Breaking The Story by Ashley Farley


FTC: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.  I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are 100% mine.

Breaking The Story by Ashley Farley was an excellent book.  I reviewed the first book, and if you missed that review, you could click here to read it and find out more about it.  You don’t have to read the first book if you don’t want to understand this book, but if you want to read them both, I would suggest reading them in order.  You can read this book alone and be able to understand everything that is going on.  I love this author writing and how she can make me completely understand why the characters do what they do and why they make the choices that they do.  This book was an easy read and I loved that because there are times where I love reading books that you don’t really have to pay close attention to the details and not get lost or confused.  I would recommend this book to anyone who loves books that combine both romance and mystery in the same book.


About The Book

Release Date: March 17, 2016

Genre: Suspense

Passion, peril, and a scandal that will rock American politics.

Scottie Darden’s life is a disaster. Her marriage has become toxic, and her career as a photojournalist has stalled out. To attract the attention of the main players in the news industry, she needs a standout story with a unique perspective. What she finds is a scandal that could turn the 2016 presidential election upside down. But before she can release her damaging images to the media, Scottie must uncover the truth behind the photographs. She turns to handsome mystery man Guy Jordan for help. When they join the campaign trail in search of answers, their investigation quickly becomes deadly.

Hop on board for a wild ride of adventure where desire ignites, lives are threatened, and secrets are revealed.


About The Author

Ashley Farley is a wife and mother of two college-aged children. She grew up in the salty marshes of South Carolina, but now lives in Richmond, Virginia, a city she loves for its history and traditions.

After her brother died in 1999 of an accidental overdose, she turned to writing as a way of releasing her pent-up emotions. She wrote SAVING BEN in honor of Neal, the boy she worshipped, the man she could not save. SAVING BEN is not a memoir, but a story about the special bond between siblings.

HER SISTER’S SHOES—June 24, 2015—is a women’s novel that proves the healing power of family.

MERRY MARY a heartwarming story of the powerful connection between a caring soul and an innocent child in need released October 15, 2015.



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Multiple Sclerosis Update-March 2016

MS Update-March 2016 N

I had my infusion, and I also saw my Multiple Sclerosis doctor on Monday, March 21st, so I figured that now was a good time to post a small update on how things are going and how I am feeling.

If I am going to be a one hundred percent honest with everyone I have to admit that I have been feeling pretty sick most days for the past couple of months.  Which has made my life harder but is part if the game when you have diseases like Multiple Sclerosis.  The last time I saw my doctor was back in December before I switched jobs and insurance companies.  I am sure the new job along with the stress of it is part of the problem.

I also have been feeling like I going to have a relapse soon because of some strange things that I have been feeling for the past couple of weeks.  I remember one morning a couple of weeks ago that as I stood up to turn off my alarm my legs gave out. After I had sat back down for a few minutes, I was able to walk, but my legs did feel weak. I also have also had times where out of nowhere I feel like my legs may give out on me.  They haven’t thanked God, but it is such a strange feeling to feel your legs get weak and then have it go away after a few minutes.

Nothing was changed at my doctor’s appointment which I guess is a good thing. The only thing that she did was to schedule my next MRI for the 2nd of April, so I have that to look forward too. So other than all that my life has been pretty stable which is always a good thing. I hope you are all doing well, and I hope to see you back here tomorrow for another book review.

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A Few Of My Favorite Songs

A Few Of My Favorite Songs

I haven’t written about music that I love for quite a long time, and I wanted to list a few songs that I am loving.  I used to post songs I loved on Mondays and if you wish to check those posts out you can click here to see them.  Let’s get on to a few of the songs that I am currently loving.

 If you click on the title of the song, it will take you to the video on YouTube that you can watch.

  1. See You Again ft. Charlie Puth by Wiz Khalifa.  I loved this song since I first heard it.  I wasn’t a huge fan of the movie, but I do love this song, and it is one of the ones that I put on repeat as I drive home from work.
  2. Love Yourself by Justin Bieber.  I just started listening to this song last week because I don’t follow the popular music anymore, so I never hear about songs until they are older.  I can’t help but sing along with the song, and it makes me wonder what else I have missed.
  3. Time Of Our Lives by Pitbull & Ne-Yo. This song is one that I loved when it came out but I forgot about it until a few weeks ago, and it reminds me of why I love Pitbull & Ne-Yo.  This song makes me car dance because you can’t help but dance when you listen to it.
  4. Black And Yellow by  Wiz Khalifa.  I am adding this song because even though I don’t listen to this song all that often it is one that I will randomly just start singing because it gets stuck in your head no matter what you do or, at least, it does for me.

