Writers Workshop

These are the prompts for this weeks Workshop.  I haven’t done with in awhile but I am going to try and write one because I need to just write.  It has been a really long time since I have just written on this blog so I am going to do it!
1.) Write about a time when you laughed at an inappropriate time.

2.) What did you once lose?  Write about your search to find it again.
(inspired by writingfix.com)

3.) What current event do you feel strongly about? Write an opinion post!
(inspired by Jennifer from Momma Made It Look Easy.)

4.) Begin each line of your post with “have you ever”.
(inspired by Vikki from Live. Laugh. Pull Your Hair Out)

5.) Who doesn’t call or write you enough?  Write about that person.
(inspired by writingfix.com)

I think I am going to write about #3 because there is always something in the world that I feel strongly about.  There are a lot of things I could write about right now but I am going to write about the oil spill.  I don’t think our country is doing enough to stop it and I also don’t think that the company should be off the hook.  They should have to pay for the clean up.  I don’t see how it isn’t their fault.  I mean hell they were the ones drilling and the ones that caused the spill so it should be their responsibility to clean up the mess and pay for the outside people that are trying to clean it up as well.  

I don’t get why they aren’t working harder to try and clean up the mess and stop it.  It seems like the government in our country could care less about it.  I guess it just proves to me what a waste of a President we have.  He is all talk but isn’t really doing anything.  They should have started digging a relief well already because as I can see it that is going to to be the only thing that is going to stop the leak.  It seems like they don’t really want to stop the leak though.  Who knows though.

Those are my thoughts on that situation.  I could go on for days about our President but I will save that for a later date.

3 Years

I posted this on my private blog but I don’t care anymore if he reads this so I am going post it here as well!

It is hard for me to believe that today will make it three years that I have been married.  Now that being said we have never had a real anniversary because the first year I was sick in bed from a migraine, year two we were separated and this year three we are officially done just not divorced yet.  For some reason this year is really hard for me.  It is probably because I know him and I won’t ever speak after things are done because of how he treats me and how is always trying to get into my business.  I guess I will never understand why he feels the need to still try and tell me what to do and have to know everything that is going on in my life.  I am going to go through his stuff this weekend and get rid of it all in the next few weeks.  I am done playing his games and he doesn’t think I will do it.  So when he does come to get what was in my storage unit it will all be gone.  I just have no desire to see him or to even deal with him anymore.  I hope he can be happy but I doubt that he will ever truly be happy because of how he treats people.  He doesn’t seem to get why people don’t stay around him very long.  Even his “friends” don’t stay around him very long.  One of his “friends” that knows Tim asked Tim what I was really like because “he knows how Josh is”.  It makes me really wonder what Josh has told everyone about me.  It hurts knowing that someone who supposedly “loved” me can say mean things about to people.  All I know is he has some issues and until he gets them figured out no one will be around him for very long! 

That is all for this post but I am sure I will think of more to write later and I will just update it then

The Last Time…

When was the last time you……

rolled your eyes
Probably at work last week
Tied your shoe
I can’t remember because i don’t untie my shoes when I take them off.
reorganized your bedroom
The last few weeks because it needed to be cleaned
Took a walk in the park
On Friday
Chewed gum
On my way home from camping
drew a stick person
I can’t even remember the last time
activated something

On Saturday
Took a photograph
Sunday while I was camping
Drank a milkshake
ate orange jello
Years ago
google mapped an address
Can’t remember the last time I did that either.
sang your favorite song
On the way home today
made a peace globe. (Please show us!)
I have never made one
Threw a baseball
Years and years ago
Fumbled with a button
This afternoon

answered the doorbell

Probably a few weeks ago but I really try not to answer the door.
Spilled your drink
It has been awhile for that one but I am sure it will happen soon or later because of the MS
administered CPR

I have never had to do it

looked in the mirror

About an hour ago
testified in court
I have never had to do that thank good!
Made a sarcastic remark
Earlier today
Offered someone advice
I try not to do that because I don’t think I have advice to give
Watched a sunrise or sunset
This morning
Were jealous
Last week
Smiled when you didn’t feel like smiling
Almost everyday
Loved when you didn’t feel like loving
I don’t know
Ironed an article of clothing
Probably high school
noticed you didn’t give a damn
Every day!!!!!!
had a mammogram

