Sleep Pink

Sleep Pink

As everyone knows October is breast cancer awareness month.  My great grandma on my dads side of the family died of breast cancer before I was even born but I have always wished that she would have been around because she seems like she was a great women when she was alive.  It is sad to know that the chances of a women developing breast cancer is 1 in 8.  Estroven is trying to get women to band together by hosting pink themed parties.

Movie Night

For my Sleep Pink party I decided that I wanted to get together and just relax and watch movies.  As you can see I picked tons of chick flick movies but there is also a great list here if you are looking for other ideas.

We also had pink drinks along with pop corn from the theaters because who can have a movie night without stopping by and getting the good popcorn from the theaters!  Here is also a great place to get idea’s of drinks and food you can make for your own “Sleep Pink” party.

During the month of October, Estroven is providing women with the necessary tools to host a Sleep Pink-themed party on The site will allow party hosts to upload photographs of their events, and for every photo, the company will pledge $100 to benefit the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. It will also provide information to help organize the Sleep Pink parties including downloadable invitations, menopause-friendly
drink and food recipe suggestions, as well as décor and entertainment ideas.

To find out how to host an Estroven Sleep Pink-themed party and raise funds for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, visit

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Estroven. The opinions and text are all mine.

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Top 5 YouTube Videos

As most of you know I love watching YouTube videos.  This week for the writers workshop one of the prompts was to list my top 5 YouTube videos of all time.  This was harder than you can think because there are so many that I watch all the time but here are the 5 that if they got deleted I would be so sad!!!! (They are in no order)

If you get offend by swearing than this video isn’t for you but it does make me laugh every time I watch it.

As you can see they vary greatly but like I said there are tons more that I love.  Here is a post where I listed some of my favorite channels that you should all check out.

Writers Workshop by Mama’s Losin’ It

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The Trouble with Cowboys by Denise Hunter

The Trouble With Cowboys


Only one pair of boots—and the cowboy wearing them—can get Annie out of the mess she’s in.

Annie Wilkerson is Moose Creek’s premiere horse trainer and equine columnist for Montana Living. Money is tight as she tries to put her kid-sister through college and provide for her young nephew. When Annie’s column is cancelled, she’s given first shot at a new lovelorn column—and she can’t afford to turn it down. Only problem is . . . Annie’s never been in love.

Always resourceful, she reluctantly strikes a deal with the town’s smooth-talking ladies’ man Dylan Taylor: She’ll work with his ailing horse, Braveheart, if he’ll help her answer the reader letters.

Working closely with Dylan is harder than Annie imagined, and she quickly realizes she may have misjudged him. But her unwavering conviction that cowboys are nothing but trouble has kept her heart safe for years. And she can’t risk getting hurt now.
The more Annie tries to control things, the more they fall apart. Her feelings are spinning out of control, and her sister’s antics are making life increasingly more difficult. Annie knows she needs to turn the reins over to God, but surrender has never come easily.

When Dylan reveals his feelings for her, Annie doesn’t know what to trust—her head or her heart. The trouble with this cowboy is that he might just be exactly what she needs.

My Review

Once I started reading this book I couldn’t stop until I finished reading it.  I spent the whole book wondering how things were going to turn out.  There are also parts of the book that totally shocked me and I never would have seen some of the turns that it took.  Parts of it I totally predicted but I was still interested enough to keep reading it.  After reading this book it has really gotten me into reading more books like this.  I could never say enough good things about this book.  It was amazing and it was another one that was sad for me when it was finally over.

Blog Tour Schedule

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Win a $200 Weekend Getaway from @SusanMayWarren! RSVP for Facebook Author Chat Party on Oct. 23rd!

Welcome to the campaign launch for Susan May Warren’s latest offering in her beloved Deep Haven series, You Don’t Know Me. Susan is celebrating with a $200 Weekend Getaway Giveaway and hosting a fun video Author Chat Party!

One fortunate winner will receive:

  • A $200 Visa Gift Card (Use that to catch up with a loved one and “Get to Know” your spouse, friend, sister, mom…whomever!)
  • The entire set of Deep Haven Books

Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on October 22nd. Winner will be announced at the ”You Don’t Know Me” Author Chat Facebook Party on 10/23. Connect with Susan for an evening of book chat, Deep Haven trivia, and a live video chat! There will also be info about Susan’s BookShout read-along and a chance to win gift certificates, books, and other fun prizes!

So grab your copy of You Don’t Know Me and join Susan on the evening of the October 23rd for a chance to connect and make some new friends. (If you haven’t read the books – don’t let that stop you from coming!)

Don’t miss a moment of the fun, RSVP today. Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 23rd!

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I Am How Old?!?!?!?!


How OldAt that beginning of September I had an appointment with my Multiple Sclerosis doctor to get the results for my latest MRI.  I have an update coming up that will let everyone know the results and all the fun stuff.

Anyways back to the story at hand.  I was sitting in the office meeting with the doctor and she asked me how old I was.  I said I was 26 and left it at that.  Well after I got home from the doctors I started to wonder if I was actually 26 or if I was 27.

I was looking at the print out that they gave me after my appointment that says what we are doing and when my next appointments are.  The paper said that I was 27.  I had to go and ask my grandma how old I was and she said she thought I was 27.  Well come to find out I spent all year thinking I was 26 and turning 27 next month.  Looks like I was wrong and I am turning 28 next month so I vote that I get to have two birthdays because I got two years older this year!

All I can say is that I get to have two birthdays this year and I feel like a total idiot!!!! Gotta love not knowing how old you are!  The other funny thing is as long as I can remember everyone in my family has always forgotten how old I am so I guess I am just following their lead!

What is one thing you forgot that you shouldn’t have forgotten?

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