So Creepy

Father’s Day started out like any other Sunday at our house.  I was woken up at about 6:50 or so by my grandparents cat which as I look back on it now should have been my first clue that something wasn’t right.

Anyway back to my story.  I was looking through the Target ad and saw that they had Dr. Pepper on sale so I decided I was going to run over to Target and then come back and work on designs.  As I was getting dressed I heard what sounded like finger nails on the wall under my bed.  The first time I heard it I didn’t think anything of it but when I heard it again I knew that there was something alive under my bed and it wasn’t one of my cats.

I finished getting dressed and then went and told my grandma that I thought there was a mouse or even a bird under my bed.  She came down to my room and started looking under my bed.  I ran to get a flash light and once she turned it on and looked under the bed she saw what was making the noise.

There was a BABY BIRD under my bed and it was very much alive.  Needless to say this immediately freaked me out.  I went and got my grandpa and we started to chase the bird around my room and into my grandparent’s room for the next hour.

Needless to say when we finally caught it my whole room was torn apart and a total mess.  My grandma and I then spent rest of the day cleaning my room and doing laundry since my entire bed had to be moved while we were trying to catch the bird.

Let’s just say I have never had an issue with birds before but now I find them totally creepy and I want nothing to do with them.  I also am going to be sleeping with my door closed because I can’t handle any more critters getting brought into my room!  Oh and it was my grandparents cat Vinnie that brought the bird in because my cats are terrified of birds.

I hope your Father’s Day was tons better than mine!

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Simple Things

Mama’s Losin’ It

This week for the Writers Workshop I am going to write about 1.) The simple things..

It is the simple things in life that make me happy:

Going home and chasing my girls around the house

Or listening to Sylvia “bark” like she is a dog

Hanging out with Misti just talking and laughing

Designing blogs for people

Laughing at the crazy things that people will say or do

Being around my grandma who can always make me laugh


Reading good books

With out all the simple things that make me happy life would be depressing! Registered & Protected

Sick & Tired Of People . . .

I am super tired of people saying something and then not doing it!  This is happening a lot with a certain person and let me tell you I am so done with it.  If they don’t get it soon they will be cut out of my life for good because saying something and not doing it is the one thing that truly gets on my nerves.  I am the type of person that always does what I say I am going to do.  I just don’t get how people can say things that they have no intention of doing.  This was always a problem in my marriage as well.  He would always say he was going to do something or even call me and he never would.  He never seemed to get why I would get mad at him.  If you are going to waste your breath saying it then you should follow through with it that is for sure.  If you have no intention of doing something then don’t waste your breath saying it!

Ok that is enough of that rant.  I hope everyone had a great Easter.  Mine was lonely because my grandparents decided they were going to go on a cruise right now.  I made my own boiled eggs and my grandma did put a few things in our baskets and hid them from us until today when she called and said where they were.  It was really nice of her to do something like that.  My brother got a pair of North Carolina shorts and grandpa made her give me money back that I had been paying my brother for the laptop that Josh now has.  He made told her to give it to me because he knows how much I am struggling with playing all the bills and that credit card that Josh has run up to over $10,000 but that is a whole other post.

I hope everyone has a great Monday!!!!!