Personal Thoughts

Best Thinking. . .

Best Thinking

I got the idea for this post from the blog Daily Post and the topic is:

When and where do you do your best thinking? In the bathroom? While running? Just before bed, or first thing in the morning? On the bus? Why do you think that is?

I chose this prompt because everyone has different places where they do their best thinking and I think it would be fun to find out where other people feel that they do their best thinking.  I have to be honest this post took me awhile to write because I wasn’t really sure where I did my best thinking until I stopped and really thought about it.

After thinking about it I came to see that I do my best thinking at night when I am should be sleeping which is probably one of the many reasons that I can’t sleep.  The minute I lay down my head starts going and I always get such great ideas for blog posts or other things I want/need to do.

I also find that for some reason I write the best blog posts while I am on my lunch break at work.  I am sure that is because my brain is already in work mode so it is easy to switch from doing work and writing a blog post pretty easily.  I am also lucky that my job doesn’t mind that  I blog as long as all my work is done.

So that is when I do my best thinking.  When and where do you do your best thinking?

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5 Things I Must Have

5 Things

You always see the question:   what are the five items you must have on a deserted island? I wanted to answer the questions because it is a fun topic and something that can be answered differently depending on where you are in your life.  Anyway here are my 5 things that I would want with me.

  1. I would want my girls with me just because they can always make me laugh.
  2. I would want my grandma & brother with me because I need people with me because I would get lonely and they are also good to make me laugh.
  3. I would want books tons of books so that I could read them if I ever got bored and I don’t know if I could live without having books to read.
  4. The next thing I would want would probably be water because I am picky about the water that I drink so I would want the bottled kind that I like.
  5. I would want a soft bed to sleep on because I can’t do the whole sleeping on the ground crap that some people love to do.

Those are the first 5 things I  must have if I was on a desert island that came to mind.

What are 5 things you would want with you?

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My First Pregnancy

My First

This is another prompt for one of the writers workshop and I wanted to write about it because my first pregnancy was with my daughter who I placed for adoption when I was 20.  I wanted to write this more for me than anyone else and maybe one day my daughter will read this and she will have some idea of what it was like for me being pregnant with her.

When I found out I was pregnant I was about 6 weeks pregnant and so sick.  I had morning sickness so bad that I had to take an anti nausea pill almost every for most of the pregnancy.  I wasn’t one of the lucky ones where the morning sickness goes away after the first trimester.

My pregnancy was also harder I believe because I knew through the whole thing what the end was going to be.  I never thought I could keep her so I always knew that I would end up leaving the hospital empty handed.  I tried my best not to bond with her but anyone who has been pregnant before knows that you bond with your child because you are with them 24/7 for nine months.

Towards the end of my pregnancy my back was out and I just miserable.  I did end up going to the chiropractor because I wasn’t able to sit down or stand up without pain.  It took a few times but he did make my back better and I saw him through the end of my pregnancy and in fact I still see him from time to time.

My pregnancy wasn’t the best out there but it was terrible either.  One of the best things about the whole experience is the fact the my Multiple Sclerosis went into remission while I was pregnant so I didn’t have to worry about anything crazy going on with that but it got bad after I delivered and the hormones all dropped off.  I have been thinking about being a surrogate because I truly didn’t mind being pregnant and I would love to help people have their families.  I do know that I don’t think I will have anymore of my own children but like I said I would love to help out other people.

How was your first pregnancy?

If you want to be apart of the writers workshop you can click here and find out all about it!

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Dating & Meeting People


I have been thinking a lot about dating and things like that lately.  I am sure it is just because everyone in my life is in a relationship and I am lonely.  As I have thought about dating and meeting people I have to wonder where in this day and age do you go to meet people?  I am going to list a few places I can think of and explain why meeting people there isn’t for me.

  • Bars/Clubs-First I don’t usually drink and when ever I have met people there they are always big drinkers or just looking for  random hookups.
  • Church-I don’t go to church now so why I am I going to go and meet someone there.  I guess I just don’t want to have to pretend to be someone I am not just to please someone else.  Not to mention if I did that the relationship would never work.
  • Online-I have done this and lets just say I will never do this again.  There are crazy people out there and I don’t have the patience to weed through the weirdo’s in the hope that I find the one person for me.
  • Friends-Well this might be okay if I had tons of friends but since my friend list is super short this just doesn’t work for me.

Those are the main ways I can see meeting people and none of them are right for me at least now.   I had someone I worked with once tell me that in order to date you have to be open to the idea and at least looking for someone. I think my biggest problem is I am set against dating and meeting people that even if I was presented with the chance to date I would still say no.

I am for the first time in my life okay being single and I can finally say that I am okay in my skin.  I used to say that  I was okay being single but the truth was that I really wasn’t.  Now that I have found myself I am okay being alone because I no longer need other people to make me happy.

What other ways can you meet people?  How do you feel about dating?

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I Always Wanted To Be . . . 21


This week for the writers workshop I am going to be talking about the age I always wanted to be.  As long as I can remember I wanted to be 21 because I figured that once I was 21 I could do everything so there was no reason to get any older.  Now that I am almost 29 I still want to only be 21.

Best part of me wanting to be 21 was that when I turned 21 I didn’t drink in fact I didn’t drink until I was 22 and now I still don’t really drink because I hate the taste and I hate the way it makes me feel.  To this day I am not sure why I wanted to be 21 but I did.  I still remember my birthday that year because it was a few months after I had my daughter and it was still a rough time for me.

It is crazy to me how everyone always wants to be different ages.  One of my old friends always wanted to be 22 and she was never sure why.  I have to wonder what makes us want to be certain ages and what not.

What age did you always want to be?

Mama’s Losin’ It

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I few weeks ago one of the prompts for the Writers Workshop was to write a post about the word brave.  I figured the first thing I would do is give you the definition of the word and then go into what the word means to me:

brave [breɪv] adj

1. having or displaying courage, resolution, or daring; not cowardly or timid

The word brave is something people say to be because of parts of my past but I don’t think of myself that way.  I have always felt I just did what I know I had to do.  Now the choices I have made were hard but because I chose them doesn’t make me brave at least not in my eyes.

I think that people who stand up for others are brave or people who do what is right to them even though their family and friends may not agree with them.  I think kids who are fighting cancer are brave because I don’t think I could deal with everything they go through and still be able to smile.  I think of the women in other countries who are fighting to have the same basic rights as men have. That is what brave means to me.

What does brave mean to you?

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