Headache. . .


Yesterday I wanted to write about something that gave me a headache for the Writers Workshop but I already had a book review that had to be posted that day so I figured I would post this today.  I wanted to write about this because I have had a headache for a month now in fact we are coming up on 2 months with the same headache.  I can’t blame this headache on just one thing so I am going to make a list of things that I think are causing it.

  1. The weather has been super crazy lately and it is always changing.
  2. The fact that since it has been warmer some days my cats have started to shed and I am allergic to them. (This one is my own fault and I know it but they are my kids so I won’t get rid of them)
  3. We are putting in new flooring in the living room, dining room & hallway.  My girls usually sleep on the couch and chair in the living room but since it has been torn up they have been sleeping on my bed almost all night so that is putting tons more cat hair and what not in my room.
  4. My Multiple Sclerosis medication can cause sinus infections and I am prone to have them as well.  I am pretty sure I have a sinus infection but I know that going to a doctor for it isn’t going to do anything so I just take decongestants and wait it out.
  5. Stress from work has also be huge problem lately as well.
  6. I also have been eating too much gluten and I am paying for it big time.  I will do really well some days and then other days and weeks all I want to eat is things that have gluten in them.  I am being kind of stubborn and still eating things I know that will make my head hurt but I am tired of not having what I enjoy.
  7. The final thing that has been giving me a headache  is all of the reading that I have had to be doing because of all the book reviews that I have coming up in the next two months or so.

Those are the things that are causing this almost 2 month-long headache.  I know there are probably tons of other things that aren’t helping as well.

What gives you a headache?

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Hidden In The Heart by Catherine West


My Review

I found that I got frustrated with Claire and how she acted.  I really enjoyed the authors writing but I really didn’t like Claire.  I can see why she acted as she did but I guess it just got tired of her and how she acted.  I found myself looking at her like she was a real person and so she got on my nerves.  Other than not really “liking” Claire I loved the other characters.  The author did a good job with this book so please don’t not read it because I personally didn’t like Claire because that is really one only negative thing I can say about the book.

About  The Book

Everything Claire wants seems to be beyond her reach…
After losing her mother to cancer and suffering a miscarriage soon after, Claire Ferguson numbs the pain with alcohol and pills, and wonders if her own life is worth living.
Adopted at birth, Claire is convinced she has some unknown genetic flaw that may have been the cause of her miscarriage. She must find a way to deal with the guilt she harbors. But exoneration will come with a price. With her marriage in trouble and her father refusing to answer any questions about her adoption, Claire begins the search for her birth mother. For the first time in her life, she really wants to know where she came from. But what if the woman who gave her life doesn’t want to be found?
Hidden in the Heart has been nominated for a 2013 Grace Award and is on the long list for an INSPY award.


About The Author

Catherine West is an award-winning author who writes stories of hope and healing from her island home in Bermuda. Her first novel, “Yesterday’s Tomorrow”, released in 2011 and won the INSPY for Romance, a Silver Medal in the Reader’s Favorite Awards, and was a finalist in the Grace Awards. Catherine’s second novel, “Hidden in the Heart”, released in September 2012. When she’s not at the computer working on her next story, you can find her taking her Border Collie for long walks or tending to her roses and orchids. She and her husband have two college-aged children.
Learn more about Catherine by visiting her website: http://www.catherinejwest.com
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Nails Of The Month ~ Pink and Blue


So I got my nails done last week so it is time for another nails of the month post.  If you want to check out last months nails you can click here.  This time I decided that I was just going to have 2 colors on them and I chose the same pink I did last month because I still love it and then I chose a blue to go with it.  Here are the pictures of them this month.

IMG_0197c IMG_0196c

What do you think?  Any idea’s for next month?

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Stress Test by Richard Mabry

Richard Mabry is celebrating the release of Stress Test with a Nook HD Giveaway! Enter today.


One winner will receive:

  • A brand new Nook HD
  • A $15 gift certificate to BarnesandNoble.com

Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on April 27th. Winner will be announced on 4/29/13 at Richard’s blog.

Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning.

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