
Writers Workshop-My Passions

Mama’s Losin’ It

 These are the prompts for this week:
1.) Six Word Memoir: Write about a significant time in your life in just six words.
2.) “One need not be a chamber to be haunted, One need not be a house. The brain has corridors surpassing material place”. –Emily Dickinson What haunts you?
3.) Describe a talent or flaw that seems to be in your genes.
4.) What are you passionate about?
5.) Comfort food at it’s finest. Share a family favorite recipe you loved as a child.

I am having a hard time picking one to write about.  I am going to write about #4-Something I am passionate about.  I am passionate about a few things but the main one is probably trying to teach others about MS.  I just want to bring awareness to the disease in hopes that people are getting diagnosed they aren’t alone.  I know when I was diagnosed I was scared to death and what made it worse was there was no one around my age that had the disease.  I am finally getting to the point where people my age are getting it. i just want people know be able to get the support that I found lacking when it come to MS and even other invisible illnesses. 

I am also really passionate about raising awareness about adoption but more importantly I want to get help for the birth mothers that are left out in the cold.  I wish people could see the great things these women and be their for them but usually birth mom’s end up getting judged because of what we choice to do with our children.  For those that may not know I am a birth mom.  I placed my daughter for adoption almost 6 years ago now.  Since then I have found that there aren’t places for birth parents to go and get support when they are having hard days.  I have started a blog and Facebook page for birth moms.  I am also considering starting a support group in the Salt Lake City area for birth moms but I am not sure how to go about starting that.

Anyways those are 2 of the things that I am passionate about.  There a few more but those two are on very top of the list. Registered & Protected

Dreaming Big

Mama’s Losin’ It

This week for the writers workshop I am going to write about 1.) What was your big dream for yourself when you were 18 and had graduated from high school?

The one dream I had when I graduated was to finish college and become a nurse.  I wanted to work in either the ER or as a life flight nurse.  I feel like I gave up on my dreams because I got pregnant and then lost the will to go back to school.  I am hoping that one day I will go back and finish my degree but I don’t know if it will happen.  I also am not sure if I even want to be a nurse anymore.

This is a short post but oh well!  I want to welcome all my new followers and tell everyone that reads my blog thank you! Registered & Protected

One Thing . . .

Mama’s Losin’ It

This week for the writers workshop I am going to write about 1.) If you had to go back to high school, how would you do it differently?

I hated everything about high school because it was pure hell for me but if I could go back and do something again I would have graduated early.   I would have worked my ass off so that I could get away from the bullies and also get a head start on college.  Also my high school had a program where you could take college classes and get credits for high school.  I wish I would have looked more in to that as well because if I had done that I may have finished college and be at a totally different place in my life.  I believe that if I had more college done before I graduated I would have a degree by now. Registered & Protected

Day 7

Today the want me to talk about my dream wedding.  Well I did have a wedding and I loved it.  I would say I had my dream wedding because I don’t plan on having another wedding.  I am so done with marriage and men.

I am going to do another prompt that the SITS girls emailed out.  Today I am going to write about a Christmas I would rather forget.  I would love to forgot Christmas of 2008 when my husband chose that day to tell me he wanted a divorce.  To this day I am not sure why he chose Christmas to tell me but he did.  He has ruined Christmas for me now.  I was never a fan but now I hate it even more.  I am already getting stressed and stuff like that because I know it is coming.  Last year I ended up in the ER with a migraine so only gods knows what this year will be like.
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Top 10

SITS sent out an e-mail with possible blog topics for December.  There are a lot of good ones so I am going to use some of them for post ideas.  Today I am going to write about my top 10 holiday pet peeves.

10-People that think they are the only one in a hurry to get things done
9-Christmas Music
7-All the people that are shopping all the time
6-People that don’t control their kids while they are at the mall
5-The lines at the mall for the kids to see Santa
4-Crowds of people in every store that want to stop and talk in the middle of an isle
3-Having to decorate a Christmas tree
2-People that forget the real reason for the season
1-Having to drive in the SNOW!!!!!!

Not Listening

Most of the topics for the writers workshop this week are good.  Here is a list of the topics she has for this week:

1.) In the book I’m reading, Girls of Tender Age,the main character is deeply affected by the murder of a childhood friend. Describe a tragedy you didn’t expect to be as deeply affect by as you are.

2.) Tell us about a day you were sure you wouldn’t get through.

3.) A time when you should have listened to your mother.

4.) Your pets least likable character trait.
5.) 10 Reasons why you love your job. 

I had a really hard time choosing what one to write about but I finally decided I would write on #3.  There are a lot of times I should have listened to her.  I have the type of personality that if you tell me not to do something I am going to go right ahead and do it just to prove that I can.  For instance when I placed my daughter for adoption my grandma actually found the family and asked my worker to put the file in my stack of families but not to say anything to me.  I went through all the files and happened to bring them home and another family.  I didn’t find out this until after I had her and placed her with them.  My grandma knew that if she told me I wouldn’t pick them out of spite even if it was where she was supposed to be.

Also this happened when I got married.  I knew I should do it but I still went right ahead and did it because I knew they didn’t want me to do it.  I am not sure why I am like this but I always have been even as a child.  They have learned this about me and so they just keep their opinions to themselves anymore.  I guess most of it has to do with the fact that I am so damn stubborn I refuse to do it anyone elses(sp) way but mine.  If I had just listened to her I would have saved myself a whole lot of trouble and money!