
Writers Workshop

This weeks for the Writers Workshop I decided to combine the first to prompts because I can fit both of them.  Here are the first 2 prompts: 1.) A list of things you no longer have in common with your single/childless friends…and why you love them anyways, 2.) A list of things you no longer have in common with your married/child bearing friends…and why you love them anyways.  I fit into both of them because yes I have had a child so I understand what it feels like to have a child and the love you feel for that child but I also placed her for adoption so I don’t know what the sleepless night feel like or what parenting is like.  I know what not having kids feels like as well so I feel like I don’t fit in either group anymore.  I fit the best when I find other girls that have placed a baby for adoption and know the feelings that go along with it.  I still love all of my friends but I am starting to wish that I had more friends that had placed their children for adoption.  I just am finding that a have a few things in common with both groups but I also have enough different from them that I don’t really fit in with either group.  I hate being in the group I am in but I know I am here because I made the best choice I could make for her. This weeks post is short but I feel as if I covered everything I need to!

10 Things That Make Me Happy

I picked another prompt from Mama Kat’s page again today.  The one that I picked is: Write a list of 10 things that are sure to put a smile on your face when you are not happy.

  1. My cats always put my in a good mood.  It is like they know when you are having a bad day and they want to be petted and sit on my lap.
  2. My grandma because she is always doing something weird.
  3. Watch Liar Liar.  I have seen it so many times I have it memorized but I still love it.
  4. Being around friends
  5. Blogging
  6. Getting a new blogger layout!  I love to change them a lot and it always makes me happy when I get a new one.
  7. Shopping when I have money.
  8. Finding money that I didn’t know I had or getting money that I didn’t know what coming to me.
  9. Tweeting with my twitter friends.  They always know what to say to make me smile when I am having a bad day.
  10. Reading a good book because it helps me escape all the troubles I am having at that time.


Writers Workshop & Day 10 – Someone I Need To Let Go, Or Wish I Didn’t Know

These are the prompts for this weeks Writers Workshop.
1.) Lou Holtz (don’t ask me who that is) once said, “life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it.”
Do you believe this? Describe a time when you feel like you could have responded a different way and produced a different outcome.
2.) I miss the friend you used to be. (The Myth Of You And Me)
3.) The most unbelievable blue eyes you’ve ever seen…
4.) The craziest reason I ever got in trouble as a child.
5.) What would you ask forgiveness for?

I am going to write about #1.

I totally believe this.  How you react to situations is much more of life then what happens.  Like when I had my daughter it is more about what I did when I was pregnant and what I did after I had her then the act of getting pregnant.  Life is all about how you react to situations.  There are many ways I could have reacted when I found out I was pregnant and each way would have lead to a different outcome in the end.  I chose the path that I thought would be easiest for me in the long run.  Everyone reacts differently to situations and they do what they believe is best for them at the time.

Another example would be what happened to a family member of one of the people I work with.  Not to get into the whole story the ended up shooting a guy and leaving him paralyzed from the waist down I believe.  Now if he had just called the cops he wouldn’t be in jail waiting to get sentenced to go to prison.  Now a side note to that is I don’t think the guy should be going to prison but that is a whole other issue.  It is always about how you react to situations and not the original situation.  You can make your life however you want it to be!
Today’s topic is easy.  The person I need to let go of is Pear!  Some of you are wondering who Pear is and I am not going to say because that is part of my life I don’t post on this blog.  If you are really interested leave a comment and I will explain in an e-mail.  As for the husband well I wish I didn’t know him at all.  He has really made me go back to the whole not trusting men and thinking they are all a waste of skin and a big waste of my time!

5 Years

I was going to write something for the writers work shop this week but non of the prompts really jumped out at me so I went to NaBloPoMo and they have prompts you can use to write about so I am going to pick on of them and write about that.  The one that I chose is: What do you want your life to be like in five years?  

