Things That Drive Me Insane-Insurance Companies

Things That Drive Me Insane


I am sure everyone knows that I have Multiple Sclerosis and because  of the medication I use to treat it I have to get MRI’s every 6 months. I had my latest MRI on Saturday the 16th of February.  I received a call on the Friday before my MRI from my health insurance company and all I could think was great now what is their deal.

For a little back story I have always had problems with insurance companies.  It always seems like since they have to pay out for me they tend to give me the run around and what not.  One time a few years ago I actually had an insurance company make everyone that they paid money to send the money back to them and then I had to fight with them in order to get them to pay for the claims that they requested the money back for.  Lets just say that fixing the mess took over a year and I am still sure I paid to much on a few of the claims because I just got tired of fighting with them about it all.

Anyway back to the story  when I answered the phone they basically wanted me to change the place of my MRI because the place I was getting it done at wasn’t one of their preferred providers.  I was dumbfounded because  I was having the MRI the next  day and I know enough to know that there is no way that there would be an opening on a Saturday to get a MRI if most places even do MRI’s on Saturdays.

I understand why they called about it but they didn’t have to give me hard time when I told them that I was okay with paying more because my doctor works out of the hospital and it is easier for me to keep track of my records and what not if everything is done in the same spot.  I get that they want to save me money but if I am okay with paying more than they really should just say okay and get off the phone.

I am glad they were trying to save me money and everything but in the end if I am okay spending more money then just leave it alone.  I may spend more money for the MRI but it means that I don’t have to worry about my doctor getting the results or anything like that because she will be able to just pull them up in the computer.  I have had the scans done at other places before and it always turns into a big hassle when it comes to getting the results and things like that.  So that is the latest thing that drove me insane.

What is driving you insane this week?

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Day 10-My Guilty Pleasures #30DayChallenge


Today’s topic is about guilty pleasures.  For those that don’t know what it means it means:

Something pleasurable that induces a

usually minor feeling of guilt 


I have thought about this for a while and these are the things I came up with.

  • Eating potato chips even though I shouldn’t because I need to lose weight
  • Online shopping
  • Buying books even though I already have so many I could never read them all as it is
  • Buying movies

Those are the only things I can think of right now.  What are your guilty pleasures?

Day 9-If You Could Have Any Job In The World What Would It Be? #30DayChallenge

Day 9

Today’s topic is if you could have any job in the world what would it be?  If I could be anything in the world I would want to be a life flight nurse.  I have always want to be a nurse and work in the emergency room.  I love the fact that they are always busy and I love everything that they deal with.  I still remember when I was in high school and we had a real life flight nurse come into talk in one of my classes and from that  class on I knew that is what I wanted to do.

I did start going to school to be a nurse but after I got pregnant and life took over I lost the drive I guess you could say.  I still think about being a nurse and going back and finishing school but now I am wondering if that is what I really want to do.  I have been thinking a lot about going into social work because I would love to work with girls who are wanting to place their children for adoption but that also has it own set of problems and doubts in my head as well.

When I worked as a CNA  I loved the work and I would probably still be doing that kind of work if I didn’t hurt my back and could do the lifting that is required for the job.  So as of now I am not sure where I am going but I know I will have it figured out one day!

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Writers Workshop-10 Reasons. . .

Top 10 Reasons

For the writers workshop this week I am going to write about 10 reasons you should be glad I didn’t blog in my 20’s.  I am going to change the prompt slightly though because I am still in my late 20’s.  I am going to write 10 reasons why you should be glad I didn’t blog while I was in college and in my early 20’s.

  1. All I would have had to write about was what I was doing in class and lets just say that would have been super boring.  I never partied in  college so I wouldn’t have any good stories.
  2. I would have written about my crazy roommates and the one who ended up over dosing the day before Thanksgiving my last semester up at Weber State.
  3. You would have had to read all the posts from when I was pregnant and pissed off at my daughters father.
  4. You would have had to listen to me complain about all the young girls that were keeping their children when I was 20 and placing mine for adoption.  It really bugged me at the time and I have since got to the point where I just don’t care anymore.  Everyone decides what is best for them and I don’t have the time to worry about it.
  5. Of course you would have had to read about all the high school drama that went out those years.
  6. I wouldn’t have wanted anyone to see pictures of me from that time because that would be super scary.
  7. God knows who I would have pissed off because I just learned how to control what I say or write.  I didn’t have any filter back then.
  8. There would have been tons of god awful music and crazy music on here.
  9. I never would have gotten any school work done because I would have spent all the time blogging and reading blogs.
  10. This last one comes from my favorite roommate and she said she was glad I didn’t blog then because she didn’t want any incriminating information out there about her.  I gotta love his roommate she is also the only person who ever gave me a nickname the stuck and she still calls it til this day.

So those are my ten things.  What is one reason you are glad you didn’t blog then?

Mama’s Losin’ It

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