Into The Light Cover Reveal

Into the Light – Cover Reveal

Jennifer Burrows

Romantic Thriller

After Laney is shot at point blank range, Josh works tirelessly to repair her life threatening internal injuries from the gunshot wounds.  What’s worse is he is forced to inform Laney’s parents about the tragic accident.  Having only just begun a relationship with the woman he knows in his heart he will spend the rest of his life with, he now has to reveal to her parents that a stalker has been tormenting their daughter.  While his only mission is to save Laney’s life, her parents have other plans for their daughter, none of which include Josh.  They are determined to find a new doctor for Laney, and if her parents have their way, she will be taken thousands of miles away from him.
Just when Josh thinks his entire world has been turned completely upside down, he finds his sister Jillian has stopped taking her psychiatric medications and has become a person unfamiliar to him.  Dealing with her psychotic world becomes even more of a shock, leaving Josh in a horrible dilemma.  He is torn between trying to save Laney’s life, keeping her parents from moving her away from him, and providing his sister the attention and help she desperately needs before she has a complete psychotic breakdown.
Will Josh be able to save the love of his life and prevent her parents from taking her away?  Will he be able to help Jillian through her mental illness before it takes over her life?  Will Laney’s relationship with her parents ever be salvaged?  Will Josh and Laney have their happily ever after, or will the hurdles they have to jump through prove to be more than they can handle?
Jennifer Burrows
Jennifer is a Registered Nurse, and she holds a Master’s degree in Nursing Administration.  She has 15 years of experience working in the Emergency Room and the Intensive Care Unit of a major trauma center.  While she is equally adept at all facets of patient care, Emergency room nursing is her passion, and is the inspiration for this story.  Currently, she resides in Southern California with her husband and their three amazing boys. 

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10 Things I Miss About Being A Kid

10 Things I Miss About Being A Kid

This week for the writers workshop I am going to write about number 5 which is 10 things I miss about being a kid.  This is pretty easy for me since I always find myself telling kids to enjoy being young because being an adult sucks!  So here are the 10 things I miss about being a kid.

  1. I miss not having to do anything but go to school during the week.
  2. I miss the fact that now I have to worry about money and paying bills.
  3. I miss that I really didn’t have a care in the world and I could pretty much do whatever.
  4. I miss how things were back then.  I hate how in todays society you have so many more worries and concerns than there used to be.  I guess the best way to describe what I am trying to say is by saying how bully’s are today and how you can’t even escape them when you are at home like you could when I was a kid.
  5. I miss the fact that I wasn’t sick like I am now and that I could do more things than I am able to now.
  6. I miss the fact that I could sleep.  It is crazy to me how as a kid I hated going to bed but now that I basically can’t go to bed and sleep without taking something I miss being able to lay down and just sleep without taking anything.
  7. I miss not having any major responsibilities such as going to work or paying doctors bills.
  8. I hate that I know have to keep track of doctors appointments and any other appointments that come up.
  9. I hate that I can’t just ask my parents for money anymore when I run out of money during the month.
  10. I miss how I used to feel safe when I was younger and I never had a care in the world.  Now you hear all the time about kidnappings and things like that which makes me not want to raise kids in todays society.

Those are the first 10 things that came to my mind but I am sure after I post this I will think of a tons more things that I miss.  That being said what do you miss about being a kid?

Mama’s Losin’ It

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A Few Great YouTube Video’s

A Few Great YouTube Video's

Since I am about down to the end of review list I get to post more actually posts and I decided that I am going to post a few great YouTube video’s that I have found recently.

#1-This first one is actually two video’s because there is a part 1 & 2.  I usually don’t like things like these but because it is October I really enjoyed it.


#2-I am sure everyone out there has already seen this one but I find myself watching it over and over because it makes me smile.

#3- I found this video through another one and I have to say that these guys are my latest musical obsession.

#4- There isn’t much to say about this next video other than I love this girls music.

#5- I love this one because it is an amazing story and like the title of the video says “Try to Watch Without Crying. . .”

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Return To Me by Lynn Austin

Return To Me Lynn AustinReturn To Me by Lynn Austin was different from any other book I have ever read.  This wasn’t a book that I could read fast it was one that I had to focus on and take my time.  This book takes place during 539 BC and it brings part of the Old Testament to life.  I really liked the fact that this book gives you a view of what it was like for the people that were living during that time.  I think because it takes place so long ago I had a really hard time getting into this story.  I think this book would be great for people who know the bible stories and want to get a different view about what it was like for the people who lived in that time.

Return to Me

About Return To Me

From the Acclaimed Author of Chronicles of the Kings

After decades of exile, the prophesies are coming true—King Cyrus has declared the Jews may return to Jerusalem. Iddo, a priest, is sure this is a sign of God’s renewed favor. For too long they’ve remained in Babylon, and many, including Iddo’s sons, are losing the faith that sets them apart. And so only a few choose to leave everything to return—return to their home and their God.

Nothing about their journey to the Promised Land is easy. As hardships mount, even the faithful, like Iddo’s beloved wife, Dinah, question the sacrifice of following God’s leading. Zechariah, Iddo’s oldest grandson, feels torn between his grandfather’s ancient beliefs and the family they left behind. But one life-changing encounter with the Holy One gives him insight that will change Zechariah—and history—forever.

Bringing the Old Testament to vibrant life, Return to Metells the compelling story of two men living by faith in the midst of doubt, the women who love them, and the faithful remnant struggling to rebuild their lives in obedience to the God who beckons them home.


About Lynn Austin

Bestselling author Lynn Austin has sold more than one million copies of her books worldwide. She is an eight-time Christy Award winner for her historical novels, as well as a popular speaker at retreats and conventions. Lynn and her husband have raised three children and live near Chicago.

You can find out more about Lynn at

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A Christmas Gift For Rose by Tricia Goyer

A Christmas Gift for Rose Tricia Goyer Zondervan
A Christmas Gift For Rose by Tricia Goyer was an amazing book and story. I loved everything this book and the story. I have to say I would have been more shocked if I didn’t like it at all because I love all of Tricia Goyer’s books. In this book you get to follow along with Rose and she finds out things about her past and tries to figure out what is going to do with the man she fell in love with. This book takes place during WWII and her boyfriend joined and served in the army even though he was amish and they are pacifist. I am not going to give anything away because I really loved the twists and turns that the story took.


About A Christmas Gift For Rose

Rose turned her back on the man she loves after he assisted the Englisch during World War
II—only to discover she’s an Englischer herself. Born in the midst of the hardships of The Great Depression, Rose grew up in Berlin, Ohio, in the arms of a loving Amish family. But she is overwhelmed by self-doubt when she learns that she was born Englisch and abandoned when her family moved West in search of work. Was she meant to be Amish or would she have been better off growing up with her own kind—Englischers? When the man she loves leaves her behind, Rose is certain he left for good. Yet Rose discovers sometimes our greatest gifts are the ones we fear.


About Tricia Goyer

 USA Today best-selling author Tricia Goyer is the author of over 35 books, including the three-book Seven Brides for Seven Bachelors series and “Lead Your Family Like Jesus,” (co-written with Ken Blanchard). She has written over 500 articles for national publications and blogs for high traffic sites like and She is the host of Living Inspired, a weekly radio show. Tricia and family live in Little Rock, Arkansas. They have six children.

You can find out more about Tricia at

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