Lets see in five years from today I will 30 about to turn 31.  This is hard because I have a hard time lately knowing what I want my life to be like right now.  I guess in 5 years I would like to be at a job that pays my bills and maybe even allows me to move out of my grandparents house.  I also want to have the MS be stable.   It would be so great for people not to know that I am sick unless I tell them that I am sick.  I am lucky right now because unless I tell you that I am sick you can’t tell I am.  It is nice for people not to know I am sick.  If people know they tend to treat me differently than before they knew that I was sick.  I hate when people are jerks to me until they find out I am sick then they try and be my best friend.  I also don’t care if I am with someone or not.  As long as I am happy where I am at the rest of it doesn’t really matter.   I just want to be happy with what is going on and where I am at is all.

Well that is what I hope my life will be like in 5 years.  I hope everyone has a great Thursday!


Day 28- Whats In My Handbag/Purse

Well I did a post on it before so I am just going to link that post to this one that way I don’t have to take more pictures and things like that.
I am going to take part in the Writers Workshop this week. Here are the prompts for this week:

1.) What would you change about your life if you could? 2.) I wish I would have…describe a time when you didn’t take action, but later wished you would have.
3.) A collector you know.
4.) Photographs can turn a house into a home. Share a photograph that is not on your wall, but should be…if you weren’t so lazy about actually putting it there.
5.) Write a list of 100 things you want to do before you turn 100. Otherwise known as a “bucket list”.
(inspired by my feelings and the conference that hurt them when it rejected my admission after applying and spending at least 15 minutes on a bucket list for what now seems no good reason. I’m fine with it. Really.).

I have chosen to write on #1 even though I like a lot of them this week.  I think I am going to use them through out the week so that I can post about the ones that I like!

If I could change something about me it would be all the negative thoughts that go through me head all the time.  Even though I am trying to be positive a lot of the time I just can’t seem to see the good in things.    I will keep trying and I hope one day I will be good at it.  I always have wished I could be the kind of person who sees the good in things and doesn’t worry about what is going to wrong.  I think part of the problem is that I am so convinced that something is going to go wrong that make it go wrong.  I am convinced that because my brain is always negative I am only going to see the bad in things and people.  So if I had to pick one thing I would change that would be it!

Day 14-Non-Fictional Book~Writers Workshop

This is the last non-fictional book that I have read all the way through.  I tried to read The Zoo Keepers Wife but I just couldn’t get through it it.  Her writing for me was super hard to get through. I think it was because she spent so much time describing things instead of just telling the story.  The only non-fictional books that I enjoy reading are about the Holocaust.  For some reason that time period has always interested me.  I love to read the stories of the Jews that survived and the ones that didn’t.
One of this weeks prompts for Mama Kat’s Writers Workshop was to list 50 things that I look for in a man.  Since I am going through a divorce and what not I figure this would be a fun one to do.  Now the question is if I can really make a list of 50 things.  I am going to try but I am not going to make any promises on it.  Oh and they are not in any order.

  1. Respectful
  2. Responsible
  3. Caring
  4. Not scared of the MS
  5. Understanding
  6. Kind
  7. Helpful
  8. Love’s my girls like I do
  9. Treats their mom right
  10. Likes animals
  11. Would be willing to serve in the military if asked to do so or already in the military
  12. Funny
  13. Happy
  14. Willing to work and pay bills
  15. Good credit
  16. Not a cheater
  17. Honest
  18. Willing to help others
  19. Not controlling
  20. Realizes that I have my own brain and that I will use it!
  21. Not scared of a women who speaks her mind
  22. Gets along with my family
  23. Like quiet time some of the time
  24. Doesn’t put his friends before me all of the time.  I understand that at times it is okay but all the time just gets to be too much
  25. Has plans and goals for the future
  26. Respects family
  27. Is okay with me not wanting to have my own kids but I am okay with them having kids already.
  28. Good work ethic

Okay all I could come up with was 28 so that is all you are going to get!!!!