Postcards from Misty Harbor Inn Series by Evangeline Kelley

This review is a little different I was sent two books in the Postcards from Misty Harbor Inn Series by Evangeline Kelley to review so there will be two review in this post.  I really did enjoy both of these books and I am sure you will enjoy them as well!

Seaside Harmony

Seaside Harmony Review

I really enjoyed this book and can’t wait to read the third book in the series.  In this book they mainly focus on Caroline and her getting her sisters on board with buying the Misty Harbor Inn that their mother took them to when they were children.  It was also their mothers dream to one day own it and run a bed and breakfast there with her daughters.  The author does a great job of making you feel as though you are there with the characters and you also can understand where each of the sisters is coming from.  I wasn’t a huge fan of the ending of this book but there are still 2 other books so it can still get better and I am sure it does.

Sunflower Summer

Sunflower Summer Review

This book mainly follows Gracie around when she comes back in the summer in time to open up the Inn for the summer with her sisters.  I saw so much of myself in Gracie and I feel I could relate to her the most.  I feel like I am repeating myself from the review of the first book so I am just going to say that I loved this book and I really can’t wait for the 3rd book to come out in August so that I can read it as well!

About The Books

Seaside Harmony

Three sisters, a charming inn, hints of mystery and romance, and a gorgeous seaside setting. Summer reading at its finest!

When Caroline Marris joins her sisters, Gracie Gold and Sam Carter for a Nantucket Island getaway, she has no idea how it will change her life. The sisters stumble upon Misty Harbor Inn, the place their late mother loved so much, and Caroline talks her sisters into buying the beautiful but dilapidated inn. But can free-spirited Caroline stay focused enough to make opening the inn a reality? Hand-drawn old postcards draw the sisters into the mystery of Hannah Montague, the young widow of the original owner. Can the sisters uncover the fate of this woman who disappeared in 1880? As Caroline and her sisters work together to make their mom’s dream a reality, they bond in ways they never expected.

Sunflower Summer

Misty Harbor Inn officially opens, and Gracie Gold, the middle Marris sister, wrestles with an overwhelming decision. As the sisters learn the day-to-day workings of running an inn, Gracie counsels its first guests, newlyweds whose honeymoon seems to be ending before it begins. Meanwhile, Sam’s discovery of a clue in a secret room sheds unflattering light on Hannah Montague, who vanished from the house more than one hundred years ago. And as Gracie and Caroline welcome guests to the inn, they are delighted to see how God uses it — and them — to deepen relationships and transform lives.

About The Author

Evangeline Kelley is the pen name for the writing team of Patti Berg, Pam Andrews & Barbara Hanson, and Camy Tang, the four authors who collaborated to create Postcards from Misty Harbor Inn. Each of them has published novels individually, but this is their first series together.

Find out more about Evangeline at

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Top 10 Favorite YouTube Channels


This week for the Writers Workshop I am going to list my top 10 favorite YouTube channels.  This was super hard because I love so many channels so I just picked the channels that I always watch when they have a new video up.

  1. Jenna Marbles-I did a post last year about YouTube channels I loved to watch and this chick was on that list as well.  She is so funny and I agree with so much of what she says.  If you want to laugh go check her out but be warned that she swears tons in her videos.
  2. Daily Grace-I have only watch this lady for a few months but ever since I found her I watch her videos everyday and I have gone back and watched tons of her old ones as well.  She is funny and you never know what you are going to get with each of her videos.
  3. Lisa MarieTTC-This lady is super pretty and even though I have no idea what it would be like to not be able to get pregnant I can’t stop watching her video’s.  She is just starting IVF and I am hooked and I can’t wait for her to get a positive test.  She is so honest when it comes to what she is going through and the costs of IVF and for someone like me who has no idea about IVF it was educational.  Here is the link to the video where she talks about how expensive IVF is.
  4. Grav3yardgirl-I have watch this girl for years and I can’t get enough of her.  Her videos are always entertaining.  If you are looking for someone who is fun and not your typical YouTube person you  need to check her out I know you will love her.
  5. PiinkSparkles-This girls personality is super bubbly and she always puts me in a good mood when I watch her video’s.  She always have fun tutorials using bright colors and she isn’t afraid to be herself.
  6. LaToya Forever-All I am going to say is that this girl makes me laugh.  If you want to laugh you need to check her out.
  7. blndsundoll4mj-I debated whither or not to put this one on the list because she always has such controversy going on but I do enjoy most of her videos.  I wonder at times  what is really and what is fake with her but in the end it doesn’t really matter and she is entertaining to watch most of the time.
  8. Myish-I like this channel because they have different things and it isn’t just one person.  There are serveral different people that contribute and it is interesting to watch most of the time.
  9. ErinandBaby-I have watched this lady since she was pregnant with her first son and she is currently trying to have her 2nd child with her husband.  I just feel like I can relate to her and I always watch her videos the minute I get an email saying that she uploaded a new one.
  10. Annie Gallagher-I started following this lady right before she got pregnant with her twin girls and then she disappeared for awhile because life got crazy after she had the girls but she is back now and I love her videos and she is also someone who for some reason I feel like we could have a lot in common.

