Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap-Up

It has been an entire month since I have done a wrap-up post so I am just going to get right into it.

Richard Bach-Quote Of The Week

Another Way Home by Deborah Raney

Jesusita by Ronald L. Ruiz

The Five Times I Met Myself by James L. Rubart

Brainstorm by Robert Wintner

An Endless Christmas by Cynthia Ruchti

Butterfly Dreams by A. Meredith Walters

Keep S’Myelin Foundation

Waking Up To Love by Katie O’Boyle

The Courtship of Utopia Miner by Linda Gilman

Crimson Path Of Honor by M.B. Tosi

The Migrant Report by Mohanalakshmi Rajakumar

A Thousand Shall Fall by Andrea Boeshaar

Joseph B. Wirthlin-Quote Of The Week

So Very Thankful Tag

The Golden Braid by Melanie Dickerson

The Thread That Binds by Alice Hayes

A Moment of Weakness by Karen Kingsbury

Robert H. Schuller-Quote Of The Week

They Never Die Quietly by Daniel M. Annechino

The Wedding Chapel by Rachel Hauck

Rising Darkness by Nancy Mehl

Writer’s Workshop- 7 Things That Bring Me Comfort

Those are all the posts from the past month in case you missed anyone of them.  I hope you have a good week and I hope to see you here next week.

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Writer’s Workshop- 7 Things That Bring Me Comfort

7 Things That Bring Me Comfort

This week for the writers workshop I am going to write about number 3 which is 7 things that bring my comfort.  I liked this one because it isn’t something that I would ever think to write about and since my life at work is insanely busy right now I figured this is a post I could get written pretty quickly.  So let’s get on to the 7 things.

  1. The first thing that brings me comfort would have to be my two cats.
  2. The next thing that brings me comfort would have to be the stray cats that  I feed at work.
  3. I am thankful that the company that is taking over the build that I currently am working in is going to hire all of us come the first of next year so I don’t have to look for a job and figure out what to do about health insurance and what not.
  4. Good food always comforts me when I am sad and what not.
  5. Reading a good book always brings me comfort because it gets me out of my own head and I get to pretend I am someone else and doing fun things.
  6. I also get comfort from watching shows that I love on TV because chances are I have already watched them and I love re-watching them.
  7. The last thing that I do to bring my comfort is watching Youtube video’s because I  can always find funny video’s to watch.

Those are the 7 things I do to bring myself comfort.  What do you do to comfort yourself?

Here are all the prompts for this week if you want to join in and write about one of them.  If you do write about one you can click here and link up your post.

1. Share a fall-inspired drink recipe!
2. Write a poem, post or story where the last two words are ‘thought so’.
3. List 7 things that bring you comfort.
4. List 6 places on you would love to stay locally with your family.
5. Write a poem, post, or story inspired by the word: wet
6. Write a blog post inspired by the word: power
7. Create a December bucket list.

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Rising Darkness by Nancy Mehl

Winter Book Review

Rising Darkness by Nancy Mehl was an amazing book.  This book kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the entire thing, but it also was nice that you don’t have worry about what will be in it like you do when you read some other suspense books.  I am that kind of person that doesn’t mind books that have violence and sexual things talked about but I know some people  do like that so is great for them.  I loved that you get an amazing story and you don’t have to worry about what you will be reading because of who the author is.  I also loved that she was able to keep me reading and on the edge of my seat.   This is the 3rd book in series, but you don’t have to read them in order because this is the first book in this series that I have read and I can’t wait to go back and check out the other 2 books in this series.

Rising Darkness by Nancy Mehl

About The Book

Sophie Wittenbauer left her strict Mennonite hometown under a cloud of shame and regret. After a rough childhood, her teenage poor choices harmed others, leaving her with no choice but to change her life. Her entry-level writing job at a newspaper puts her in the right place at the right time to overhear office gossip about a prisoner who has information on a decades-old unsolved crime. While the other reporters write off the tip as the ravings of an angry criminal, Sophie can’t ignore it because she knows the name of this prisoner from her old life.

Upon learning from the man that one of the other suspects is hiding out in the Missouri town of Sanctuary, she takes on a false identity to investigate and meets the young pastor of a local church–the very man she’d loved as a troubled teenager. As she gets closer to finding the suspect, will the truth of her own past come out before she discovers the identity of the criminal–or the very person she’s seeking puts a fatal stop to her investigation?

