Enter to win an iPad from @SuzanneWoodsFisher in “The Lesson” Giveaway!

Celebrate the release of The Lesson with Suzanne Woods Fisher by entering to win one of TWO iPads!


Two winners will receive:

  • A brand new iPad
  • A $15 gift certificate to iTunes

Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on January 20th. Winner will be announced on 1/22/13 at Suzanne’s Blog.

Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning.

2012 Favorites

I am going to perticipate in the Writers Workshop this week because her first prompt seemed like tons of fun.  Here are all the prompts that she has for this week:

1.) The ladies at MomSmack listed their top 10 faves of 2012 here. Use their list as a template and fill in your own answers! (inspired by MomSmack)
2.) Have your kids ever embarrassed you? Share something they’ve said or done that caused a *facepalm*.
3.) Tell us about something that is haunting you.
4.) Have you ever gotten detention at school? What did you do?
5.) Find a photo of yourself taken 10 years ago and display it on your blog along with a current photo. How have you changed since the day that photo was taken?

I am going use number 1.  Here are my answer to the questions on my favorite things of 2012.

  • Favorite 2012 Movie: Step Up  Revelution
  • Favorite Album: Either Chris Mann or Celtic Thunder
  • Favorite Song: Roads
  • Favorite Tweeter: I don’t have one for this year.
  • Favorite Blog: The Boogie Man In My Friend
  • Favorite TV Show: Deadliest Catch, First 48, Dead Files, Lockup
  • Favorite Instagramer: I am not huge into Instagram because I haven’t ever had an iPhone and they just this past year made it so you could use it on an android phone so I don’t have a favorite.
  • Favorite Moment: This probably had to be when my friend had her baby at the end of May.
  • Favorite Conference: BBC of course!
  • Favorite Viral Video: I can’t pick just one video so I am going to list a few of the channels that I love: The Schuerman ShowCandidMommyPink So Foxy, Grav3yardgirlWhatWouldLizzyDo.  Those are just a few but I have so many more.

Mama’s Losin’ It

My 2013 Goals

2013 Goals

Instead if making new years resolutions I am just going to list some goals of things I would like to see happen this year.  I never stick to resolutions so I think that by just making a few goals I will be more likely to stick to them.

  • I want to try and post at least 3 times a week on this blog.  I would really like to post 5 times a week but there are some weeks that I am so busy with work that I just won’t have the time.
  • I want to get my design business up and running this year.  I have really struggled with making the time to design this past year and I do miss it so I am going to make time for that.
  • I want to pay off my car and get a new MacBook and I also want an iPhone.
  • Spend less money and save more.
  • Eat better

For now those are all that I can think of.  I may update this once a quarter so that I can keep on track and let everyone know how I am doing with them all.

Day 4- Views on Religion #30DayChallenge

Views on Religion

Today’s topic is my views on religion.  Now this is something I have never written about because I didn’t want to start drama but I am in a place now in my life where I am okay with everything.  Now that doesn’t mean I want drama but I am okay if it happens because of this post.

I was raised LDS or as most people know us as is Mormon.   I stopped going when I found out I was pregnant because I refused to deal with how people treated me.  I know church isn’t about the people  but it is hard to go when everyone just stares at you.    I have always hated how some members of my church feel the need to judge everyone but that is another post for another day.

I also don’t think that you have to be a certain religion.  As long as you are a good person and treat others well then everything is okay.  I refuse to believe that God will condemn anyone because they aren’t the right religion.  I basically just accept everyone for who they are and I leave it at that.  I won’t judge others like I have been judged.