
5 Random Facts About Me

5 Random Facts

This week for the writers workshop I am going to give everyone 5 random facts about me & my family.

  1. I was raised by my grandparents from about the age of 8 on.
  2. I found my mom after I had my daughter and she was at my wedding but since that day I haven’t had contact with her.
  3. I was 22 when I first drank alcohol.  I am still not a big drinker in fact I don’t even remember how long it has been since I drank.
  4. I have never smoked.
  5. I have always been super shy and I talking on the phone.

Those are 5 random things that I don’t think people know about me.  Of course there are many more things that I could have listed but I didn’t really want to create drama or anything like that.  I am not sure who reads my blog so I am not comfortable being 100% honest with everyone right now.

What is one random fact about you?

Is there anything you would like to see on my blog or any topic you would like me to write about?

Mama’s Losin’ It

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What I Am Reading

ReadingThis week for the writers workshop the very first prompt had to have been made just for me.  I am going to write about what I am reading currently.  I have several books that I am reading all at the same time.  I almost always have at least one book that I am reading to review and then I have other books on my Nook that I am reading because they seemed interesting.  Here is a list of just a few of the books I am currently reading.

  • Unbreakable by Nancy Mehl
  • Firefly Island by Lisa Wingate
  • The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins- I have finished the first book and I didn’t really get into it.   I haven’t started the 2nd one yet and I am not sure that I will ever actually read it but I do have it on my Nook so if I get bored one day I may pick it up again but it isn’t something I am planning on reading.
  • Island of Lost Girls by Jennifer McMahon- Started this one last year sometime and I need to finish it but I keep getting other books I need to review and it keeps getting pushed to the bottom of my list.

  • A Christmas Home by Greg Kincaid-Lets just say I read the prologue of this book and I am not sure that I am going to be able to finish the book.  Even though I am sure it has a great ending the beginning sucked and made me sad so now I am just staring at the book wondering if it is worth it or not.
  • Right Where I Belong by Krista McGee
  • Lone Wolf by Jodi Picoult- I am trying to get this one done because her new  book comes out next month I believe and hate when I get a few books behind.  Her stories don’t have to go in order but I love to read them that way.  She is my favorite author and I have read all of her books.

You can also go to my Goodreads page and check out other books I am reading and reviews of some of the other books that I have read.  Just know that I don’t have all the books I have ever read listed because that would talk forever.  Read a couple books a week and if I have a slow week at work I can read even more than that.

I am always looking for new authors to read so if you have any that you love please let me know!

What books are you reading?

Mama’s Losin’ It

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2013 Margaret Margaret

2012 Favorites

I am going to perticipate in the Writers Workshop this week because her first prompt seemed like tons of fun.  Here are all the prompts that she has for this week:

1.) The ladies at MomSmack listed their top 10 faves of 2012 here. Use their list as a template and fill in your own answers! (inspired by MomSmack)
2.) Have your kids ever embarrassed you? Share something they’ve said or done that caused a *facepalm*.
3.) Tell us about something that is haunting you.
4.) Have you ever gotten detention at school? What did you do?
5.) Find a photo of yourself taken 10 years ago and display it on your blog along with a current photo. How have you changed since the day that photo was taken?

I am going use number 1.  Here are my answer to the questions on my favorite things of 2012.

  • Favorite 2012 Movie: Step Up  Revelution
  • Favorite Album: Either Chris Mann or Celtic Thunder
  • Favorite Song: Roads
  • Favorite Tweeter: I don’t have one for this year.
  • Favorite Blog: The Boogie Man In My Friend
  • Favorite TV Show: Deadliest Catch, First 48, Dead Files, Lockup
  • Favorite Instagramer: I am not huge into Instagram because I haven’t ever had an iPhone and they just this past year made it so you could use it on an android phone so I don’t have a favorite.
  • Favorite Moment: This probably had to be when my friend had her baby at the end of May.
  • Favorite Conference: BBC of course!
  • Favorite Viral Video: I can’t pick just one video so I am going to list a few of the channels that I love: The Schuerman ShowCandidMommyPink So Foxy, Grav3yardgirlWhatWouldLizzyDo.  Those are just a few but I have so many more.

Mama’s Losin’ It

One Place

2.) Name a place in the world that you never want to visit?

I am not sure if you know but I love to travel.  I love exploring new places and eating different foods.  That being said there are several places that I would never want to travel to.  I think the place that would have to take 1st for me is India.One PlaceHere are a few of the reasons why I would never want to travel to India:

  • To many people for me.  I hate crowds and there always seems to be so many people there and I don’t think I can handle it.
  • It seems dirty.  People I know that have gone there say that it has a very distinct smell.
  • I always hear about people getting sick when they are there.  Since they don’t have the same standards that we do in America it would be worried about getting sick from eating the food or drinking water.

Those are just 3 reasons that came to mind right away.  It just doesn’t seem like anyplace I would like to travel too.

Where is your one place?

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10 Ways. . .

2.) 10 ways to survive a power outage. (Inspired by Hurricane Sandy)

This week for the writers workshop I am going to list 10 things to help you survive when the power is out.

  1. Board Games
  2. Flash lights and/or candles
  3. Snack foods
  4. Books
  5. Card Games
  6. Family- I always am glad to have my brother around because he always makes me laugh
  7. Drinks
  8. Blankets
  9. Puzzles
  10. Cat treats/toys because it is always a good time in my house when we harass my cats.

Those are the things I would need to keep myself entertained.

What would you need to stay entertained if the the power was out?

Mama’s Losin’ It

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret

Top 5 YouTube Videos

As most of you know I love watching YouTube videos.  This week for the writers workshop one of the prompts was to list my top 5 YouTube videos of all time.  This was harder than you can think because there are so many that I watch all the time but here are the 5 that if they got deleted I would be so sad!!!! (They are in no order)

If you get offend by swearing than this video isn’t for you but it does make me laugh every time I watch it.

As you can see they vary greatly but like I said there are tons more that I love.  Here is a post where I listed some of my favorite channels that you should all check out.

Writers Workshop by Mama’s Losin’ It

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret