
I am so sorry that this post is up super late.  I got home super late last night and then I was late to work today because of accidents and horrible traffic. 

Welcome to Day 2 of a week in my life.  Today I took lots of pictures so I am going to post them and explain them to everyone.  I wanted to take video but my phone isn’t working and I don’t know where our camera is so all I have are pictures.

These first few were on my way to work.  I have about a 20 minute commute most days.  It is worse when it snows or there are accidents along the way.  It was also super cold and yucky looking in the morning on the way to work.

These last two pictures are a few of the things I do at work while I should be “working”.  I am reading the Flowers In The Attic series right now and they are super good.  I can’t wait to finish the second book and start the third one.  Yesterday at work wasn’t to bad just lots of phone calls and issues.

I took these pictures on my way to Misti’s house.  The last one shows the snow that is slowly coming down the mountain.  I can’t believe it is already winter again.  It seems like it just stopped snowing and got warm.  Like I said I went to Misti’s house after work.  I was there till around 8:30 and then I went home.  While I was there we talked about baby names and found the girl name that we love and couldn’t figure out a boy name but we do have 9 months so we aren’t that worried about it.  That is pretty much all that happened yesterday.  I hope you all had a good day and I will see you all tomorrow with my Wednesday post!

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Multiple Sclerosis Update

It has been a long time since I have written a post about Multiple Sclerosis and I really want to keep everyone in loop on what is going on with my health and all that fun stuff. Most of you know that I have an infusion once a month for my MS treatment. I take a medication that is called Tysabri. It is super expensive and can be dangerous but that is going to be another post. I was supposed to receive my infusion on the 23rd of September. That didn’t end up happening because the company I work for changed health insurance companies and I had to wait for a preauthorization to come through before I could get my treatment. So I show up on the 23rd and they send me home because of the whole insurance issue. For those that know a little bit about my job and what has been happening the the last 4 months or so you know that I can only take one day off a month because they have no one to cover the phones since they let go Misti who used to be my boss. So I knew I was going to have to wait a few weeks before I could take time off to go in and get the treatment once they got the approval that they needed.

My next infusion is on the 21st of October, which means that I have missed a whole month. Let me just tell everyone I have no idea how I used to live like this because I feel like crap. I always knew Tysabri was helping but I had no idea that it was helping so much. For the last 6 months or so I have had headaches and I also haven’t been in pain. Well since missing one month I hurt I have headaches and am exhausted. I literally slept almost all of Saturday because I was so exhausted from a normal week of work. I had to call my doctor and have her call in more pain pills because I was out and hadn’t need them so I didn’t bother getting a refill when I saw her last time. I feel so bad for people with MS that fill like this all the time. I am so glad that I have found an MS treatment that works for me and allows me to be a somewhat normal 26 year old. Also my hands are super numb right now and I am not sure if that is because I missed my treatment or just how the disease is acting right now.

I can’t remember if I wrote about my last MRI and doctor’s appointment so I am going to do a quick recap of all that information. I had my latest MRI in August and also saw the doctor after the results came in. According to the scan I am still stable and have been for about 2 years or so. They haven’t scanned my neck in a few years so when I go for my next MRI in February they are going to scan my brain and neck areas which means that it will be a super long and super expensive scan. I am interested to see if there have been any changes in the neck area. If there hasn’t been any changes that means I have been stable but if there are charges that means that I really haven’t been stable all this time. I hate the not knowing that goes along with having MS.

That is all there is for now. If anyone has any questions please leave them in the comments and I will answer them for you.
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A Week In My Life

So this week I am going to be linking up over at Adventuroo.  She is a doing “A Week In My Life”.  I have never done anything like this but I am excited to follow along so that everyone can see what a typical week is like for me.  For these posts you can vlog, take pictures and/or write about your week.  I am going to try and take pictures as I go through my day so you can see my day.  I also may video some of my day as well.  I am sure everyone would get a good laugh out of some of the things that happen at work.  As most of you know I am the only girl in the building anymore so things can get crazy at times!  This first picture is what I can see from my desk at work:

Monday’s are always crazy for me and I didn’t have time to take many more pictures.  I am going to try hard to take video tomorrow but I am not sure if it will let me upload it because my Blackberry is having major issues right now so I am going to try.  If it won’t let me take video and upload it then I will for sure take lots of pictures so everyone can see what I do.

