A Love Like Ours by Becky Wade

Book Review

A Love Like Ours by Becky Wade was a super sweet story.  This is the third book in the series but you don’t have to read the other two in order to understand and follow along with this story.  I love when I have read the series to be able to check back in with the characters that you come to love after reading a whole book about them.  If you missed my reviews on the other two books you can click here and here to check them out.  Anyway lets get back to the review of this book.  Out of all the Porter brothers I have to say that Jake has been my favorite.  Maybe that is because I grew up in the military but I really liked him and felt so bad for him because of everything he went through.  I spent the whole time I was reading this book hoping that everything would work out great for Jake & Lyndie because I truly loved both of them.  This is a sweet story that everyone who love contemporary romance books should check out!

A Love Like Ours

About The Book

A Love Like Ours (Bethany House, May 2015)

Former Marine Jake Porter has far deeper scars than the one that marks his face. He struggles with symptoms of PTSD, lives a solitary life, and avoids relationships.

When Lyndie James, Jake’s childhood best friend, lands back in Holley, Texas, Jake cautiously hires her to exercise his Thoroughbreds. Lyndie is tender-hearted, fiercely determined, and afraid of nothing, just like she was as a child. Jake pairs her with Silver Leaf, a horse full of promise but lacking in results, hoping she can solve the mystery of the stallion’s reluctance to run.

Though Jake and Lyndie have grown into very different adults, the bond that existed during their childhood still ties them together. Against Jake’s will, Lyndie’s sparkling, optimistic personality begins to tear down the walls he’s built around his heart. A glimmer of the hope he’d thought he’d lost returns, but fears and regrets still plague him. Will Jake ever be able to love Lyndie like she deserves, or is his heart too shattered to mend?

Becky Wade

About The Author

Becky Wade is a native of California who attended Baylor University, met and married a Texan, and moved to Dallas. She published historical romances for the general market, took time off to raise her children, then felt God nudging her to pursue contemporary Christian fiction. Becky’s work has been a finalist for both a RITA and an INSPY Award.

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Writers Workshop-Favorite Quote

QuotesThis weeks for the writers workshop I am going to write about #4 which is a quote that I love.  I am going to list a few that I love because I have so many that I have used for my Quotes Of The Week posts and I can’t just choose one.

strong.jpg StrengthC. S. Lewis Robin Williams

Those are just a few of the quotes that I am loving right now.  What quotes are you loving right now?

Here are the other prompts for this week in case you want to join in:

1. An 8th grade memory.
2. Write a blog post inspired by the word: journey.
3. Book review!
4. Share a quote you love.
5. Spring Cleaning! Share a before and after photo of a room you recently tackled.

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Odin’s Shadow by Erin S. Riley

Odins Shadow_Final

About The Book

Historical Romance

Date Published: April 2, 2015

Obsession. Treachery. Revenge. Redemption. Certain themes resonate across the centuries.

Selia is a girl on the verge of womanhood, frustrated by the confines of her gender and resentful of the freedom her brother boasts of. Intelligent and resourceful in a time when neither is valued in a female, she longs for an escape from her sheltered existence. Fascinated by the tales of Viking raids told by her maidservant, her hunger for independence is fed through the stories of heathen ferocity she hears at the woman’s knee.

A decision to sneak to the city’s harbor to view the Viking longships leads to an encounter with Alrik Ragnarson, a charismatic Viking warlord whose outward beauty masks a dark and tortured mind. With the knowledge that her father is about to announce her betrothal to a man she doesn’t love, Selia marries Alrik and within a day is on the longship bound for Norway and a new life.

While Selia’s relationship with her new husband grows, her friendship with his brother Ulfrik grows as well. And as Alrik’s character flaws come to light and tension mounts between the two brothers, Selia begins to have misgivings about her hasty marriage . . . especially when a secret from the past is revealed, one that threatens to destroy them all.

Erin S. Riley

About The Author

Erin S. Riley has an undergraduate degree in psychology and a graduate degree in clinical counseling. She is also a board certified lactation consultant and has had extensive training in maternal-child health. Since Erin was a child, she has been fascinated with human nature and what motivates behavior. She enjoys writing stories that reflect real life: Erin’s books feature complicated, imperfect characters who love deeply, make reckless decisions, and try again until they get it right.

A lifelong lover of books, Erin taught herself to read at the age of four and hasn’t been without a book since. She is an equal-opportunity reader of fiction and non-fiction, and her shelves are filled with books on psychology, archaeology, anthropology, and general history. The social history of women and their place in society across the ages is a favorite reading topic of Erin’s.

Erin is drawn to any creative pursuit, from making hand-stitched quilts to producing mini-movies for family and friends from home videos. But writing has always been her passion. When Erin isn’t writing, she enjoys spending time with her two wonderful children, reading anything she can get her hands on, watching football, and renovating her house with her husband of 17 years who just happens to look like a Viking!

Website: erinsriley.wordpress.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/erinsrileyromance?ref=hl


Blog: erinsriley.wordpress.com

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20527200-odin-s-shadow

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To Win Her Favor by Tamera Alexander

Book Review

To Win Her Favor by Tamera Alexander was a great historical fiction book.  I loved this book from the first chapter right up until the last page.  There are historical fiction books that I just can’t get into because I don’t understand the time period but this isn’t one of those.  This is the first book I have read by this author I can’t wait to check out other books she has written because she does a great job of making me feel like I am there with the characters.  This is the second  book in the “Belle Meade Plantation” series and I didn’t feel like I missed anything by not reading the first book in the series.   This book was an easy read but still kept my attention which at times can be hard to do.  If you love historical fiction that you will want to check out this great book!

