Breaking Wild by Diane Les Becquets

Winter Book Review

Breaking Wild by Diane Les Becquets was a good book to read.  I did get lost, but that is because I have been so busy that even when I sat down to read my head isn’t 100% in the book.  This is one of the few books that I know I will go back and read again once things have slowed down at work and I can take the time to really focus on what is going on in the book.  I really enjoyed this authors style of writing and the premise of the book.  I live in a state where people hunt and things like that and even though I don’t do any of those things I felt like I could relate a little bit to book.  If you love books that have suspense than I know you will enjoy this one just like I did.

Breaking Wild

About The Book

In captivating prose, Diane Les Becquets tells the story of one woman missing in the Colorado wilderness and another bent on discovering the missing woman’s whereabouts, in an unforgettably moving and thrilling literary debut.
It is the last weekend of the season for Amy Raye Latour to get away. Driven to spend days alone in the wilderness, Amy Raye, mother of two, is compelled by the quiet and the rush of nature. But this time, her venture into a remote area presents a different set of dangers than Amy Raye has planned for and she finds herself on the verge of the precarious edge that she’s flirted with her entire life.

When Amy Raye doesn’t return to camp, ranger Pru Hathaway and her dog respond to the missing person’s call. After an unexpected snowfall and few leads, the operation turns into a search and recovery. Pru, though, is not resigned to that. The more she learns about the woman for whom she is searching, and about Amy Raye’s past, the more she suspects that Amy Raye might yet be alive. Pru’s own search becomes an obsession for a woman whose life is just as mysterious as the clues she has left behind.

As the novel follows Amy Raye and Pru in alternating threads, Breaking Wild assumes the white-knuckled pace of a thriller laying bare Amy Raye’s ultimate reckoning with the secrets of her life, and Pru’s dogged pursuit of the woman who, against all odds, she believes she can find.

About The Author

Diane Les Becquets is a Professor of English and a faculty member at Southern New Hampshire University’s MFA Program in Fiction and Nonfiction. In addition to teaching creative writing, she has worked as a medical journalist; an archaeology assistant; a marketing consultant; a sand and gravel dispatcher; a copywriter; and a lifeguard, and is also an avid outdoorswoman. A native of Nashville, she spent almost fourteen years living in a small Colorado ranching town before moving to New Hampshire.

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MS Tuesday: MRI & Treatment Updates


I had another doctor’s appointment last week so I figured it was time to updated on what is going on with the MS and things like that.  The MS has been pretty stable since my last appointment in June which is a great thing.   I am so grateful for that but with that being said because of the stress that is going on with my job right now my Psorisis has flaired up which is more embarrassing than anything else.

After I get my new health insurance at the start of next year I am going to look more into maybe switching treatments because I have decided that I am not going to tell my new employer about me having MS from the start.  It always hard to figure out when to tell your employer that you have MS because you never know how it will go.  I know in time I will tell them but I want to wait until I they see how hard I work and things like that.

Anyway other than my headaches coming back not much has really change for me which is a great thing considering how active my disease used to be.  I am happy that I am stable and I hope it stays that way because I don’t have the time to have a relapse considering that I have to start a new job on January 4th.  So that is all that is going on with me.  I will see you tomorrow with a book review.

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Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap-Up

Another week has come to an end and that means I am one week closer to starting my new job.  It was a quiet week on the blog because work has been super busy and it won’t get any better until probably February.

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I am not sure how many blog posts will actually get written other than book reviews that have to be posted.  I am going to try and get things written up over the next couple of weeks so that they can be scheduled to go up but we will see.  I hope you all have had a great week and I will see you back here next week!

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