Weekly Wrap-up

Weekly Wrap-Up

It is that time again where I list all of the posts from the last week in case you missed any of them and are looking for the links to any of them.

Dark Secrets Of The Past by Evelyne Sants

Naked by Gina Gordon

Sleep . . . Or No Sleep

St. Patricks Day 2016

Those are all the posts from this week in case you missed any of them and wanted to check them out.  Next week I have several book reviews coming up and I also have an Multiple Sclerosis update that will be live on Thursday because I have my infusion on Monday morning and an appointment to see my neurologist on Monday afternoon.  As always I hope you had a great week and I hope to see you back here next week.

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St. Patricks Day 2016

St Patrick's Day 2016

This week for the writer’s workshop I am going to talk about what I will be doing today for St Patrick’s Day.  Not that I ever do anything special for it because since I don’t drink there really isn’t much to do.

One thing that I know, I will listen to one of my favorite musical groups Celtic Thunder. I found them a few years ago, and I have been hooked on watching and listening to their music for years. I also have gotten my grandparents and nephew into them.  On a side note, my nephew turned two this past November and one of the first things he said was Ireland, which always makes me laugh. Now whenever he hears their music or sees one of the DVD’s that I have he always says Ireland.

Since St Patrick’s day is during the week this year I am sure I won’t be doing anything other than working because most days it is all I  can do to get through work and I have no energy left to do anything after work.  If you are looking for something funny to watch you should watch this music video because it still makes me laugh.

I hope that you all have a great and safe St Patrick’s day this year!

Do you have any fun plans for St Patrick’s Day this year?


Here are all the prompts in case you want to join in.

  1. ThrowbackThursday: Choose a photo from a previous March and write a poem or a blog post.
    2. A time you were tricked.
    3. I wish I could…
    4. Write a blog post inspired by the word: Fishy.
    5. What is on your Spring Break “to do” list?
    6. Share how you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.
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Sleep . . . Or No Sleep

WW-Sleep Or No Sleep

This was one of the prompts from last week’s writer’s workshop, and I wanted to write about it for the previous week, but I didn’t have the time, so I figured I would write about it today.  The prompt was to write a post about sleep, and I have tons I would love to say on sleep because for a long time readers you will know that I don’t sleep much.

I will take just about anything so that I can sleep but even doing that some nights I only end up sleeping for two hours and then I am up rest of the night. On nights like that I usually just end up taking a nap at night and then tossing and turning rest of the night. If I don’t take anything for sleep, I can promise you that I just won’t sleep, and that can go for days and days.

There was one sleeping pill that I used to get that did work but my insurance refuses to pay for it, and I don’t have over two hundred dollars laying around to pay for it each month.  I do take a muscle relaxer at night that knocks me out of a few hours, and that is pretty much all the sleep I get.

This has been going on for so long that I have run out of things to do or try. At this point and instead of getting better it is only getting worse. I have had sleep problems for as long as I can remember and the older I am not dealing with it as well as I used to.  It gets even worse because no doctor can tell me what is wrong and why I have this problem. I have to wonder if it is because of the Multiple Sclerosis but then again I have never heard of anyone else having this problem.

I often have people ask me how I deal with not getting much sleep at night, and I tell them I don’t have a choice but to deal with it because nothing seems to change it.  All I can do is chalk it up to my weird body and hope that it will get better at some point. I don’t know how long I can deal with everything that comes along with not sleeping and what not.

Do you have problems sleeping and if so what do you do to help you sleep?

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Naked by Gina Gordon

Book Review Graphic

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions expressed in this review are 100% mine.  I received no other compensation for this review.

Naked by Gina Gordon was an excellent book.  I did find it kind of predictable, but that is because these type’s of books are the ones I read when I can’t decide what to read next.  These are one of my guilty pleasure kind of book because if asked I would probably say I don’t like to read them but in the end, I love them because they are always an easy read.  This is the first book I have read by this author, and she is going to added to the list of authors that I love and want to read more books by her.  I loved all the characters in this book and the setting of the book.  I loved what Noah did to make Violet finally come over and talk to him.  If you love chick lit  books than I know you will love this book.