Nancy Mehl

About The Author

Nancy Mehl lives in Wichita, Kansas with her husband, Norman, and her very active puggle, Watson. First published in 2001, she has now authored nine books, including an omnibus mystery collection, Cozy in Kansas, which contains three of her previously published Ivy Towers mysteries. Book three in the series, For Whom the Wedding Bell Tolls, won the American Christian Fiction Writers Mystery Book of the Year award. Nancy’s main writing interests lie in mystery although her new Harmony Series leans more toward the romantic suspense genre. Nancy runs a HUD program for the city of Wichita and is president of a volunteer organization, Wichita Homebound Outreach. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Kansas Authors Club. You can find out more about Nancy by visiting her Web site at: http://www.nancymehl.com

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Winter FTC

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The Wedding Chapel by Rachel Hauck

Winter Book Review

The Wedding Chapel by Rachel Hauck was another great book by this author.  I have read several books by this author and I have loved them all so this story had a lot to live up to and I love that it was everything that I hoped it would be.  I have to say that Jimmy was my favorite out of all the characters.  I think it was because of his personality and he seemed the most relatable to me.  I loved that the story was told from different time periods because that gives you a better understanding of  the characters and why things happened like they did.  If you love Rachel’s books or are just looking for a great chick lit book than I would for sure recommend this book to you.

The Wedding Chapel by Rachel Hauck

About The Book

An old, forgotten chapel holds the key to love and forgiveness.

Retired hall-of-fame football coach Jimmy Westbrook never imagined anything would come of his labor of love—building a wedding chapel for Collette Greer, the woman he fell in love with in 1949. But now a realtor wants the land the chapel sits on, and he sees no reason to hang onto the past.

Photographer Taylor Branson is trying to make a life for herself in New York. Leaving her hometown of Heart’s Bend, Tennessee, she put a lot of things behind her, including her family’s string of failed marriages. When she falls head-over-heels for Jack Gillingham, a top ad man, their whirlwind romance and elopement leave her with doubts. Jack, while genuine in his love for Taylor, can never seem to find the right way to show her he really cares.

When a post-mortem letter from Taylor’s Granny Peg shows up, along with an old photo, she is driven to uncover family secrets and the secret to her own happiness, starting with an assignment to photograph an unknown, obscure wedding chapel back in Heart’s Bend.

Taylor begins a mission to convince Jimmy that the chapel is worth saving—and that forgiveness and healing might happen within the chapel’s walls . . . for both of them.

Rachel Hauck

About The Author

RITA finalist and award winning author Rachel Hauck writes from sunny central Florida.

With strong southern stories, she infuses faith and real life into the lives of her fictional characters.

Rachel loves to encourage new writers and is the book therapist for My Book Therapy and writing community founded by
Susan May Warren.

Rachel graduated from Ohio State University with a BA in Journalism. She’s and avid OSU football fan.

Visit her web site to find out more and click on the icons to follow her on Twitter and Facebook.



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Winter FTC

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They Never Die Quietly by Daniel M. Annechino

About The Book

They Never Die Quietly tells the story of homicide Detective Sami Rizzo, who is assigned to head a task force investigating serial killings in San Diego. Simon, the highly intelligent, cunning, and deceptively charming villain, redefines the depths of human evil. He believes God has given him absolute authority to purify his unholy victims through a ritual that ends in a grisly crucifixion. Driven by warped religious beliefs and guided by his dead mother, very much alive in his subconscious, Simon abducts “chosen ones” and holds them captive in a Room of Redemption. There, the victims helplessly await their crucifixion. Detective Rizzo urgently yearns to solve the case and gain the respect of her male colleagues, but her obsession to apprehend the killer on her own clouds her thinking. When Simon outsmarts Rizzo and captures her, determined to make her his next victim, she must employ all her resources—both physical and intellectual—to outwit the villain at his own game.

D.M. Annechino

About The Author

Daniel M. Annechino, a former book editor specializing in full-length fiction, wrote his first book, How to Buy the Most Car for the Least Money, in 1992 while working as a General Manager in the automobile business. But his passion had always been fiction, particularly thrillers. He spent two years researching serial killers before finally penning his gripping and memorable debut novel They Never Die Quietly.

​His second book, Resuscitation (Thomas & Mercer 2011), a follow-up to his first novel, hit #1 in Kindle sales in the UK and reached #26 in the USA. He is also the author of I Do Solemnly Swear (Thomas & Mercer 2012) and Hypocrisy. A Piece of You is his fifth novel, the third in the Detective Sami Rizzo series. A native of New York, Annechino now lives in San Diego with his wife, Jennifer. He loves to cook, enjoys a glass of vintage wine, and spends lots of leisure time on the warm beaches of Southern California.


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