Mireille by Molly Cochran


Book Review

Mireille by Molly Cochran was a great book.  The first thing I want to let you know about this book is that it is a long one so be ready for a big book but I really did enjoy the book.  It took me awhile to get through it because I have had major headaches.  I liked that the writing in the book isn’t super small so I don’t have to strain my eyes as much.  At the start of the book I wasn’t a huge fan of Mireille and to be honest I am not sure why.  I did feel bad for her throughout parts of the book because of what she went through.  I hated Oliver from the first time he showed up right up until the end.  I would recommend this book to anyone who love historical fiction and/or books that take place during WWII.


About The Book


Publisher: Lake Union Publishing (June 9, 2015)

Near the end of World War II, seventeen-year-old Mireille de Jouarre flees the home of her stepfather, a Nazi collaborator and abusive drunk. She finds shelter with her childhood friend Stefan, and the two fall deeply in love. But as the fighting escalates, Mireille must escape alone to Paris, where she discovers she’s pregnant and lacking a way to provide for her child.

So begins her new life as l’Ange—the Angel. After an unlikely meeting with a wealthy aristocrat in a Parisian hotel—and her acceptance of his solicitation—Mireille becomes the most celebrated poule in all of France, eliciting huge fees and invitations to exclusive parties. At one of these events, Mireille meets Oliver Jordan, an American womanizer and film producer, and is soon launching a promising film career. As her star rises, Mireille is determined to bury her past. But her success isn’t as carefree and glittery as it seems, and when her daughter’s future is threatened, Mireille must make a deadly decision in a desperate attempt to finally choose her own path.

Molly Cochran

About The Author

Molly Cochran is the author of more than twenty novels and nonfiction books, including the New York Times bestseller GrandmasterThe Forever KingThe Broken Sword, and The Temple Dogs, all cowritten with Warren Murphy. She is also the author of The Third Magic, and she cowrote the nonfiction bestseller Dressing Thin with Dale Goday. Cochran has received numerous awards, including the Mystery Writers of America’s Edgar Award, the Romance Writers of America’s “Best Thriller” award, and an “Outstanding” classification by the New York Public Library. Recently she published a series of young adult novels, LegacyPoison, and Seduction, and two novellas, Wishes and RevelsLegacy won a 2013 Westchester Fiction Award.

Visit Molly at her website, mollycochran.com.

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Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap-Up

Another week has come to an end and I am so glad for that.  It has been a super rough week for me this week because I haven’t felt great and things are rough at home now.  I had a book cover reveal post and three book reviews this week.

Jack Gets His Man Cover Reveal– I love this cover and I am going to pick up the book so I can read it because it seems right up my alley.

Unplanned by Alana Terry– I love this author so if you are looking for a great book to read this summer I would recommend this book or any books from this author.  She is amazing and I can’t wait for her next book to be released.

Two Roads Home by Deborah Raney-This would be another great  book to read this summer if you are looking for a new book.

A Heart’s Betrayal by Colleen Coble-I love this series and can’t wait until I get the next book to read.

Next week I have 3  book reviews that will go up and I can’t wait to share one of them with you because part of it takes place during WWII and everyone know that time period is the favorite time.  I will also have a quote going up on Tuesday.  I am on the lookout for quotes to share each week so if you have one that you love please leave it in the comments so that I can use it.  If I use your quote you will get credit for it and a link to either your blog or facebook profile which ever you would like.  That is all I have for you this week and I hope to see you back here next week!

How has your week been???

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A Heart’s Betrayal by Colleen Coble

Book Review

A Heart’s Betrayal by Colleen Coble was another great book in this story.  This is the fourth book in this series and you do have to read these books in order because it is one book that was split into 6 different books.  If you missed the first 3 reviews you can click here, here, and here to check out the reviews on those books.  In this book you get to know Emmie and Isaac even though you did get to know Isaac a little bit in the second & third books.  I felt so bad for Emmie throughout this book because of what her late husband did to her.  I am not sure what I would do if it were done to me.  I can’t wait to see what happens in the next book.  I am sad that I don’t have the book already so I can’t read it this weekend.  The review for the 5th book will be up in July.

A Hearts Betrayal by Colleen Coble

About The Book

A Heart’s Betrayal (Thomas Nelson, June 2015)

Emmie finds shelter in the arms of a soldier, but her secret could drive them apart.

When Emmie Croftner answered the door to her late husband’s home, she discovered an awful truth: her deceased husband was a bigamist. And what’s more, the home she thought she inherited never belonged to her at all.
Suddenly displaced, powerless, and ashamed, Emmie can’t stay in Wabash, Indiana. She makes a hopeful start for Fort Laramie, Wyoming, to find her friend Sarah Montgomery and a new beginning. But when she arrives, she discovers she’s pregnant—and without a husband. The new start she’d hoped for slips from her fingers.

