Jenna Chamberland never wanted anything more than to be a wife and mother. That is, until she realized that her life was ending after a three-year battle against breast cancer. Now, all she really wants is more time. With 4,320 hours left to live, Jenna worries for her loved ones and what she knows awaits them on the other side: Gabe will have to make the slip from husband to widower, left alone to raise their seven-year-old daughter; Mia will be forced to cope with life without her mother. In a moment of reflection, Jenna decides to record a set of audiocassettes — The Milestone Tapes – leaving her voice behind as a legacy for her daughter. Nine years later, Mia is a precocious sixteen-year-old and her life is changing all around, all she wants is her mother. Through the tapes, Jenna’s voice returns to teach Mia the magic of life, her words showing her daughter how to spread her wings and embrace the coming challenges with humor, grace and hope. THE MILESTONE TAPES is the journey of love between a parent and child, and of the bonds that hold them when life no longer can.

My Review

I can’t even put into words how much I truly loved this book.  I had a hard time reading this book because it made me cry so much and even though it made me cry I didn’t want to put it down and stop reading it.  I loved following the characters and even though you know the mom is going to pass away I had to keep reading.  I believe that this book was so hard for me because I can relate to the topic.  As some of you know I go to a cancer center every month to get my MS treatment so I do know a lot of people who have cancer and I have had several family members pass away from cancer as well.  It broke my heart to know that the girl at such a young age was going to lose her mom.

I found the idea of making milestone tapes is a great idea even if you don’t know you are dying.  My great grandma passed away when I was a senior in high school and I was so close to her.  After reading this book I wish  she would have written down things or even made tapes so that I could go back and listen or read her words.  I am sure any person would love to go back and read what their parents left them.

When it comes right down to it I have to give this book 5 stars and it will be a book that I will always keep and I am sure I will read it over and over again.  I recommend this to anyone who knows what is feels like to lose a loved one!

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret