This post is a day early because I have a book review that has to posted tomorrow and I still wanted to write for the workshop this week because I loved the prompt I chose.
This week for the writer’s workshop I am going to write about number 3 which is: Do you “unplug” during the summer months? Why or why not? I chose this one because I found it the most interesting.
As I sat and thought about if I have ever unplugged during the summer since I have blogged I realized that I have but it has always just kind of happened. I have never planned to take a break during the summer months but I always seem to get super busy and blogging just falls to the side.
I have noticed that I do really well blogging up until my daughter’s birthday and after the beginning of July I fall off and I think it has to do with getting depressed and just not wanting to take the time and blog. I haven’t done that this year but I do find that I am putting blogging off until the last possible minute which is something that I don’t usually do. I tend to wait till the last-minute with book reviews because I have to finish the books but on posts like this I try to have them done a week in advance because they are easy to write & schedule.
On the years that I have taken a break during the summer I usually start blogging around September or October so I take the summer off and even longer some year’s. I am sure if I had kids I would be taking the summers off because there are so many other things that I would want to do during the summer with the kids and blogging would be put on hold until they went back to school. I am not sure how mommy bloggers can keep up blogging and taking care of their kids. I am pretty sure that isn’t something I would be able to keep up with.
Do you unplug during the summer?
If you want to join in this week here are the rest of the prompts:
1.) A new friend.
2.) Book review!
3.) Do you “unplug” during the summer months? Why or why not?
4.) Something you got to do when you were young that you would not let your children do.
5.) List your top 12 solutions for bored children.