But then she meets Isaac Liddle, a handsome soldier with a kind heart. When he begins to court her, Emmie wonders whether she could ever really be his—and whether she dares to tell him she is carrying another man’s baby.


About The Author

Colleen Coble has sold over 2 million novels worldwide.Seagrass Pier, the third installment in her acclaimed Hope Beach series, marks a new highpoint for emotion and complexity in Coble’s addictive brand of romantic suspense.

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Two Roads Home by Deborah Raney

Book Review

Two Roads Home by Deborah Raney was another great book by this author.  I did read and review the first book in this series so if you missed that you can check it out here but you don’t need to read the book to understand what is going on in this book.  I love when you don’t have to read the other books in the series to understand the book you are reading because not everyone has the time to read the other books before the they get to the book that they wanted to read.  In this book you get to know Corinne & Jesse and follow along as they go through problems in their marriage and how they work them out.  I also loved that you get to check in with the other characters that you got to know and love during the first book.  I have to say that I love these two characters more than I did the others because they seemed more real to me than  I did Landyn & Chase and I am not sure why that is but I did.  I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a great summer read because I can’t wait until I read the third  book because I can’t wait to get to know the third sister and see what she is all about.

Two Roads Home by Deborah Raney

About The Book

Two Roads Home (Abingdon Press, June 2015)

What if it’s too late for dreams to come true?

Minor—but-nagging setbacks continue to sour Grant and Audrey Whitman’s initiation into the world of innkeeping, but larger challenges brew when an innocent flirtation leads to big trouble for the Whitmans’ son-in-law, Jesse. Jesse Pennington’s friendly, outgoing personality has always served him well, especially in a career that has earned him and his wife Corinne a very comfortable lifestyle. But Corinne and Jesse are both restless—and for similar reasons, if only they could share those with each other. Instead, too many business trips and trumped-up charges of harassment from a disgruntled coworker threaten their marriage and possibly put their three precious daughters at risk.

With their life in disarray, God is tugging at their hearts to pursue other dreams. Can Corinne and Jesse pick up the pieces of what was once a wonderful life before it all crumbles beneath them?


About The Author

Deborah Raney’s books have won numerous awards, including the RITA, National Readers Choice Award, HOLT Medallion, and the Carol Award, and have twice been Christy Award finalists. She and her husband, Ken, recently traded small-town life in Kansas-the setting of many of Deborah’s novels-for life in the (relatively) big city of Wichita, where they enjoy gardening, antiquing, movies, and traveling to visit four children and a growing brood of grandchildren who all live much too far away.


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Unplanned by Alana Terry

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from  in exchange for my honest review.  I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Book Review

Unplanned by Alana Terry was another great book by this author.   This is the third book I have read by this author and I have loved them all so far  but with that being said this wasn’t one of my favorite books by her.  Now I really did enjoy this book but I think I like her books that take place in Asia more than this book and I honestly couldn’t tell you why that is.  I know part of it is because I feel in love with the first book so since this book takes place in America it was just different not bad in the least  but different.  I really did enjoy this story and I can’t wait to read other books in this series because it was a nice change but like I said I miss the other setting and the other characters.  I enjoyed seeing Kennedy change throughout this book and see how much she did change from the first chapter until the last chapter.  I also loved that book has some suspense in it because we all know that I love books that make me want to keep reading because I have to know what is going to happen. I still loved this book and can’t to read more books in this series and more books by this author.


About The Book

When Kennedy Stern’s childhood pastor asks her to volunteer at his new pregnancy center, she carves time out of her rigorous college schedule to promote the cause of the unborn.

After receiving a disturbing call from someone far too young to carry a child in the first place, Kennedy can no longer blindly hide behind the pro-life platitudes she grew up believing. She resolves to locate the unknown girl but winds up entrenched in a mystery that grows more convoluted as it unfolds.

Soon, Kennedy finds herself a pawn in a deadly game of intrigue, at the mercy of those who consider a few innocent lives a small ransom to pay in exchange for personal and political victory.

Alana Terry has won awards from Women of Faith, the Book Club Network, Grace Awards, Readers’ Favorite, and more. Unplanned was a finalist in the Deep River Books writing contest.


About The Author

When Alana isn’t writing, it’s likely that she’s on the floor wrestling with her kids. Or playing outside with her kids. Or chauffeuring her kids. Or trying some random science experiment with her kids. But she’s probably not cooking or cleaning.

Alana is a homeschooling mother of three who loves to write, hates to cook, and enjoys reading a good book almost as much as she enjoys writing one.