Read your horoscope
Saturday and today
Held someone’s hand
Crossed a bridge
threw away a candy wrapper
Last week at work
Sat on a bench
Yesterday at the camp ground
turned a page
Yesterday when I was reading my book
tripped over your own 2 feet
Today when I got home
Sat on a beach
Years ago when I was in Elementary school
dialed the wrong number
Haven’t done that recently
Ignored a phone call
Yesterday because there are people that I don’t want to talk to ever again!
Kissed a bride
I have never done that
A few months ago-I have never been able to get into it though.  It doesn’t interest me at all
Rode a roller coaster
It has been along time because of my back 
you were really you
Yesterday and today
Cried yourself to sleep
Saturday night
Were speechless
Yesterday and it doesn’t happen that often either
rode a bus
Not since I went to college at Weber State
went to a funeral
A few years ago but I hardly ever go to them because I hate dead bodies
were right
Not sure but it doesn’t happen very often 


I have never done that
were left
I can’t remember the last time that someone left me but it is always a fear of mine
Probably Friday while I was at work
bent over
Today when I got home
sent a text message
Today to Squirrel and Pear
Lit a candle
A few months ago
Lost your temper
Saturday while I was arguing the Josh
fell off a horse
When I was little and I haven’t gotten on a horse since then
changed the oil in your car
Beginning of May
Added a new FACEBOOK friend
Last week at work
went bowling
It has been about a year or so because when I worked at the nursing home it ruined my shoulders
Laughed uncontrollably
Yesterday in the car-I laughed for about 30 mins about the same thing
Felt guilty
Looked up a word in the dictionary
A few weeks ago
returned from the point of no return
In January when I decided I was done being married to a man who doesn’t care at all about me.
couldn’t remember your name
I don’t know that I have ever forgotten my name but I am sure it will happen sooner or later
surrendered to temptation
It has been awhile
felt genuinely happy
On Sunday!
saw a famous person
That depends on what you think famous is
kissed in a car
A few weeks ago
Sent a greeting card
Christmas time
used your passport
Never because I don’t have one yet
yelled at your television
During football season
confided a secret
All the time to squirrel
changed your blog template

It has been a few weeks since I have done that-Although I just had a post separate done

danced like no one was watching

It has been a few weeks
wrote in cursive
I don’t even remember the last time because I am not good at all
took a driving test
When I was 17 and getting my license
Backed up your computer files
Not recently but I am going to do that ASAP
When was the last time you said this was the last time?

In January when I told Josh I was done and there was no going back this time

A Return To The World Of Blogging!

Sunday Stealing: The Just Because Meme

1. Make a list of 5 things you can see without getting up.
My TV, My Dvd player, My lap top, Movies, My desk top computer
2. How do you style your hair? How often do you cut it?
I just pull it up for now but I hope that I can get it permed soon!  I don’t cut it very often because I hate short hair.
3. What are you wearing now?

My PJ’s
4. What’s your occupation? Do you like it?
I am a “Receptionist”.  I have that in quotes because I do a little bit of everything now that there are only two of us doing all of that accounting.  It is ok really stressful right now and I don’t get paid enough but hopefully I will get a raise soon!
5. When was the last time that you took a nap? Was there a special reason?
I can’t even remember because I don’t nap.
6. Who was the last person you hugged romantically?
Its a secret…
8. What was the last full meal that you ate?
I don’t eat full meals so who knows.  I snack most of the day and eat a lot of little meals.
9. What was the last email that you received?
I was from the lady that made my post separater!!!!
10. What one website do you always visit when you go online?
Facebook and Blogger
11. What was the last significant thing you bought?
Probably my laptop
12. What musical artist did you not get at first, but then became a fan?
Not sure I don ‘t really have anyone that I don’t like 
13. What do you think about before you go to bed last night?
Its a secret
14. What was the last CD you bought?
Green Day
15. What is your favorite weather, and why? What’s the weather like today?
When it is sunny and like 70 degrees out.  It was windy and cold
16. If you could have a special artistic talent, what would it be?
I would love to be a writter
17. Did you watch the Idol 9 finale? If yes, what are your thoughts?
No I didn’t
18. What’s something you’d like to say to someone right now?
Grow up and leave me alone!!!!
19. Any special plans for this (holiday in the States) weekend?
Nope-I never have plans
20. Besides your current S/O, who was the last person that you loved romantically?

No one!