Day 23- A You Tube Video & Saturday 9

There are so many videos posted on You Tube that I don’t know I could pick just one.  I love all the ones that are made by soldiers while they are deployed!  I am going to post one of those because they either make me laugh or cry!


Saturday 9: Make Me Say It Again, Girl

1. Do you feel that you need to keep repeating yourself when talking to a particular person?
I had to do that with the ex and it drove me totally crazy!!!!  I hate repeating myself.  I started to tell him at the end that if he didn’t hear me the first time then it was his loss and I wasn’t going to repeat myself!  I know that because of the MS I may not say things clearly so I do repeat myself but if it always the same person asking it drives me totally crazy!
2. It’s July. Do you have anything special planned?
Hiding til after the 8th and then going on with life.
3. Who is your big celebrity crush?
I don’t really have one to be honest with everyone.  I am not big into having crushes on people.  Hell right now I am done with men!
4. Tell us about a local restaurant you are sure we’d love.
I love Village Inn.  It is like Denny’s or IHOP but so much better!  I could go there everyday of my life and be okay with it.
5. Tell us about the shyest person that you deal with regularly.
Myself-I am super shy and I think I am the only shy person in my life right now.  I tend to keep the outgoing people around me so that I don’t have to do anything but stick to myself.
6. What is your vision of heaven and hell?
Heaven will be a great place to live.  You won’t have any worries or wants.  Where as hell will be miserable and you will want to get out of there.
7. What is your neighborhood like?
It is starting to get old and run down looking.  You have people that take great care of their house’s and yards and then you have the people who could careless about taking care of things in their yards.  All in all it is starting to get run down.
8. What’s your favorite cook-out food?
Hot Dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9. When was the last time that you saw fireworks?
I didn’t go last year so the year before that was probably the last time I watched them.

Day 22- A Website 5 Question Friday

Today’s topic is just a website.  There are lots of websites out there that I like.  I go to Facebook all the time and I also use Blogger all the time.  I read over 200 blogs so there again are a lot of websites.  I am always looking for new blogs to read and new sites that have DIY tips on blogging!  This is short but I couldn’t think of anymore and I didn’t wanna list any because I don’t have favorites!

1. What is one thing you miss the most about childhood?
Not having to worry about bills and going to work everyday.  I also would love a summer vacation where I didn’t have to worry about anything!
2. Are you still friends with your friends from high school?
Nope-I don’t even talk to hardly anyone from high school
3. Is there a catch phrase, cliche, or word that just drives you bonkers every time you hear it?
Not really oh wait UMMMM or Like drives me nuts
4. What is one thing that you think symbolizes America…besides “Old Glory”?
The military
5. What are your 4th of July weekend plans?
A whole lotta nothing!  Just reading and blogging!

Day 21-A Recipe

There are tons of recipes that I like but I am going to post one that we don’t have very often because grandma hates mashed potatoes.


1 lg. onion, diced
2 cans tomato soup
2 c. grated cheese
3-4 lg. potatoes, boiled and mashed with salt, pepper, butter, milk
2 cans cut green beans
1 1/2 lbs. ground hamburger

Brown hamburger and onion in large pot. Drain fat and add green beans and tomato soup. Salt and pepper to taste. Place in casserole dish and spread mashed potatoes over the top. Sprinkle cheese over potatoes. Serve with garlic bread and salad

 You all should try it out and let me know what you think!!!!

Day 20-A Hobby Of Mine

A hobby of mine would have to be blogging and messing around on the computer!  I find that blogging and reading blogs is really a stress relief to me and not to mention I have met great people blogging.  I have had several blogs but this one and my private ones are the ones that I use the most.  I am hoping one day that I will be able to make my private one public but for now it has to stay private because of people in my life that I don’t need knowing what I am doing and when I am doing it!
I really have no idea where I would be if I didn’t have blogging to help me relieve stress and talk my feelings out.  Even if no one ever reads my stuff I will always keep doing it for me!
So there you go that is a hobby of mine!
Now for a new MeMe that Shell does on Wednesdays called Pour Your Heart Out!

This really has become a growing problem in our country.  Here is what they define cyberbullying as:  “Cyberbullying is when someone repeatedly harasses, mistreats, or makes fun of another person online or while using cell phones or other electronic devices.” Approximately 20% of the students in our sample admitted to cyberbullying others in their lifetimes. Posting mean or hurtful comments and spreading rumors online were the most commonly reported types of cyberbullying they reported during the previous 30 days. About 11% of the sample reported cyberbullying using one or more of the nine types reported, two or more times over the course of the previous 30 days.