Alana won the Women of Faith writing contest for “The Beloved Daughter,” her debut inspirational novel. “What, No Sushi?” is Alana’s first book in a chapter-book series for kids published by Do Life Right, Inc.

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Jack Gets His Man Cover Reveal

Romantic Comedy
Date Published: July 1, 2015

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Jack’s life is awesome. His store is making money hand over fist and his best friend has found love. So what if he’s feeling a bit restless and put out about his upcoming birthday and his ex is being a pain in his fabulous behind? That’s nothing he can’t handle. But then his smoking hot new bookkeeper discovers things at the store aren’t actually as they seem. Someone is playing fast and loose with the finances. Jack’s bestie and his gal pals, the gray-haired knitting detectives, jump at the chance to solve Jack’s problems. When they aren’t re-enacting scenes from spy thrillers, they’re setting Jack up on dates and generally insinuating themselves into his love life. They’re determined to find love for Jack as well as his missing money. Will Jack catch a thief or find love? Either way Jack’s going to get his man.
“Hands in the air. Drop to your knees,” was shouted at them. Blinded by a flashlight, it was impossible to identify the speaker.
Martha huffed. “There is no way I’m going to my knees, young man.” She yelled at the light.
“Me either. I’ll never be able to get up again.” Ally agreed and put her hands on her hips in protest.
Jack shook his head but quickly dropped to his knees. Only he would get caught while snooping with two grandmas who refused to listen to the police. He hung his head and pretended he was somewhere else, anywhere else.
The cop lowered his flashlight and brought out a pair of cuffs. He started walking towards the group but stumbled when he took in Ally and Martha. He shook his head. “Are you ladies willing to go quietly into my squad car?” He asked.
Ally and Martha took one look at the cop and nodded. “Wherever you want to go officer,” Martha responded. Oh great. Now they were flirting with the arresting officer. Jack waited patiently on his knees until the cop reached him. He was cuffed and then dragged to his feet.
“Come on ladies,” the officer stated while pulling Jack to the cop car.
There were two squad cars in Damien’s driveway. Betty, Rosemary, and Rose were already sitting in the backseat of the other car. They waved as Jack passed with Ally and Martha in tow. Jack shook his head at them and looked for Izzy. She sat in her car and mouthed sorry but didn’t make a move to help them. Jack knew it wouldn’t help anything if Izzy got out of the car. She’d just get arrested as well but still he stuck his tongue out at her. The cop scanned the area to see where Jack’s tongue was pointed. Izzy immediately started up the car and, with a squeal of the tires, took off. Jack chuckled.
“Aren’t you going to turn on the siren,” Martha asked once the cop was back in the patrol car and they were headed to the police station. Ally bobbed her head in excitement. Jack hung his head.
The cop chuckled. “Normally perps don’t like the siren on.”
“Why not?” Ally leaned forward to get a better look at the officer.
“They don’t want to be seen being hauled to the police station,” was the officer’s perfectly acceptable answer.
Ally and Martha huffed. They leaned back and crossed their arms across their chests. “Well, that’s just boring,” Martha said to Ally. Ally nodded in agreement.
The quiet didn’t last long. “So, officer,” Martha began. “Are you single?” Jack tried to make himself disappear at this point but unfortunately closing his eyes and wishing he was anywhere else in the world but in the back of a cop car that smelled like piss with two elderly troublemakers turned matchmakers was a bust.
“I’m single ladies,” the officer readily answered. “But don’t get your hopes up for your granddaughters. I’m also gay.” Jack prayed for a hole in the floor of the sedan to open up and swallow him whole.
Ally and Martha clapped in glee. The officer turned around in surprise before quickly returning his attention to the road. The quick look was all Jack needed. It appeared that he’d been arrested by a man hot enough to be Mr. January in the police calendar. Although it was dark in the car, he couldn’t miss the curly brown hair and eyes the color of rich chocolate. He’d bet the man was made of muscles as well. He nearly sighed but caught himself just as he saw Ally and Martha looking at him for a response. He buried his face in his chest. Luckily, they had arrived at the police station.
About the Author

I was born and raised in Wisconsin, but think I’m a European. After spending my senior year of high school in Germany, I developed a bad case of wanderlust that is yet to be cured. My flying Dutch husband and I have lived in Ohio, Virginia, the Netherlands, Germany and now Istanbul. We still haven’t decided if we want to settle down somewhere – let alone where. Although I’ve been a military policewoman, a commercial lawyer, and a B&B owner, I think with writing I may have finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up. That’s assuming I ever grow up, of course. Between tennis, running, traveling, singing off tune, drinking entirely too many adult beverages, and reading books like they are going out of style, I write articles for a local expat magazine and various websites, review other indie authors’ books, write a blog about whatever comes to mind and am working on my sixth book.

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