The Devil Walks In Mattingly by Billy Coffey

The Devil Walks in Mattingly Billy Coffey
 The Devil Walks In Mattingly by Billy Coffey was different from anything I have read before.  I have to be honest with everyone this was one of the hardest books for me to get through.  I found at times I got confused about who was talking and I would also get bogged down in all the details that the author used.  I wanted to like this book because the premise of the story was something that I know I would like but it just wasn’t a book for me.

The Devil Walks In Mattingly

About The Book

For the three people tortured by their secret complicity in a young man’s untimely death, redemption is what they most long for . . . and the last thing they expect to receive.
It has been twenty years since Philip McBride’s body was found along the riverbank in the dark woods known as Happy Hollow. His death was ruled a suicide. But three people have carried the truth ever since—Philip didn’t kill himself that day. He was murdered.
Each of the three have wilted in the shadow of their sins. Jake Barnett is Mattingly’s sheriff, where he spends his days polishing the fragile shell of the man he pretends to be. His wife, Kate, has convinced herself the good she does for the poor will someday wash the blood from her hands. And high in the mountains, Taylor Hathcock lives in seclusion and fear, fueled by madness and hatred.
Yet what cannot be laid to rest is bound to rise again. Philip McBride has haunted Jake’s dreams for weeks, warning that he is coming back for them all. When Taylor finds mysterious footprints leading from the Hollow, he believes his redemption has come. His actions will plunge the quiet town of Mattingly into darkness. These three will be drawn together for a final confrontation between life and death . . . Between truth and lies.

Billy Coffey

About The Author

Billy Coffey’s critically-acclaimed books combine rural Southern charm with a vision far beyond the ordinary. He is a regular contributor to several publications, where he writes about faith and life. Billy lives with his wife and two children in Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains.
Learn more about Billy at:

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The Net by Missy Leigh


Title: The Net

Author: Missy Leigh

Genre: Erotic Romance

Hosted By: Book Promotions by Literary Nook

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Polite conversation and gracious manners wouldn’t benefit her in a world of raunchy innuendoes and vulgar requests. Country club attitudes didn’t belong in private chat rooms and back room parlors.

Rated M for Mature

Due to strong language and sexual content, this material is not suitable for readers under 18+

M/F, F/F, M/F/F, Bondage

Divorced, unemployed and on the verge of bankruptcy, Megan Matthews is desperate for quick cash.

When a friend suggests the world of video sex chat, Megan is forced to decide. Can she trade gracious, country club conversations for raunchy innuendos and vulgar requests?

When you’ve spent your entire life playing by the rules, breaking them can be sinfully delicious.


“I didn’t want to be responsible for stealing your innocence.”

“You can’t steal something I willingly give.”

“I know that now, but more than anything, I wanted to shield you from me, from the industry, from worldly corruption. You’re everything I’ll never be, Megan.”

“But you’re everything I want to be,” she whispered. Scooting closer, she wrapped her fingers in his hair. “You’re generous, kind hearted, loving, and honest. You’re gentle yet aggressive, bold yet secretive. I didn’t tell you how I felt about you because I didn’t think I was your type.”

“You’re too good for me.”

“And you for me.”

His heart cartwheeled. If this wasn’t love, then it didn’t exist.

Author Info

It’s just crazy weird to talk about myself in third person so I’ll keep it real with fun facts.

Things you may or may not want to know:

1.) I live in small town Texas but wish the town was smaller.

2.) If you can make me laugh I’m a friend for life.

3.) I also write under another pen name.

4.) I’m in love with the idea of love but think sex is easier.

5.) I’m a Scorpio.

That’s me in a nutshell. No fanfare, no upsell, just me.

Missy Leigh links
Amazon link
Goodreads link



So Frustrated!

So Frustrated

I got the idea for this post from a past writers workshop and I knew when I saw it that I had to write about it.  The prompt is: Something that frustrates you.  I knew I had to write about it because I find myself getting frustrated easily lately and I figured this might help me get the things off my chest and maybe even get over some of them.  Anyway here goes the list of things that are currently frustrating me.

