Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap-Up

Another week has gone by and that means we are one week closer to Christmas.  Like I have been saying a lot lately I am not sure where this year has gone.  It amazes me how much faster times goes when you are an adult then it goes when you are  growing up.  I wish there was some way to make time go slower as an adult.  Anyway let’s get onto the posts from this past week.

Miracle Drug by Dr. Richard Mabry

Isaac Bashevis Singer-Quote Of The Week

The Boys Of The Dixie Pig by Stacy Childs

Waking Up To Love by Katie O’Boyle

Welcome To Hickville High by Mary Karlik

Those are all of the posts from the past week.  Next week I have mostly book reviews coming up so if you are looking for something to read make sure you check back then.  I also have a post I am hoping to have up tomorrow morning about a new Multiple Sclerosis charity that was brought to my attention and I figured that it would be something that might help someone so I should have that up tomorrow at some point.

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Welcome To Hickville High by Mary Karlik


WELCOME TO HICKVILLE HIGH by Mary Karlik is a sweet, sassy, and deeply emotional YA romance about starting over, rediscovering what really matters, and learning how love conquers all – no matter who you are or where you live. You’ll be drawn in by the plucky heroine and charming hero in this upside down Cinderella story. When you go from riches to rags, finding what truly matters becomes all the more special.


About The Book

Title: Welcome to Hickville High

Author: Mary Karlik

Series: Hickville High

Genre: YA Romance

Release Date: October 15th 2015

Publisher: Indie Published

Print Length: 292 pages

Format: Paperback and Digital

Senior Kelsey Quinn loses it all when her dad relocates the family to Hillside Texas, population Hick. She’ll do whatever it takes to return to the good life, even if it’s just for one night of dancing at a gala with the boyfriend she left behind. She trades her designer dresses for an apron to work as a dishwasher in a redneck diner. But she doesn’t plan on six feet of pure Texan, Austin McCoy entering her life. He teaches her to love the farm life she’s been forced into, but will he convince her that it’s the farm boy that goes with that life that she really wants?

Mary Karlik Bio Pic

About The Author

Following a career as a nursing instructor, award-winning author, Mary Karlik earned an MFA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University in Pennsylvania. A native Texan, Mary loves horses, dogs, cats, country music, and small town diners. Although she has recently relocated in northern New Mexico, her heart remains in the Lone Star state.

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Waking Up To Love by Katie O’Boyle


Contemporary Romance
Date Published: October 21, 2015
Kyle Pennington broke Lyssa’s heart when he let her go, rather than interfere with her budding career. An ocean away now, Lyssa has fallen under the spell of golden-tongued Rand Cunningham who’s in a hurry to marry her. But Kyle is miserable without her and is willing to risk everything to get her back. Will Lyssa wake up in time to ask who she really loves?
“So you didn’t bring along a mate of some kind—husband, wife, lover?”
“Just me and my broken heart.” Lyssa was secretly pleased that her heart didn’t clench with pain at the words. Just a mild ache.
“Ah, you’re on the rebound?” Rand sidled closer.
“I am that.”
“It’s dangerous territory, they say.”
“Reboundville?” She brought her fingernails to her mouth and chattered her teeth in mock terror.
“And I’m a pretty dangerous guy.” He reached a hand down to her. “You might be in trouble.” He pulled her up from the floor and looked hungrily at her lips.
With a knowing grin, she pushed him away. “Let’s go out for food. My tummy’s rumbling.”
“That’s the second time you’ve been close to kissing me and pushed me away. A guy could get a complex.”
“I?” She laughed. “Was close to kissing you? Admit it, Randall, you initiated both those close contacts, on the terrace before my interview and right here in my bedroom.” She tsked.
“Wrong. It’s Bertrand, not Randall. My father goes by Bert.” He moved closer and, before she could push him away, grabbed her wrists. “And I’m a very good kisser,” he told her, his voice husky.
She could have broken his hold, might have, if she hadn’t been so curious about what kissing him would be like. Rand’s devilish smile made her laugh. It had been two years since she’d kissed anyone on the lips.
He let go of one wrist and pulled her against him. When she stroked the back of his neck with her free hand, he teased her lips with his, then kissed her—lightly, insistently—and nipped her lower lip. She pressed closer, enjoying the feel of his toned, sexy body against hers. His kisses grew firmer, more arousing. When he released her, she swayed and stepped back with one foot to steady herself.
“Very good kisser.” She touched her hot cheeks with trembling fingers.
“I think you needed a good kissing, didn’t you?” He wore a self-satisfied smile.
“I guess I did.” Damn, I wish it had been Kyle.
About the Author

Born in the upstate-New York village known as the Birthplace of Women’s Rights, Katie O’Boyle loves the Finger Lakes in every season. She enjoys lunch with friends at quaint inns, and she cherishes the lakeside porch as a place for intimate sharing, laughter, and inspiration. To the outside world, she’s a tech-savvy college professor. In her soul, she’s a passionate author of warm-hearted romance.
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The Boys Of The Dixie Pig by Stacy Childs

Fall Book Review Graphic

The Boys Of The Dixie Pig by Stacy Childs was a different book than I have read before.  It is always nice for those of us that read tons of books to read books that are so different from what we usually read.  I love find new authors and new interesting books to read when I have a day or two to pick and read a book of my choosing.  I got this book from NetGalley for free but it was one I picked and since I enjoyed the story I wanted to review it here in case anyone else is looking for a fun book to read.  This book kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the entire book and I loved that about it.  I love books that make me want to keep reading them so I can find out what is going to happen and how it is going to end.  If you love books that are super fast pace than I know you will love this book.  I also love how this book started off at a fast past and I didn’t let up until the book was over.  I think this is a book that everyone will enjoy.

