Pocket Prayers by Max Lucado

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FTC: I received a free copy of these books from Litfuse in exchange for my honest review.  I received no other compensation for this review and all opinion’s expressed in this review are my own.

Pocket Prayers by Max Lucado I love the concept of these six books. I didn’t read all of them all the way through because you don’t need to since these are shorter books and are written with particular groups of people in mind. Even saying that I know that these books would be ideal for anyone who wants to take a few minutes and connect with God again. I found that for me these books were excellent when I needed to take a few minutes to de-stress or just a few moments to myself. These are an excellent way to bring God back into your day and to remind you to calm down and that God is in control of everything.   The last thing I want to say about these books is what they asked us to do with them after we have reviewed them and they asked us to pass them on to people in our lives that we think could use them. I am going to pass these books along to people, and I hope to share with you who I gave each of them too and why I thought that they needed the book.

Pocket Prayers by Max Lucado


About The Book

Pocket Prayers (with various authors; Thomas Nelson, March 2016)

Bestselling author Max Lucado has teamed up with six authors to write the Pocket Prayers series for those in need of peace, renewal, rest, faith, hope, joy, direction, serenity, and courage.

Short, simple prayers are very effective, which is why each book in the series contains forty guided prayers and complementary scriptures for any situation, including for:

-Moms (written with daughter Andrea Lucado)
-Grads (written with daughter Andrea Lucado)
-Dads (written with Mark Mynheir)
-Military Life (written with Mark Mynheir)
-Teachers (written with blogger Jennifer Hale)
-Friends (written with Betsy St. Amant)

Max Lucado

About The Author

More than 120 million readers have found inspiration and encouragement in the writings of Max Lucado. He lives with his wife, Denalyn, and their mischievous mutt, Andy, in San Antonio, Texas, where he serves the people of Oak Hills Church.

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Jeep Tour by Gail Ward Olmsted

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.  I received no other compensation for this review and all of the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

Jeep Tour by Gail Ward Olmsted was an excellent book. I did review another book by this author, and you can click here to check out that review if you missed it. I enjoyed this book right from the start. This author’s style of writing made me fall in love with the book after only reading a few pages which most authors aren’t able to do. I wasn’t a huge fan of the setting of this book but because I liked the characters I was able to get still into this book. I have read tons of chick lit books lately and out of all that I have read recently, this author has written two of my favorites. I liked both Rick and Jackie right from the start of this book. They both seemed like they could exist in the world which I always love. I can’t get into books when I don’t think that the characters could exist in the world. Once again I enjoyed this author writing, and I can’t wait to read more books by her in the future. Like I said in the last review if you love chick lit I would recommend both of her books to you.

Jeep Tour by Gail Ward Olmsted

About The Book

Jackie Sullivan was drawn to the red rocks of Sedona, Arizona after a failed marriage and an out-of-the-blue job loss. But did she move cross country to chase a dream or a dreamy tour guide? She had it all – the husband, the house, the job…but that’s in the past. A chance encounter with Rick, a handsome tour guide, gets her dreaming of a new life in Sedona. Jackie’s efforts to re-invent herself in the tight-knit desert community are, well … complicated. Sedona is terrific, but as the locals note, ‘it’s not for everyone.’ Does Rick want a relationship or just a friend with benefits? And in the case of her ex-husband, absence definitely makes the heart grow fonder! Is it her imagination, or is Rob more amazing than ever? With her 40th birthday looming, Jackie challenges herself to navigate a new path fueled by an unflagging sense of humor and lots of caffeine. Jackie has already had her happy; now she wants her ever after!


About The Author

I am hard at work on my third novel. ‘Driving on the Left’ is a sequel to JEEP TOUR, set in Ireland and will be published by Booktrope this summer.

Like JEEP TOUR’s main character Jackie Sullivan, I am a professor of marketing. I have taught at the college level for eighteen years. I am a recipient of the Deliso Endowed Chair Award and was recently recognized by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as one of “29 Who Shine”. A hopeless romantic, I am married to the love of my life. I am mom to two young adults and three cats and enjoy reading, music and travel.

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Blackbird Summer by Em Shotwell

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FTC:I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.  I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are 100% my own.

Blackbird Summer by Em Shotwell is a book that I would usually read but this year I want to read books that are out of my comfort zone and see what else is out there. I wasn’t a huge fan of this book but even with that being said I did enjoy it and I would consider reading the next book in the series. I did get into this book and I enjoyed the characters and the setting of the book. I am glad that I read this book but I am more of a fan of books that I could see happening. I loved seeing what Delia would get into but if I am being honest I pretty much hated all of the people in their town because I know what it feel likes to be treated like crap by your neighbors. All in all I did enjoy this book and like I said I think I will pick up the next book because I did like the characters. This book reminded me that I need to try books that I don’t think I will like because most of the time I end up loving the books that I judge by the cover or the genre they are in.

Blackbird Summer by Em Shotwell

About The Book

When people fear the unknown, being Gifted is a curse.