  • Idiot drivers who refuse to use their blinkers before they change lanes.  I also am so tired of people cutting me off and then getting pissed off at me when I honk at them.  I guess I should just be okay with getting cut off and almost getting in a wreck.  I will try and remember that next time.
  • I answer the phones at work and I am so frustrated with people I work with not answering their calls and also never returning their voicemails.  I am so tired of getting bitched at by the customers who get pissed off because they are never getting calls back.  I understand the customers being pissed off but it isn’t my problem and I can’t make anyone answer their calls and/or listen to their voicemails.
  • I am frustrated that I can’t figure out how to make Elinore stopping pooping outside of the litter box.  I wish I knew what caused her  to start doing this let alone how in the hell I am going to make her stop doing this.  If you have any suggestions please let me because we are all at our wits end with her.
  • I am super frustrated with my health and not knowing what is going on.  I hate having Multiple Sclerosis because you never know what is going to happen and what the coming day will bring.  I am so tired of not knowing what is going to happen or not knowing what is really going on because there is no way to really know.

Those are a few of things that I am frustrated about right now.  I know there are more things but those are top 4 things that have me super frustrated right now.

Do you have any advice on how to deal with any of these?  What are you frustrated about right now?

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Musical Monday-Hey Brother by Avicii

music copy

I haven’t written a Musical Monday post in a few months but I wanted to write another one because I have been in love with a song.  Lately I have been in love with the song Hey Brother by Avicii.  I have never actually heard this song on the radio here but I found it when I was listening to the iTunes radio feature that I have on my phone & iPod.  I find that I just put this song on repeat and listen to it all the time which I find happens with songs that I love and songs that end up sticking around for me.  There isn’t anything about this song in particular that I can find that as to why I like it so much but from the time I heard it I didn’t want to stop listening to it.  In fact right when I heard it I had to download it so I couldn’t listen to it over and over again.

Now that you have had a chance to listen to the song & see the video what do you think?

What song are you currently loving?

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It Had To Be You by Susan May Warren

Susan May Warren It Had To Be You
It Had To Be You by Susan May Warren was an amazing book.  I read this book in a few days and after I got a chapter into the book I didn’t want to put it down. I love the authors writing and her characters. In this book you follow along with Eden as she tries to keep her brother Owen out of trouble all while not living her own life. I loved everything about the book and I was sad when it was over because even though it was a long book I was sad to see the end come. I loved the ending for the most part but I hated to see the story end. I can’t wait to read the next book in the series so that I can check in with these characters again.

It Had to be You

About The Book

A Christensen Family Novel.

Eden Christiansen never imagined her role as her younger brother Owen’s cheerleader would keep her on the sidelines of her own life. Sure, it feels good to be needed, but looking after the reckless NHL rookie leaves little time for Eden to focus on her own career. She dreamed of making a name for herself as a reporter, but is stuck writing obits—and starting to fear she doesn’t have the chops to land a major story. If only someone would step up to mentor Owen . . . but she knows better than to expect help from team veteran and bad-boy enforcer Jace Jacobsen.
Jace has built his career on the infamous reputation of his aggressive behavior—on and off the ice. Now at a crossroads about his future in hockey, that reputation has him trapped. And the guilt-trip he’s getting from Eden Christiansen isn’t making things any easier. But when Owen’s carelessness leads to a career-threatening injury and Eden stumbles upon a story that could be her big break, she and Jace are thrown together . . . and begin to wonder if they belong on the same team after all.
Learn more and purchase a copy at Susan’s website.


About The Author

Susan May Warren is the bestselling, RITA Award-winning author of more than forty novels whose compelling plots and unforgettable characters have won acclaim with readers and reviewers alike. She served with her husband and four children as a missionary in Russia for eight years before she and her family returned home to the States. She now writes full-time as her husband runs a lodge on Lake Superior in northern Minnesota, where many of her books are set. She and her family enjoy hiking, canoeing, and being involved in their local church. Several of her critically acclaimed novels have been ECPA and CBA bestsellers, were chosen as Top Picks by Romantic Times, and have won the RWA’s Inspirational Reader’s Choice contest and the American Christian Fiction Writers Book of the Year award. Five of her books have been Christy Award finalists. In addition to her writing, Susan loves to teach and speak at women’s events about God’s amazing grace in our lives. She also runs a writing community for authors. Visit to learn more.
Learn more about Susan at:


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