Here are some stat’s I found about children that are bullied online or through their cellphones.

  • 42% of kids have been bullied while online. 1 in 4 have had it happen more than once.
  • 35% of kids have been threatened online. Nearly 1 in 5 have had it happen more than once.
  • 21% of kids have received mean or threatening e-mail or other messages.
  • 58% of kids admit someone has said mean or hurtful things to them online. More than 4 out of 10 say it has happened more than once.
  • 53% of kids admit having said something mean or hurtful to another person online. More than 1 in 3 have done it more than once.
  • 58% have not told their parents or an adult about something mean or hurtful that happened to them online.

As I have been researching to write this post I have found that they really only focus on teenagers and what not when it comes to this but I am seeing more and more that it is done adult to adult as well.  I can’t find any statistics on it but I can bet that it happens just as much if not more.  I recently had to watch a friend of mine go through this and I couldn’t help but wonder why do people feel the need to be so mean to each other.  I was taught growing up that if you didn’t have anything nice to say you shouldn’t say anything at all.  I am so thankful that computers weren’t really big when I was in school because if I had to deal with cyberbullying along with regular bullying I really don’t know that I would have made it through high school!

I just can’t understand why grown women need to be mean to each other.  Hell if you don’t like someone or what they write then don’t read.  No one is making you read what they write.  I don’t get why like in the movie “The Mean Girls” there always has to be a group of girls that goes around and likes to make people feel bad.  Maybe I won’t get it because I could never do things on purpose to make people feel bad about themselves! 

That is all I really have to say about this subject.  I guess when it boils down to anything people just shouldn’t say anything if they don’t have anything nice to say!

Tuesdays With Jacqui & Day 19-A Talent Of Mine


Anger? Where the hell does it come from? Are we born with knowing what anger is and how to understand it? Or do we learn it from everything around us? Do we learn it from TV, people we are around, or just the environment that we live in.

Is anger the same as hate, or are they different? Does anger grow from hate and from being hurt or is it the other way? Why is it so easy to grow hate inside your heart but it’s so hard to get rid of it? Is it that anger is easier to deal with and you don’t have to work at it? Is getting rid of its just too hard? Anger makes you loose so many things; lose jobs, relationships, family and friends. Anger makes you commit crimes and just do shit that you would never do or approve of when you’re not angry. So why deal with it anymore, why not fix it to make your life better? I hear from a lot of people saying that anger what’s keeping them alive but wouldn’t having love in their life make their life so much happier.
This topic sucks as well.  I personally don’t think I have talents but people tell me I do.  Some people tell me that I am good at making things with photoshop but I can’t make what I want to make so I don’t think I am any good at that.  Here is some thing that I have made using photoshop.  The writing on the picture is the quote at the top of page from Bride Wars!

Now for a update that will either give you chills or make you laugh at what idiots for cats I have.  So my grandparents have a cat named Vinnie.  He is older that my two and should be smarter than them as well.  On Friday night I guess while he was outside he caught a mouse and brought it back to Sylvia.  He does this all the time and I am not really sure why.  I mean every time he brings them to her she plays with them for a few minutes and then gets bored and walks away from them.  She hasn’t put together that they are a source of food which is okay with me because she tends to throw up if she eats raw meat.  Anyways, I had the back slider open so they could come and go through what we now call the cat door.  It is actually a big hole in the screen door that Sylvia made one year and now they just come and go as they please.  So I got up for some reason and saw Sylvia playing with something on the ground.  I turn on a light and freak out because the little shit brought in a live mouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In the process of trying to get it out she loses interest and just walks away.  It ends up getting away from me and goes somewhere in the kitchen.  At this point I am not sure what I should do so I go to Wal-Mart and buy mouse traps.  I get home put them out and try to go back to sleep.  Now fast forward to Sunday night.  I walk in the kitchen and there is the mouse but this time it looks like it back had gotten broken.  My brother finally catch’s it and we put it in the garden because neither of us could kill it.  We are big wimps when it comes to that stuff.
Now I have to wonder where in the hell did my cat get the idea it was okay to bring them in the house and then leave when she is bored.  I will never get how the cat thinks and to make it even more crazy the only cat that was trying to catch it was Elinore and she has no claws!  Go Figure.