Is That Even Legal????


I posted last week the I am officially divorced.  I also found out some interesting news last week that floored me and makes me wonder.  I found out that my ex got remarried before we were even divorced.  It looks like he may have gotten married before I even signed the papers.  I remember thinking when he sent them to me that he was in such a rush to get them done that he was either getting remarried and/or has a baby on the way.

Well looks like I was right on the getting married thing.  I have to wonder if his new wife even knows about me and that he was married when he married her?!?!  The bitchy part of me wants to start drama over the whole situation but I know that no good will come of that so I am just going to leave it alone for now.  Maybe after a few months I will email him and tell him he might want to figure out what to do because his new marriage  isn’t legal since he was still married when he got married.  Then the other part of me just doesn’t really care to tell him or her anything.

I have a post coming up about how I felt when I found out the news but I had to post this one first so when that one gets posted you will understand what made me feel that way.

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A Bride for All Seasons | 12-Day Unexpected Packages Giveaway! Enter today.

Four novellas, four brides, and four stories to fall in love with. 
Enter the world of mail-order brides with four of your favorite authors: Mary Connealy, Robin Lee Hatcher, Debra Clopton, and Margaret Brownley. In A Bride for All Seasons (Thomas Nelson) each of the prospective brides is hopeful for a second chance at love—and that second chance always seems to come in an unexpected package.

The authors are celebrating with a fun 12 Days of Unexpected Packages Giveaway! Between July 12-23 visit the authors’ Facebook Page to enter to win a new giveaway each day. Winners will be announced at the Facebook Author Chat party on July 23rd! Such fun!

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“Alter” by Lilliana Anderson



About The Book

NA Contemporary Romantic Suspense Publisher: Self/Indie Release Date: May 20, 2013 

Heat Level: Steamy Length: 333 pages

During a routine meeting to discuss the welfare of one of her students, Mia is introduced to Dr Cayd Donnelly, a man so devastatingly attractive that she almost forgot to say no when he asked her out – despite her loyalty to her long term boyfriend, Eric.

Shortly after, the usually predictable Mia becomes anything but. The change in her behaviour delights Eric, but concerns her best friend Louise when she stops signing while they talk.

After a month of worry and frustration, Mia finally seeks professional help in a bid to discover why she is missing chunks of her memory.

From there, she discovers something about herself that is so life altering, things will never be the same for Mia again…

Warning: This title is intended for readers over the age of 18 as it contains adult sexual situations and/or adult language, and may be considered offensive to some readers.


About The Author

Australian born and bred, Lilliana Anderson has always loved to read and write considering it the best form of escapism that the world has to offer. Besides writing Angelien’s biographical trilogy, she also writes contemporary romance and drama all set within Australia.

When she isn’t writing she is a wife, and a mother to four children. She has worked in a variety of industries and studied humanities before transferring to commerce/law at university.

She currently lives a fairly quiet life in suburban Melbourne.


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How I Beat The Summer Heat

Beating The Heat

This week for the writers workshop I am going to write about #4 which is how I beat the summer heat.  This year the temperatures of been super high and I am not sure if you know but heat and MS don’t mix well.  Here a few things that I do to try and stay cool and not over heat.

  •  I try to only go out in the mornings and if I do have to go out later I won’t go out in the afternoon because it is too hot.
  • When I am leaving work at 5 I always have a ice pack that I keep in the freezer at work and I use that while I am waiting for my AC to cool down my car.
  • I always try and wear light colors.  I am sure it would help if I didn’t always layer my shirts but I can’t wear shirts without a tank top underneath them.

Those are the things I do to try and beat the heat.  The biggest thing I do though is stay inside and out of the heat as much as possible.  During the summer I really am a homebody because I just avoid the heat as much as I can.

What do you do to avoid the heat?

Mama’s Losin’ It

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Its Official. . .


It’s Official. . .I am finally divorced.

This post has been sitting in my drafts for over a week now and everything I open it and read what I have written I delete it all.  I have had posts in the past that have been hard for me to write and get written down but I never thought that this post would be one of them.  I am not sure how many people know but my husband and I have been separated for years.  In fact it has been so long I can’t even remember how many years it has really been.

We have spent more time apart than we ever did while we were married.  Anyway’s as of June 27th I was officially divorced.   It is crazy to think that I am now starting a new chapter of my life and I am not sure where it will take me but I am interested in finding out.  Most people know tell me that I can date and do things like that and well I am pretty sure I am never going to date again.  I am truly happy being single for the most part.

That being said while I am happy to finally have it done and over with it is also bittersweet and scary.  I am scared because like I said before I am not sure where life will go from here.  I am ready for the ride but scared at the same time if that makes senses.  It is bittersweet for me because I never saw this as an ending for myself.  I never saw my life taking this turn but I am slowly accepting it and moving on with where life will take me next.

I found out some news last week that I am still processing about the whole situation so be on the lookout for that post because it makes me wonder if it was even legal and things like that.


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