The Boys Of The Dixie Pig by Stacy Childs

About The Book

As a weapons dealer, Mack Barton has spent the last four decades running from someone scary, and now is no exception. A crime boss in Las Vegas wants to kill him because of an overdue gambling debt (one of his bad habits—another is tequila). And is it the C.I.A. blaming him if some munitions fell into the wrong hands in a Syria deal? Or the last Colombia deal?

Thinking it might help him get his mind off his troubles, Mack accepts an invitation to a reunion with his four good friends from high school – the ‘troughers’. He travels to Golden, Colorado, where he and three others are wined and dined by their mutual buddy, Ace Strain, a psychiatrist and the proprietor of a cutting edge cryonics company. Little did he know that, before all was said and done, Colombian gun runners and mob hit men would prove the least of his worries as he, and his companions face intrigue, death, romance, and the question of reincarnated sports stars, caught up in a crazy chain of kidnapping, murder and insanity.

Stacy Childs

About The Author

Dr. Childs grew up in Abilene, Texas, and went to college at Tulane University and medical school at L.S.U., both in New Orleans. He did his internship and residencies in Birmingham, Alabama, and practiced urology there for seventeen years. He and his wife moved to Cheyenne, Wyoming in 1995, where he practiced urology for nine years. His love of the mountains and skiing brought him to Steamboat Springs in May of 2004.

Dr. Childs was active in clinical research for twenty-eight years and started three research companies, one of which went public. His early interests in infection and inflammation of the urinary tract led him to the faculty of The University of Colorado in Denver where he was appointed Clinical Professor of Surgery in the division of Urology in 1999—a position which he currently holds.

He has been on various committees including chairman of the Medical School Admissions Committee for Wyoming and the Wyoming Governor’s Healthcare Commission and was a delegate to the American Medical Association. Dr. Childs is certified by The American Board of Urology and is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. He is a consulting editor to the journal Urology, and is former editor-in-chief of Issues in Urology and the urology section of Medscape, among others. He has authored three medical texts, six chapters in medical books, and published over seventy-five articles in peer-reviewed medical journals. Dr. Childs began writing fiction in 2006.

Dr. Childs was the first medical Director of Cancer Services for YVMC Yampa Valley Medical Center. He has been listed in Americas Top Doctors since the fifth edition of the organization and has been listed in Best Doctors in America every year since 2007.

In addition to practicing urology for nearly four decades, Dr. Childs enjoys ski racing, road biking, hiking, fly fishing, and rifle and hand gun target shooting. He was a torch carrier for the Salt Lake City Olympics, after which he ran two marathons in four weeks, the last one in New York. He is a prostate cancer survivor.

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Isaac Bashevis Singer-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The Week

This week’s quote is by Isaac Bashevis Singer.

Isaac Bashevis Singer

I loved this quote so much when I saw it that I had to use it right away.  I wish more people in today’s society about realize how true this and stop picking on people because they don’t like what others say or do.  I don’t agree with tons of people but I also don’t judge them because of what they believe.  This world would be such a better place if people did go out of their way to make others feel bad.  Anyway those are just a few thoughts about this quote.

What do you think about this week’s quote by Isaac Bashevis Singer?

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Miracle Drug by Dr. Richard Mabry

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Fall Book Review Graphic

Miracle Drug by Dr. Richard Mabry was another great book by this author.  This is the fourth book by this author that I have read and I loved this one just as much if not more than the other 3 that I have read. I know part of the reason that I love his books is because they are medical thrillers and I love anything having to do with the medical field.  I can’t say enough good things about this author and his books.  This book reminded me of the Ebola outbreak that happened in Africa last year.  I loved this book because even though it is fiction it is something that could (and did) happen in the real world so that makes it an even better book to me.  If you love medical thrills or if you love books that might actually happen than you don’t want to miss this book because it is amazing to say the least.

Miracle Drug by Dr. Richard Mabry

About The Book

Miracle Drug (Abingdon, September 2015)

Overcoming these odds will take more than a miracle drug—it will take a miracle.

The infection wasn’t supposed to happen, but it did. The treatment was supposed to take care of it, but it didn’t. Then Dr. Josh Pearson discovers why—his patients, including the former President of the United States, have been dosed with a different strain of the original virus, one that is universally fatal. The only chance for survival is treatment with an experimental drug, but the manufacturer might already have discarded its supply.

As if treating the President of the United States isn’t stressful enough, the situation goes from bad to worse when Rachel Moore, a nurse Josh is falling in love with, falls ill. With the nation’s eyes on him, Josh must pull off a miracle to save a man who holds a good deal of power and the woman who holds his heart.

Dr. Richard Mabry

About The Author

Dr. Richard Mabry is a retired physician who writes “medical suspense with heart.” His novels have won multiple awards: a semifinalist for International Thriller Writers’ debut novel; finalists for the Carol Award, Inspirational Reader’s Choice Award, and Romantic Times’ Reader’s Choice Award; and both finalist and winner of the Selah Award. “Miracle Drug” is his ninth published novel. He and his wife live in Frisco, Texas.

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