$45 Custom Blogger Blog Design Sale

Are you looking for a new design for your blogger blog? If so this is the sale for you. I am offering the following blogger design package for only $45.

  • Layout of your choice
  • Custom header
  • Custom background
  • Blog button & grab box
  • Unlimited social icons
  • Post separator
  • Footer message
  • Ad/Sponsor button
  • Custom menu bar this will include a drop down menu if desired
  • Favicon
  • 2 months free advertising on both of my blogs. This will include a one time post written about you site that will show up on both of my blog and it will also included tweets and facebook posts about your site.
***That price does not include the cost of any image/kits that you want used in your design.***

If you want this package make sure you go and fill out this form. Once I recieve your form I will invoice you and once I receive payment in full I will then add you on the waiting list. Right now I only have 1 design on the list so you could possible have your design done in a week or so.

***This sale will end June 1st 2012. ***

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Red Sky Warning

I was going to post about how MS has effected my depression and anxiety but you may remember that once a month I have my MS treatment and I had it on Friday afternoon and I have had a rough weekend.  I am usually okay with the treatments and it doesn’t phase me at all.  I think this past one was just the perfect storm to make it hard to get going again.  I am going to post a few reviews this week and hopefully I will be back in the swing of things next week!

About The Book

In this fast-paced follow-up to Wendy L. Young’s debut novel, Come the Shadows, the mystery deepens…

Will and Laura Harmon are trying to get on with their lives but are left reeling when a vicious hit-and-run sends Laura to the hospital. With all the recent changes in Campbell Creek Will has a long list of suspects – and few leads.

One thing is clear: Someone wants Laura dead and Will has to stop them in time.

But who from Campbell Creek’s shadowy past is behind the threats on Laura’s life and can Will figure out the mystery before tragedy strikes again?

My Review

This the 2nd book in the series and once again I couldn’t put it down. She has made her characters so real that I am sad that there is only one more book after this one. She writes in a way that makes my want to keep reading because I have to know how it ends. This is a great book and I know if you like mysteries that you will love this one!

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MS Resources

This week I decided that I would post some Multiple Sclerosis resources that I have found and that I use on a regular basis.

Now I am sure there are ones I haven’t listed or haven’t found so if you have one you like please leave it in a comment and I will update this list with them.
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Adoption-Pure Love

I am sure that most of you know by now that I place my daughter for adoption when I was 20.  She will be 7 in July and it is so hard to believe that it has been 7 years since I have been pregnant.  I never thought I was going to make it through the first year let alone 7 years.

I recently found a blog by Tiffany who recently adopted a little girl.  As I was reading through the story of her adoption I found a part in her post that put into words things I have wanted to say for 7 years but could never find the words.  Here is the quote:

 I deeply resent the people who have said, about birth parents, “I can’t imagine ever giving away my child.”  

The pain involved in the choice to place (not give away) your child for adoption is one most of us cannot imagine.  The reason it is painful is because when we love someone, our instinct is to hold tight and never let go.  This instinct isn’t really the love itself but rather our own heart’s selfish desire to protect itself from the pain of loss.

But birth parents understand that truly loving someone can mean letting go.  It can mean wanting more for your child than you feel you can give.

It is utter selflessness.  It is true courage.  It is pure love.

I read this quote to my grandma the other night and it brought tears to her eyes.  This says everything that I felt when I placed my daughter but have never found the words to express.  There isn’t much I can really say about it because she says everything that is in my heart.   I really recommend that you should go and check out her blog and read the whole story of her adopting their newest little girl.

What do you guys think of her quote?


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