Naked by Gina Gordon

About The Book

The deeply sensual Body & Soul series kicks off with “a fun, sexy emotional read” (Lisa Renee Jones), as one woman discovers the courage to face life’s greatest challenges—and explore her connection with a handsome neighbor.

Violet Walker has been hiding. Withdrawn after a terrible car accident, she is worried about going back to her high-pressure job, where she’s expected to project confidence and sleek refinement. Allowing herself a distraction, she’s been watching her sexy neighbor work on his house. But when the shirtless, grinning hunk catches her in the act, Violet is struck by the unmistakable jolt of physical chemistry, a sensation that’s both thrilling and terrifying.

Noah Young is used to moving from one construction job to another, never laying a firm foundation. The same goes for the women in his life—until Violet changes all that. His beautiful voyeur embraces his rough edges and shows him a hint of real love. But even Noah can tell that she’s holding back, hiding her body and her heart from what they both truly want. If only he could get a little help convincing Violet to see herself as he sees her: perfect in every way.

About The Author

When her dream of becoming a mafia princess didn’t pan out, Gina Gordon went after her second dream…becoming a writer. And she hasn’t looked back.

Gina, a self-proclaimed happily ever after junkie and cupcake connoisseuse, loves spinning contemporary tales of knee bending first kisses, unconditional love and super-hot sex. She broke out onto the romance scene with her #1 Amazon Bestselling erotic short story Her Five Favorite Words that’s been called a “deliciously naughty tale” by Joyfully Reviewed.

When not chained to her computer, you can find Gina sipping Starbucks, making cupcakes or feeding her addiction to celebrity gossip. She lives in Milton, Ontario with her husband and lovable dog.

Gina is represented by Victoria Lowes of the The Bent Agency.

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Dark Secrets Of The Past by Evelyne Sants

FTC: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own.  I received no other compensation.

Dark Secrets Of The Past by Evelyne Sants was an okay book.  I wasn’t a huge fan of the authors writing and as I am trying to figure out what I didn’t like about it I can’t put my figure on what I didn’t like about it.  It was also a hard book to read for me because of some of the things that were done in the beginning.  I want to let people know that parts of this book could be triggering because of the subject matter.  I enjoyed the characters in this book for the most part.  It is an easy read and a book I was able to get through pretty quick.  I enjoy this book for the most and I would recommend this book to people who love books that can teach you things.

Dark Secrets Of The Past by Evelyne Sants

About The Book

Date Published: May 5, 2015

Marion, a carefree and rebellious young girl, will discover her childhood, her parents, her entire life has been built on lies.

She will somehow try to rebuild her past, as heavy and painful as it is, in order to move forward and find the child she gave up for adoption before leaving for India for seven years in hopes of forgetting.

While there, she will meet extraordinary people, such as Shilpa, Nazma, Paoli, who will take her on a beautiful and difficult adventure across this country and culture that she barely knows. Unfortunately, the suffering caused by her child’s absence will never disappear.

Upon returning home, her only thought will be to find her child. In her quest for the truth, she will take every risk, discovering a terrifying secret. She will put her life in danger while confronting a terrible revenge.

Will she live up to the incredible journey that awaits her? There’s only one solution – face the past in order to better understand the present, understand the present to better live the future.

Evelyne Sants

About The Author

Poetry was my first discovery and my first passion. Putting words together that, in theory, did not go together, giving them breath, a new life, was a revelation for me. Yet despite this, my imagination tormented my mind. The desire to go further, to be able to create characters, to give them a destiny, emotions, an imaginary reality, illuminated my literary path.

Thus, “Dark Secrets of the Past” was born, a book which made me tremble many times while writing.

Carried away by this momentum, I could not return to my poems. This experience gave me the certainty that what I truly want to do is write passionate stories in order to share them with readers.

I hope this book carries and transports you as far as it did me while I was writing it. 

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Weekly Wrap-up

Weekly Wrap-Up

Another week is over and I wish that time would slow down.  Time is going by so fast and I can’t seem to keep up with everything that is going on in my life.  Here are the links from the post from this past week in case you missed any of them.

William Shakespeare-Quote Of The Week

Dating The Guy Next Door by Amanda Ashby

Novelista Girl by Meredith Schorr

The Hearts We Mend by Kathryn Springer

I hope you all had a great week and I hope you will stop by next week!

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