Quote Of The Week

A Life Filled With Multiple Sclerosis, Moments & Memories
I wanted to post my Nails of The Month Christmas 2013 nails because I really love them. They are also different than any of the other nails I have done in the past. I have to say that I am really loving having the whole nail a color instead of just having the tips being a color.
Anyway here are the pictures of the nails I have right now:
What do you guys think of them??? As always I would love to hear your guys ideas because I am always in need of ideas. If you have any ideas for me please leave them in the comments below!
This was a prompt from the writers workshop a few weeks ago and I wanted to write about it because I always complain about living in Utah but there are some great things about living here as well. I am going to list a few of the reasons that I love living in here and why.
Those are 8 reasons I love living in Utah. Why do you love the state you live in?
USA Today bestselling and award-winning author Tina Leonard writes with humor, sexiness, and fun. With over 2.6 million books sold, she plans to keep writing books readers enjoy. Her writing schedule keeps her very busy with independent heroines and the heroes who love them. You can visit Tina at http://www.tinaleonard.com, or http://www.facebook.com/