Today I just answered phones, typed up the bid list and put out fires as them came.  I did come home after work and get a few things done on my own blog and also started some new designs for clients.  I am getting ready to lay down so I am hoping I will have more for tomorrow!

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Quote Of The Week-Steve Jobs

As most of you have seen I have this quote on my sidebar.  I have had it there for months and it is my all time favorite post.  I had a blog critique done on my blog last week, which I have an up coming post on, and the things that she said about my blog gave me a few idea’s for new things on my blog.  I am going to change the quote that is on my sidebar once a week.  Also I am going to write a post about the the quote I chose each week.  If anyone has any great quotes please feel free to email them to me at theworldasiseeit25 at gmail dot com with why you love the quote and I will put it up on Sunday.  I am going to change the quotes every Sunday.  This week I chose the following quote by Steve Jobs:

I found this quote today and I love it.  I see so many people stay with the same person even if the person isn’t right for them.  They stay because they don’t believe that they will ever find someone or they can’t stand to be alone.  I have been single for a year or so now and I am okay with that because I refuse to be in a relationship with someone just because I am having issues being single.  
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Being Judged. . .

“A Birthmother puts the needs ofher child above the wants of her heart”
-Skye Hardwick
Before I start this post I want to apologize if this postrambles.  I just wrote the thoughts in myhead as they came. 
I have follow a few different blogs written by birth mothersand I also belong to a group on Facebook that is for birth mothers aswell.  Recently I read a postthat was written by a birth mom that made me start to think about how somepeople in the world look at birth moms and how people don’t want to learn aboutadoption.  I  have never regretted placing my daughter foradoption and I also haven’t had people say things to me about how they thinkwhat I did was wrong but I  have gottenthe looks from people.  I get so tired ofpeople being ignorant and rude to birth moms but not listening or let the birthmom explain why she did what she did.  I wantto let the world know that birth moms choice to give their child a better lifethan what we could have provided them.  Iam always willing to tell my story so that other people can be educated aboutadoption.
It is also hard for me to understand how some people can beso closed minded that they will judge us but not take the time to listen tous.  Some people don’t understand howhard it is to place a baby for adoption and then get judged and tell us that wemade the wrong choice.    I have always been the type of person that ifI don’t personally agree with a person’s choice I take the time to listen andhear the reason behind their choice.  Iknow not everyone will like the choice we made but at least give a chance toexplain why we made our choice.  I guessthe point of this post was to ask people to respect our choices.  Our choice was right for us and it may not bethe choice for you but for use it was the right choice.
Have any of you been judged because of a choice youmade?  How did you deal with it?

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Reserving Space. . .

Mama’s Losin’ It

 This week I chose to write about #5.) I have no idea where the following message originated from, but it’s been floating around Facebook for the past week…who does it make you think about?:

Note: I have been having major issues with comments on my blog so if you are a new follower and I haven’t followed back please leave another comment or email me at theworldasiseeit25 at gmail dot com.  It should all be fixed now but I will keep checking to make sure that everything is still working out!
This post started out talking about my husband and how he made me feel but I realized that this is something I need to work on and I need to make time for people I care about.  I find it funny that in trying to write a post about how doing this made me feel I can see how I make people feel when I do the same thing.  That being said I hope you enjoy the post and will stick around for me change!

I also have to admit that I am not great at putting out the effort to stay in peoples lives so they know I care.  I get so busy doing everything that I do that I don’t make the time and then when I am finally done for the day and lay down it is all I can do to operate the remote control but I am going to get better at this because I have to!!!!!  I can’t expect people to do all the work.  I think I am going to start talking to people I care about when I get home while I am working on designs instead of watching TV all night long.  I also need to rearrange my schedule a little bit so I can fit everything that needs to get done everyday.  So I want everyone I care about to know things are going to change and I am going to make more of an effort to stay in contact with everyone and get a set routine with working and designing. 

This post started out talking about my husband and how he made me feel but I realized that this is something I need to work on and I need to make time for people I care about.
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