Now those are just 10 of the 1,000 channels that I am subscribed to but they are the ones I tend to watch the most.

What channels do you love?

Mama’s Losin’ It

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@RachelHauck’s “Royal Wedding” Giveaway and Facebook Chat Party! {5/28

Rachel Hauck is celebrating the release of Once Upon a Prince with a fun “Royal Wedding” Giveaway and connecting with readers at her May 28th Facebook Party.


One “royal” winner will receive:

  • A Kindle Fire
  • Once Upon a Prince by Rachel Hauck

Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on May 27th. Winner will be announced at the “Once Upon a Prince” Facebook Author Chat Party on May 28th. Connect with Rachel for an evening of book chat, wedding trivia, laughter, and more! Rachel will also be sharing a sneak peek at the next book in the series and giving away books and fun gift certificates throughout the evening.

So grab your copy of Once Upon a Prince and join Rachel on the evening of May 28th for a chance to connect and make some new friends. (If you haven’t read the book, don’t let that stop you from coming!)

Don’t miss a moment of the fun; RSVP todayTell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 28th!

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April Favorites

April Favorites

I can’t believe it is already May.  It seems like just yesterday that it was the first of the year.  Lets get right into things that I loved during the month of April.  I only have a few this month because I didn’t try many new things and I don’t want to repeat any of them from last month.  If you want to check out what liked for the month of March click here and it will take you to last months post.

The first thing I have loved this month are playing games on my phone.  I am sure everyone knows that I finally joined the iPhone band wagon and I got an iPhone 5 a few months ago.  Since I have had the phone I spend more time playing games on it then actually using it as a phone.  Some of my favorite games are: Dream Heights, Tiny Tribe, Castle Story, Family Farm & Paradise Cove.

rockstarhandcreme1I also have been loving my Julep Rock Star Hand Cream that I got a couple of months ago in my Julep Maven Box.  I love this lotion for many reasons and one of those is that it is small enough to fit in my purse and the smell isn’t overwhelming.  I have bigger bottles of lotion at home and at work and yet I still find that I am always using this one.  It doesn’t leave my hands greasy or anything like that.

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I also have been loving my Belkin iPhone cases.  I have the two that are shown above and I can’t get enough of them.  They are slim which is a great thing because my other cases are bulky and I don’t use them as much as these two.  If you would like to see a post on all of the cases I have for my phone let me know and I will write one.

Those are all of my favorites for last month.  I already have a list of things for May so it will be a longer post next month for sure.

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Nails Of The Month-Mint & Gray with Feathers

“An Unholy Communion” by Donna Fletcher Crow


My Review

I had a super hard time reading this book.  I so badly wanted to like the book because I love a good mystery but I got lost when reading this book.  I did enjoy the authors way of talking and how she made me at times feel like I was right there with the characters but I got lost in all the history that is in the book.   I really like the characters and the setting of the book.  I just found that I was lost while reading the book because I didn’t know any of the history that they were talking about so a lot of the book went over my head.

About The Book

The newest offering in The Monastery Murders series, AnUnholy Communion (Lion Fiction).
Following the ancient tradition, ordinands from the College of the Transfiguration gather at first light on Ascension morning to sing their praises from the top of the college’s tallest tower. Not one to miss any liturgy, Felicity finds herself swept up in worship as she listens to the timeless words. But her delight quickly turns to horror when a black-robed body hurtles over the precipice and lands at her feet. Her investigative instincts immediately kick in when she sees a double-headed snake emblem clutched in the lifeless hand. Was this suicide? Or murder?


About The Author

Donna Fletcher Crow is author of more than thirty-five novels. She has twice won first place in the Historical Fiction category from the National Association of Press Women, and has also been a finalist for “Best Inspirational Novel” from the Romance Writers of America. She is a member of The Arts Centre Group, and Sisters in Crime.
Find out more about Donna Fletcher at

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