Best Present 2012 #WritersWorkshop

This year for Christmas I got my first iPod.  It is hard to believe that I love Apple products and yet I have never had an iPod.  Anyway I got the blue one.

iPod TouchI was so excited to get it and now that I have it I know for a fact that I want to get an iPhone.  I just have to figure out where to get one from and then I have to take it to T-Mobile and have them activate it for me.  Anyway that was so not what this post is about.  My grandparents also paid off my dentist bill so that was nice as well.  I literally spent all day yesterday messing around with it and downloading apps on it.  I love that I can now carry around all my music and it also gives me something else to mess around with when I can’t sleep at night.

Christmas was better this year than it has been for the last few years so that was nice as well.  I think I am going to write a separate post on why Christmas day is hard for me now.  I haven’t written about it yet because up until this year I wasn’t able to get through the day let alone write a post about it.  So be on the look out for that.

Mama’s Losin’ It

Day 3- Top 5 Pet Peeves

Day 3Today’s topic is my top 5 pet peeves.  I have quite a few things that bug me but I am going to try and only post 5 of them.

  1. I hate it when people call into work and are rude to me when they are really just pissed off at the salesman they need to talk to but they would rather yell at me instead of yell at the real person they are mad at.
  2. People who always judge other people.  I don’t judge and hate it when other people spend all their damn time make other people fell bad.
  3. Idiot drivers!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Having to hear people chew when they are eating around me.
  5. People who think they know me when the really don’t know anything about me or who I am.

Day 2- 10 Years #30DayChallenge


Where would I like to be in 10 years


Where would I like to be in 10 years

In ten years I will be 38 and I have no idea where I want to be when I am 38.  I have sat her for hours trying to figure out where I want to be and to be honest I am more focused on what I want to do tomorrow and this next week than what I want to be doing years down the road.  Here are a few things that I hope will be happening in my life in ten years.

  • I hope that the Multiple Sclerosis is still stable and that I am doing okay with that.
  • Happy with whatever I find myself doing.
  • Living on my own again.

Other than those 3 things I really don’t have anything else planned.


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