Pennsylvania Patchwork by Kate Lloyd


Pennsylvania Patchwork by Kate Lloyd was a super cute and fun read.  It was another one that once I started reading it I couldn’t put it down.  I loved the characters and I loved watching Kate try and figure out what to do and who was the right person for her to marry.  This was definitely a different book but that made it that much more appealing to me.  I loved how she didn’t grow up amish but that she embraced the lifestyle and loved it.  I am not sure I could do the same thing if I were in Kate’s shoes.  The only thing I didn’t like about the book was who she chose in the end but other than that I can’t say anything bad about this book!

About The Book

Seattle native Holly Fisher is smitten by Lancaster County, its simplicity and her long lost relatives. In the sequel to bestselling Leaving Lancaster, Holly embraces the Amish culture, learning to slow down to see what — and who — really matters.

Meeting the family that her mother had kept hidden from her, Holly comes face to face with her real life and blood legacy. She also falls for the charming Zach, a handsome Mennonite veterinarian who is everything she’s ever wanted in a husband: confident, kind, successful, and authentic. And Zach proposes marriage. Is this too soon? Is this the right choice? Mother and Amish grandmother think she’s rushing into too much of a lifestyle change. Holly is in love with Zach and that precludes everything. Until she meets an attractive Amish man. And an old suitor shows up.

Pennyslvania Patchwork is the moving, richly told story of one woman’s heart, her faith and trust, and the choices she makes. Never easy, but one choice can change your destiny.


About The Author

Author Kate Lloyd is a passionate observer of human relationships. A native of Baltimore, Katespends time with family and friends in Lancaster County, PA, the inspiration for her novels. She is a member of the Lancaster County Mennonite Historical Society. Kate and her husband live in the Pacific Northwest. Kate studied painting and sculpture in college. She’s worked a variety of jobs, including car salesman and restaurateur.

Buy The Book

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8 Places

8 Places

This week for the writers workshop I am going to write about number 5 which is eight places you’d go this summer if money weren’t an object.  It was hard for me to get it down to just eight places because I love to travel, and if I could, I would go all the time.  Here are the eight places I would go if money weren’t an object.

  1. Yellowstone-I loves Yellowstone so much that if I could pick one place to go on a vacation to every year, this would be the place.  We went there when I was younger all the time and now that I am an adult I miss going.
  2. Michigan-I went here the year I graduated from high school, and I can’t wait to go back.  I loved everything about this state.
  3. Ireland-Since I have started listening to Celtic Thunder I want to go and experience the country see the sights.
  4. Australia-I has always wanted to go here, and I am not sure why other than the fact that it looks super beautiful.
  5. New York City – I have been in the state when we went to Michigan the summer I graduated, but I want to see and experience New York City.
  6. A Cruise-I would go a cruise pretty much anywhere so that I could say I have gone on one.
  7. Florida-I want to go the Disney World along with just seeing the state.
  8. England-I love all of the history that you can see and experience in England, and I would like to just wander around and explore the country.

Where have you always wanted to go?

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Phone Case Of The Month-June Case

Phone Case Of The Month


As most of you know I am addicted to buying new cases for my iPhone 5.  While I was on the search for new fun cases I came across this cool new subscription service called “Phone Case Of The Month”.  You will get a new case for your phone every month for $10.  I received my first case and I wanted to do a post about it because I love the case and who wouldn’t like a new case every month.  Here is the the case I received for this month:

This is what the cases come in each month.
This is what the cases come in each month. (They are mailed in a bubble mailer to protect them during shipping.)

Phone Case Of  The Month-June Case

I am really happy with the case I received and I can’t wait until next month when I will get another one.  This isn’t a pattern I would buy on my own but really have enjoyed it.

What do you guys think?

FTC:I paid for this case with my own money and they have no idea I am doing this review.
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Weird MS Symptom


It is time for another MS Tuesday post.  I haven’t done one of these in a while because I haven’t had anything to talk about when it comes to my Multiple Sclerosis (MS).  Like I have said before if there is ever anything you want to see in one of these posts please let me know and I would be more than happy to write about it.

Anyway today I am going to write about a weird feeling I had the last week.  I am not sure if I have ever written about the very first MS symptom that I had but this post will ties into that.  The first symptom that I know was the MS was when I was in high school and my left leg started to drag at random times and it just wouldn’t work.  I can remember going to see doctors about this and everyone thinking we were making it up but long story short this was the first time I realized that something was wrong.

So last week I had a really weird feeling in my left leg.  The best way I can describe it is by saying it felt like it was going to give out while I was walking.  I haven’t felt anything like that before and I hope I don’t ever have to feel it again.  My leg never did give out but it felt like it could at any moment.  As I write it down I guess a better way to describe it would be weakness in my leg.

The medication that I take for the MS can cause you to get a condition called PML and the signs of that can seem like an MS relapse. So my doctor tells me that if I have any weird things going on that last for more than a day to call her and they will get me in to make sure that I am not getting PML.  Thank god the feeling was gone by the next morning so I  can just chalk it up to a random MS symptom.  I am for sure going to tell her about when I see her in September after the MRI I have scheduled at the end of August.

Other than that I have been totally stable and haven’t had anything other than the headaches but I have had them for as long as I can remember so I forget most of the time that they are even there.

How have you been doing?  Is there anything about MS you would like to know?

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Things That Drive Me Insane-Idiot Drivers Part 3

Things That Drive Me Insane

I am back with another edition of Things That Drive Me Insane and as promised this one is about idiot drivers.  I swear the drivers get worse every day.  So in this post I am going to talk about motorcycles.  My brother has a motorcycle so I have listened to him talk about how people have almost killed him and I have almost killed a few of them myself when they have decided to cut me off and/or just drive like total idiots.

I know that at times it is hard to see people who are riding motorcycles but I do my best to watch for them because if I was riding a bike I would want someone to do that for me.  I am so tired of people on motorcycles thinking that they can drive between the lanes or even go on the shoulder to get around traffic.  One guy went down the shoulder instead of waiting like the rest of us to merge onto the freeway.    I have to say though that the thing I “love” the most that some of them do is to cut me off and then the next second they are cutting someone else off because they feel the need to go 100 MPH down the road.

Now onto the idiots in the cars who don’t pay attention and watch for people who are on motorcycles or who are even in other cars.  I am so tired of other drivers talking on their phones or reading books.  Although I think the thing that pisses me off the most is when I almost get killed by a cop because he is messing around on his laptop and or talking on his damn phone.

Wow this post got really off track.  Anyways lets get back to idiot drivers who don’t pay attention to others.  I wish everyone would just pay attention to driving and not everything but driving!  Anyway that is all for this post.

What do drivers do that piss you off?

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