Come The Shadows

World Literary Cafe

Come The Shadows


Officer Will Harmon lives a comfortable life in Campbell Creek, North Carolina, where there hasn’t been a murder in seventeen years. When bones are discovered in the old bread factory his life is disrupted but the body only the beginning. Surprising threats are coming and he will do whatever it takes to protect the life he loves…

My Review

Right from the start this book grab my attention and I didn’t want to put the book down until I was done with it. I love all the suspense in this book and it was also a nice change to read a book where it isn’t super graphic like some of the other books I have read are. I can’t wait to read more books by this author.

FTC-I received this book for free in exchange for my review.  I received no other compensation and the opinions in this review are 100% my own opinions.
Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret

How To:Break Your New Cell Phone

I have found the most efficient way to break a brand new cell phone and I wanted to share it with everyone!

  1. First you will have to either have clothes to wash or bed sheets.  In my case I had to change my sheets so I decided to use them.
  2. Make sure you take off all the non important things off of what you washing.  These would be things such as a phone charger, remote controls and other such things.
  3. Grab what you are going to wash in a huge pile but make sure that you phone is in the pile.
  4. Go and put the pile in the washing machine and turn it on.
  5. Go back and try to find your phone & realize that there is a loud knocking noise coming from the washing machine.
  6. Go back after about 5 to 10 mins and dig through all the wet sheets and find the phone.

That is all there is to it!  Just 7 little steps that I know anyone can follow.  Let me know how this works for you!

*As a side note the phone did actually work.  I did make sure that I put in a bag of rice for 24 hrs after it happened.  The screen looked like it had a baby growing in it but other than that you would be able to tell that I had washed it.  At least my phone was 100% clean and it did work until I got the money to get a new one sent.  I am sure it would have worked for a long time. 

*Oh and the bag of rice trick seemed to work great!

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret Tutorial-Adding Pictures To A Sidebar

***I got asked on if it the steps are the same for uploading a pdf and as far as I can see the would be the same steps except the last step would be different. I will update this post again once I find the code you would use to PDF’s on your sidebar.

This is a tutorial for people who use because it is a little bit different to add pictures to their sidebars. I am going to show how to use your own server to host the pictures but you can also use Photobucket as well.

  1. You are going to login into your blog and click on Media & then Add New
  2. Once you click on add new you will see the same screen you get when you add pictures in your posts:
  3. After you upload the picture you are going to grab the link to the picture for here:
  4. You will the plug that url into this coding: <center><img src=”LINK GOES HERE” border=”0″ alt=”title”></a></center>
  5. You then take that code and put it in the “text” widget on your sidebar.

Please let me know if you need more help or if something doesn’t make sense!

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret

Father’s Day Poem Review

Personalized Gifts for Anyone, Anytime

I received this fathers day poem from Because I Tried It and I fell in love with it.  It is the sweetest poem that I have read for fathers day in a long time.  They have several different poems for Father’s Day and many other holiday’s.  I got a customized Birthday Newspaper from them last year and it was also amazing!  Because I tried it has tons of products that they will customize for you.  They also give away free stuff all the time so make sure that you follow them on Facebook, Twitter, Google + and sign up for their newsletter.  I would recommend this site to anyone who wants to give a great present to someone that will mean something to them!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012-2016 Margaret Margaret

The Wedding Dress


One dress. Four women. An amazing destiny.

Charlotte Malone is getting married. Yet all is not settled in the heart of Birmingham’s chic bridal boutique owner. Charlotte can dress any bride to perfection-except herself. When she discovers a vintage mint-condition wedding gown in a battered old trunk, Charlotte embarks on a passionate journey to discover the women who wore the gown before her.

Emily in 1912. Mary in 1939. And Hillary in 1968. Each woman teaches Charlotte something about love in her own unique way. Woven within the threads of the beautiful hundred-year-old gown is the truth about Charlotte’s heritage, the power of faith, and the beauty of finding true love.

My Review

I really liked this book.  I am starting to see that the books I like are changing.  I didn’t think that this book would be my favorite but I sounded good so I decided I would give it a shot.  I am so glad that I did because it was an amazing book.  The story flowed so well and I kept hoping that it would turn out how it did turn out.  I actually can see some of myself in the main character so I found myself hoping she would find happiness in the end.

I recommend this book to anyone who loves stories that end sweet and likes love stories!

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret