Confucius-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The Week

This week I chose a quote  by Confucius.  I chose this one because I agreed with it 100%.  I find that I if I feel like I can’t reach a goal that I just give up altogether instead of just trying to change the way I am going about trying to reach the goal.   I am going to try and start doing this in my life and see what happens.  I will do a follow up post and let you know how it goes after a while of trying.


What do you think of this quote?  Do you agree with it?  And as always leave any quotes you are loving in the comments so that I can use them in the future!

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Critical Condition by Richard L. Mabry, M.D.

Richard Mabry Critical Condition
Critical Condition by Richard L. Mabry, M.D. was a great book to read.  Once again I was not let down by Richard Mabry’s medical suspense book. I have loved both of the other books I have read by him. I love his books and I can’t wait for the next one to come out. In this book you get to follow along with Shannon as she tries to find out why a man was killed on her front lawn along with her trying to figure out if she wants to marry her longtime boyfriend. I love how up until the end you still aren’t sure what is going on.

Critical Condition

About The Book

Dr. Frasier couldn’t save the gunshot victim on her front lawn. Now she’s fighting for her own life.
It began as a quiet dinner party honoring Dr. Shannon Frasier’s colleague, but became a nightmare when a man was shot on her lawn, reviving emotions from a similar episode a decade ago. Then a midnight call from her sister, Megan, causes Shannon to fear that her sister is on drugs again.
Her “almost-fiancé” Dr. Mark Gilbert’s support only adds to Shannon’s feelings of guilt, since she can’t bring herself to fully commit to him. She turns for help to her pastor-father, only to learn that he’s just been diagnosed with leukemia. Shannon thought it couldn’t get any worse. Then the late-night, threatening phone calls begin, the rough voice asking, “What did he say before he died?”
With everything around her in a critical state, simply staying alive will require all the resources and focus Shannon has.

Dr. Richard Mabry

About The Author

A retired physician, Dr. Richard Mabry is the author of four critically acclaimed novels of medical suspense. His previous works have been finalists for the Carol Award and Romantic Times Reader’s Choice Award, and have won the Selah Award. He is a past Vice-President of American Christian Fiction Writers and a member of the International Thriller Writers. He and his wife live in North Texas.
Connect with Richard at:

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10 Things I Love About. . .

Favorite TV Show

This week I saw another prompt for the Writers Workshop I knew I had to write about it.  This week I chose to write about number 5 which is: List 10 things you love about your favorite TV show.  Now I just need to chose one of the shows that I watch and write about it.  Who knew it would be so hard for me to pick on show to write about.  I think for this one I am going to write about Lockup which is on MSNBC.  If you have never heard of the show it is filmed inside of prisons in the US.  They take time hearing some of the stories of the people who are locked up.  Now lets get on to the 10 things I love about Lockup.

  1. I love hearing the stories of the people who are incarcerated.   I love hearing what their lives were like before they got locked up and what the believe lead them to where they are at.
  2. I love being able to get a glimpse of what life is like for people who are in there.
  3. I love learning what people in this country do and/or don’t do.
  4. Some of the stories make me laugh out loud because the people are so ridiculous and what they got locked up for is just as crazy.
  5. Sometimes they show what their lives are like when they get out of prison.
  6. I love people watching and this show is great for people watching.
  7. I love watching their Lockup-Raw episodes because it is always about things that didn’t make it on the original episodes.
  8. It is always fun to get to look at the “Bad Boys” that I always seem to be attracted to.
  9. It is interesting to say the least.
  10. I can laugh at stupid people without hurting anyones feelings because lets be honest a lot of things that people do to get locked up are just them being stupid.

Those are 10 of the things that I love about the show Lockup on MSNBC.  What is one thing you are love about your favorite show?

Here are the prompts for this weeks writers workshop.  Feel free to grab one and then go link up here!

1.) Let’s reminisce about the last trip you took…pictures please!
2.) Ask a parent to describe what you were like as a small child (under the age of 7), do you still have the same tendencies?
3.) Begin with “I wish someone told me…”
4.) Write a poem about a fight you or someone you love has struggled to win.
5.) List 10 things you love about your favorite show.

Mama’s Losin’ It

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Do You Judge?

Do You Judge

I would love to say that I don’t judge but it is so hard not to judge a book by what the cover looks like.    As all of you know I am an avid reader and I have found lately that when I pick a book to read for myself that I am picking books that have super cool looking covers.   I think that is part of the reason I would rather read an actual book instead of reading one on my Nook.

When I received books that have plain covers I always put them off until the last possible day to read them but when books have great covers I find myself wanting to read them right when I get them.  I have to say that I always seem to be shocked when I do finally read a book that I wasn’t interested in because of the cover and I fall in love with the story and the authors writing.  This has also gone the other way tons of times as well and those times I am so let down.

So the final answer is that yes I do judge a book by its cover but still read the other  books where I don’t like the covers as much.   I do judge books but I also read books that I don’t like the covers because I learned years ago that even if the cover sucks chances are the book itself is amazing.

Do you judge a book by the cover?

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Tea & Primroses by Tess Thompson

Book Review Graphic

Tea & Primroses by Tess Thompson was a fun book to read.  I didn’t read book on in this series but I do want to go back and read it now that I have finished this book.  At first I wasn’t sure if I was going to like this book but after I read a few pages I was hooked and didn’t want to stop reading it until I finished the book.  I loved the characters.  I also love how the author tells the story and I can’t wait to read more books in this series.

Tea Primroses

About The Book

Nothing is as it seemed in calm, quaint Legley Bay. 

Famous novelist Constance Mansfield lived a seemingly straightforward – if private – and somewhat predictable life. Friends, beloved daughter Sutton, a beautiful home, and all the success an author could wish for. A perfect life….but was it? 

When a hit and run accident suddenly takes her mother’s life, Sutton finds hidden secrets with her heartbreak. Emotional walls she assumed Constance had built to protect her privacy may have been to protect something – or someone – else entirely. Family and friends return home for support, including her own lost-love, Declan. He’s the first thing she craves to help her cope with her loss and the questions she’s left with, but he’s also the last person she wants to see. Will he be able to put down roots at last? 

Can the loss of true love be the making of a life, or is it destined to be the undoing of everything? When money, power and love combine across time, anything is possible.

Tess Thompson

About The Author

Tess Thompson is a novelist and playwright. She has a BFA in Drama from the University of Southern California. 

After some success as a playwright she decided to write a novel, a dream she’d held since childhood. She began working on her first novel, Riversong while her second daughter was eight months old, writing during naptimes and weekends. She considers it a small miracle and the good-nature of her second child (read: a good napper) that it was ever finished. Riversong was released in April 2011 by Booktrope, a Seattle publisher and subsequently became a #1 Nook book and Kindle best seller. Learn more about Booktrope at

Like her main character in Riversong, Tess is from a small town in Southern Oregon. She currently lives in Snoqualmie, Washington with her two small daughters where she is inspired daily by the view of the Cascade Mountains from her home office window. 

She was an active member of the theatre community in Seattle as an actor and director during the late nineties. In 2000 she wrote her first full-length play, My Lady’s Hand which subsequently won the 2001 first place prize for new work at the Burien Theatre. 

A voracious reader, Tess’s favorite thing to do is to curl up on a rainy afternoon and read a novel. She also enjoys movies, theatre, wine and food. She is fed emotionally by her friends and family and cherishes relationships above all else. 

Tess will be releasing her second novel, Caramel and Magnolias, in February 2013. She is busy working a historical fiction set in 1930’s Alabama that is based on a short story of her great-great grandmother’s.


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John C. Maxwell-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The Week

This weeks quote is by John C. Maxwell.  I chose this one because I loved what it said about being able to admit your mistakes and be able to deal with them and fix them.  I think in today’s world people need to remember that making mistakes is okay and as long as you learn from them and try to fix them you will be okay.  I know making mistakes isn’t fun but it is part of life and we each make them.  Try not to get down on yourself when you make mistakes just learn from them and try and do better next time.

John C. Maxwell

I wanted to let everyone know that I have been getting most of the quotes I have been using from the website Brainy Quotes.

If you want to check out past quotes you can click here!

What quote are you loving right now?

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