To Win Her Favor

About The Book

To Win Her Favor (Zondervan, May 2015)

A gifted rider in a world where ladies never race, Maggie Linden is determined that her horse will become a champion. But the one man who could help her has vowed to stay away from thoroughbred racing forever.

An Irishman far from home, Cullen McGrath left a once prosperous life in England because of a horse racing scandal that nearly ruined him. He’s come to Nashville for a fresh start, hoping to buy land and begin farming, all while determined to stay as far away from thoroughbred racing as possible. But starting over proves harder than he’d wagered, especially when Maggie Linden’s father makes him an offer he shouldn’t accept yet cannot possibly refuse.

Maggie is certain that her mare, Bourbon Belle, can take the top purse in the inaugural Peyton Stakes, the richest race ever run in America. Maggie only needs the chance to prove it. To give her that chance—and to save Linden Downs from being sold to the highest bidder—Maggie’s father, aging, yet wily as ever, makes a barter. His agreement includes one tiny, troublesome detail—Maggie must marry a man she’s never met. A man she never would have chosen for herself.

Tamera Alexander

About The Author

Tamera Alexander is a best-selling novelist whose deeply drawn characters, thought-provoking plots, and poignant prose resonate with readers. Having lived in Colorado for seventeen years, she and her husband now make their home in Nashville, Tennessee, along with their two adult children who live near by. And don’t forget Jack, their precious—and precocious—silky terrier.

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Catching Cassidy by Melissa Foster


Listen up, because today I have a huge announcement!

New York Times and USA Today bestselling Contemporary Romance author, Melissa Foster, has officially entered the world of New Adult Romance—yay! Her first book in the new Harborside Nights series released this week, and she’s having a huge party with lots of cool prizes and games to celebrate. So read more about Catching Cassidy below, stop to get your copy at Amazon, Kindle, Nook, iBooks, Kobo, or Google Play, and then head on over to Melissa’s Street Team to join the party!


Wyatt Armstrong never imagined that instead of celebrating his college graduation, he and his twin sister would be dealing with the death of their parents.  Then again, Wyatt had never been one to think past tomorrow. He heads to their summer home in Harborside, Massachusetts, with his best friend Cassidy Lowell in tow, to deal with his parents’ death and to try to figure out his next step.

Six foot two, infuriatingly handsome, and flirtatious, Wyatt Armstrong has always been there for Cassidy, helping her pass her classes and fend off unwanted advances, while driving her insane with his one-night stands—but that’s what best friends are for, isn’t it? Having each other’s backs. There was never any doubt that she would accompany him to his family’s summer home—but she never expected to begin seeing Wyatt as more than a friend. Or has she been ignoring her feelings all along?

It’s impossible to ignore the sizzling heat between them as Wyatt and Cassidy get even closer, but Cassidy knows Wyatt’s past, and she has a real job to begin in the fall. Wyatt may be a sure thing for the summer, but Cassidy needs more. For the first time in his life, Wyatt is forced to look toward the future if he doesn’t want to lose the one woman who’s shared his past and owns his heart.

melissascarf author photo FINAL

HARBORSIDE NIGHTS is a sexy, hot, and evocatively real New Adult Romance series that follows a group of friends who have known one another for years as “summer” friends, and now come together after college to build their lives. They’re tough, edgy, and accepting—most of the time. This series is written in the loving, raw, and emotional voice readers have come to love by New York Times & USA Today bestselling, award-winning author Melissa Foster. Learn more at http://www.MelissaFoster.com.

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Kidnap by Sally Ann Melia Part 1

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Kidnap by Sally Ann Melia Part 1 was a different book for me to read.  I am trying to branch out and try other genre’s of books that I wouldn’t usually read and I am glad that I did because I really enjoyed this book.  I grew up watching Star Trek and this book reminded me of that show.   I really did enjoy this book and it was a super easy read for me.  Sometimes books that are easy for me to read don’t really hold my attention but this book held my attention and I can’t wait to read the next book so I know what happens next.  I also loved the pictures that were placed in the book.  I liked being able to see what the characters looked like to the author.  It also helped me follow along a little better because I could put an actually picture with some of the characters.  All in all I can’t wait to read the next  book in the series and I would recommend this to anyone who loves sci-fi or someone who is looking for a different type of book to read.


About The Book

I don’t want to go… Do I have to go?

13-year-old Prince Teodor of Freyne knows his duty to the memory of his father and his kingdom. Always, he must help those less fortunate than himself. Yet a frightening nightmare fills him with foreboding, but still he must do – into the Dome.

13-year-old Guy Erma lives in the shadow of the Dome, he has no father and no mother and his future is uncertain, he must start earning a living when he turns 14. He knows not where he will live or even how he will eat, and his only dream is to enter the military academy – at the heart of the Dome.

Two boys as different as any two boys might be. One act of cruelty will throw their lives together, but who dare they trust?

Sally Ann Melia

About The Author

The author was born in Wallasey, England, in 1964, and moved to the South of France when she was eleven. She spent her teenage years living in the cosmopolitancity state of Monaco and became immersed in its many languages and cultures. An English girl in a French school, for three hours each week she would sit at the back of the class as her colleagues learnt English. To pass the time, she wrote stories. This led to a lifetime of writing novels, scripts, stories and articles.In her working life, Sally writes marketing communications and manages large international websites.In 2010, Sally joined the Hogs Back Writers, a club located on the outskirts of Guildford, and she set about turning an old manuscript into this novel: Guy Erma and the Son of Empire. Sally currently lives in Farnham, and she is married with two children.

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