In the cornerstone of the rural south, Brooklyn, Mississippi, no one dares make eye contact with the strange Caibre family. Until the rewards are worth the cost. The townsfolk come, cash in hand, always at night, to pay for services only a Gifted can provide.

No matter the Gifts prevalent in her family, at twenty-one, Tallulah is expected to follow the path laid out for her: marriage, babies, and helping her mama teach the family home school program. She’s resigned to live the quiet life and stay out of trouble…until she meets Logan.

An outsider and all around rebel, Logan doesn’t care about her family’s reputation. Yet after a tragic loss wreaks havoc on the crumbling relationship between the Caibres and the townsfolk, Tallulah must decide if love and freedom are worth risking everything.

Em Shotwell

About The Author

Em Shotwell is the author of Blackbird Summer (City Owl Press, 2016). She lives in South Louisiana with a husband who spoils her and two mini-superheroes who call her mom. Em think the most interesting characters are the ones who live on the sidelines, and that small towns often hide the biggest secrets. She is inspired by tall tales and local legends.

When she’s not writing about misfits and oddballs, Em enjoys spending time outdoors hiking, and debating Doctor Who facts with her obsessed ten-year-old.

Visit me:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mamacrazysocks

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Em-Shotwell-…

Sign up for my newsletter & receive a FREE copy of the Blackbird Series short story: THE CHANS: http://emshotwell.us11.list-manage.co…

Instagram: http://www.intagme.com/blackbird_summer/

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Theodore Roosevelt-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The Week

This week’s quote is from Theodore Roosevelt.

Theodore Roosevelt

I don’t have much to say about this quote because believe in it one hundred percent.  I am a true believer of mind over matter and about knowing that if you only think of negative things then you end up having a lot of problems.

What do you feel of this weeks quote by Theodore Roosevelt?

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2016 Margaret Margaret

In The Context of Love by Linda K. Sienkiewicz

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.  I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are mine.

In The Context of Love by Linda K. Sienkiewicz was a hard to book to read at certain points in the story. I don’t get very many books that I want to read because I am super interested in them but I have a hard time because of the subject matter in them. I didn’t give up on this book like I have with others and I am glad that I didn’t because I truly enjoyed this story and the authors style of writing. I felt myself feel the things that Angelica felt throughout the entire story because I got so wrapped in who she is and everything that happened to her. This book is a heavier book than any that I have read in the past few months but even saying that I loved this book and it is one that I will be keeping in my personal collection because I don’t think I could ever get rid of it. I would tell everyone that this is a heavier book but give it a chance because I think you will end up loving it.

In the Context of Love

About The Book

What makes us step back to examine the events and people that have shaped our lives? And what happens when what we discover leads to more questions?

Angelica Schirrick wonders how her life could have gotten so far off-track. With two children in tow, she begins a journey of self-discovery that leads her back home to Ohio. It pains her to remember the promise her future once held and the shattering revelations that derailed her life.

Can she face the failures and secrets of her past and move forward? Somehow she must learn to accept the violence of her beginning before she can be open to life, and a second chance at love.


Book Trailer

In the Context of Love | Book Trailer from Linda Sienkiewicz on Vimeo.

 Linda K. Sienkiewicz

About The Author

Linda K. Sienkiewicz is a published poet and fiction writer, cynical optimist, fan of corgis, tea drinker, and wine lover from Michigan. Her poetry, short stories, and art have been published in more than fifty literary journals, including Prairie Schooner, Clackamas Literary Review, Spoon River, and Permafrost.

She received a poetry chapbook award from Bottom Dog Press, and an MFA from the University of Southern Maine. Linda lives with her husband in southeast Michigan, where they spoil their grandchildren and then send them back home.

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Guessing At Normal by Gail Ward Olmsted

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for this review.  I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review at my own.

Guessing At Normal by Gail Ward Olmsted was an excellent book.  This author found me through Goodreads, and I am so glad that she did.  I will be reviewing another book by her next Wednesday, and because I loved this book as much as I did, I can’t wait to read that book and see how I like it.  I loved this book because I loved how the characters seemed like they are real people because that makes me get into the book even more. I was sad when this book ended because I loved the characters in this book. I also was a huge of how this story was told and how the author was able to make me feel like I was there with the characters. If you are looking for a good chick lit book to read, I would recommend this one to you. Also, keep your eyes open next week because I will be reviewing another book by this author

Guessing At Normal by Gail Ward Olmsted

About The Book

Jill Griffin has mastered the art of being invisible, so when she falls in love with sexy rocker James Sheridan, at first she is content to live in his larger than life shadow. Building a ‘normal’ life together under the glare of the media is challenging and further complicated by constant touring, James’ partying and the mixed signals she gets from James’ twin brother Alex.

When her poems and journal ramblings become the songs on James’ best-selling album, Jill has to step out of her comfort zone and figure out how to live her life in a spotlight all her own. With no road map to follow, she struggles to navigate her way in her search for happiness. As her professional success threatens her relationship with James, Jill questions whether she can make a living writing love songs without the love of her life.


About The Author

I love my family and friends, especially when they will walk or swim or shop or drink coffee with me. Eating ice cream works too!!

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