  5. Big Guitar by Blackhawk.  I didn’t know anything about this song until 2014 when I started to listen to the 90’s Country station on Pandora and once I heard this song I was hooked.  They have such a different sound, and I know that is why I love it like I do.

I am going to stop at five but if you would like me to do this more often let me know and I will do it again.  What songs or artists are you currently loving to listen to?

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A Jingle Valley Wedding by Martha Reynolds

Book Review Graphic

FTC: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.  I received no other compensation for this review and all opinions expressed in this review are 100% mine.

A Jingle Valley Wedding by Martha Reynolds was an okay book.  I enjoyed this book but at times I thought things were rushed and at other times I felt like they could have cut out other parts of the story. Even with that being said though I still truly enjoyed this author’s style of writing.   I really enjoyed all the characters in this book. I wasn’t a huge fan of Thomas throughout most of the book but I figured from the start that I wouldn’t really like him. I think Julie was my favorite character because I love when books have strong females as the main characters. I haven’t heard of this author before and I love when I find new authors to read because I am always on the lookout for new authors to add too my list of authors I want to read more of their work. If you love chick lit than I would for sure recommend this book to you. I think it is a book that is pretty universal and something that most people would enjoy to read.

A Jingle Valley Wedding by Martha Reynolds

About The Book

New York executive Julie Tate knows what it takes to win in the financial world, but her big-city success could never prepare her for her latest career move. When her brother abandons the failing family farm, Julie hopes its salvation lies in transforming it into western Massachusetts’s newest premier wedding venue. With her social-savvy friend Freddy in her corner, Julie feels infallible.

But as their bank account dwindles and one obstacle after another crops up, the business partners wonder if their venture is doomed for failure before the first bride walks down the aisle. Maybe the best way to succeed in a business based on romance is to find one.

Martha Reynolds

About The Author

After ending an accomplished career as a fraud investigator, I began writing full time in 2011.

I am the author of six novels, including the bestsellers CHOCOLATE FOR BREAKFAST, BITS OF BROKEN GLASS, and BEST SELLER.


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Playing The Part by Jen Turano

Book Review Graphic

FTC: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.  I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are 100% mine.

Playing The Part by Jen Turano was an excellent book. I loved this book because so many strange and weird things happened throughout the entire book that I couldn’t help but laugh. If anything could go wrong, it did go wrong. I haven’t read a book like this for a while, and I am so glad that I got this one to review because it is going to be added to the books that keep after I am done with them. I was a huge fan of all of the characters that worked for Bram because you never knew what they were going to do next. Like when the shot a cannon to scare people away even though they were told not to do it. If you are looking for a fun historical fiction book to read I recommend this book one hundred percent because I think most people would enjoy this book. I loved the setting of this book and like I said before I loved the entire plot and all of the crazy but funny characters. I can’t say enough great things about this book, and since I don’t want to give anything away, I am going to end the review so that you won’t have any spoilers. If you do happen to check this book out, please let me know what you think of it.

Playing The Part by Jen Turano

About The Book

Lucetta Plum is an actress on the rise in New York City, but is forced to abandon her starring role when a fan’s interest turns threatening. Lucinda’s widowed friend, Abigail Hart, is delighted at the opportunity to meddle in Lucetta’s life and promptly whisks her away to her grandson’s estate to hide out.

Bram Haverstein may appear to simply be a somewhat eccentric gentleman of means, but a mysterious career and a secret fascination with a certain actress mean there’s much more to him than society knows.

Lucetta, who has no interest in Abigail’s matchmaking machinations, has the best intentions of remaining cordial but coolly distant to Bram. But when she can’t ignore the strange and mysterious things going on in his house, it’ll take more than good intentions to keep her from trying to discover who Bram is behind the part he plays.

Jen Turano

About The Author

Jen Turano is a graduate of the University of Akron with a degree in Clothing and Textiles. She pursued a career in management for nine years before switching to full-time motherhood after the birth of her son. When she’s not writing, Jen can be found watching her teenage son participate in various activities, taking long walks with her husband and dog, socializing with friends, or delving into a good book. She lives in suburban Denver, Colorado. Learn more at

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Charles R. Swindoll-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The Week

This week’s quote is by Charles R. Swindoll.

Charles R. Swindoll

I loved this quote because it is true.  You always chose how you are going to react to things that happen to you.  I have been trying to change how I react to things because I am tired of letting people who don’t matter effect how I am feeling and how my day is going.  I want to get to the point where when people who don’t matter or are trying to ruin my day will have no control over how I am feeling.

What do you think of this week’s quote by Charles R. Swindoll?

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