Dark Money by Larry D. Thompson

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from PUYB in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Dark Money by Larry D. Thompson was an interesting book, to say the least.  This book has to do with politics which is very ironic if you ask me.  I liked the premise of the story, but I had a tough time staying interested in the book, and it got hard for me to keep reading it from time to time.  A book like this one will have a particular type of people who will love it but for me, I did find it somewhat boring and hard to get through.  There were times in the book that I was totally into what was going on, but it just wasn’t the right fit for me.  This book is well written, and I could totally see something like this happening in this country.  If you love politics and corrupt politicians than I think this book would be perfect for you.

Dark Money

About The Book

Author: Larry D. Thompson
Publisher: Story Merchant Books
Pages: 420
Genre: Legal Thriller

DARK MONEY is a thriller, a mystery and an expose’ of the corruption of money in politics.

Jackson Bryant, the millionaire plaintiff lawyer who turned to pro bono work in Dead Peasants, is caught up in the collision of money and politics when he receives a call from his old army buddy, Walt Frazier. Walt needs his assistance in evaluating security for Texas Governor Rob Lardner at a Halloween costume fundraiser thrown by one of the nation’s richest Republican billionaires at his mansion in Fort Worth.

Miriam Van Zandt is the best marksman among The Alamo Defenders, an anti-government militia group in West Texas. She attends the fund raiser dressed as a cat burglar—wounds the governor and murders the host’s brother, another Republican billionaire. She is shot in the leg but manages to escape.

Jack is appointed special prosecutor and must call on the Texas DPS SWAT team to track Van Zandt and attack the Alamo Defenders’ compound in a lonely part of West Texas. Van Zandt’s father, founder of the Defenders, is killed in the attack and Miriam is left in a coma. The authorities declare victory and close the case—but Jack knows better. The person behind the Halloween massacre has yet to be caught. When Walt and the protective detail are sued by the fund raiser host and the widow of the dead man, Jack follows the dark money of political contributions from the Cayman Islands to Washington to Eastern Europe, New York and New Orleans to track the real killer and absolve his friend and the Protective Detail of responsibility for the massacre.

For More Information

  • Dark Money is available at Amazon.
  • Discuss this book at PUYB Virtual Book Club at Goodreads.

Larry D. Thompson

About The Author

Larry D. Thompson was first a trial lawyer. He tried more than 300 cases throughout Texas, winning in excess of 95% of them. When his youngest son graduated from college, he decided to write his first novel. Since his mother was an English teacher and his brother, Thomas Thompson, had been a best-selling author, it seemed the natural thing to do.

Larry writes about what he knows best…lawyers, courtrooms and trials. The legal thriller is his genre. DARK MONEY is his fifth story and the second in the Jack Bryant series.

Larry and his wife, Vicki, call Houston home and spend their summers on a mountain top in Vail, Colorado. He has two daughters, two sons and four grandchildren.

For More Information

Enter To Win

Larry D. Thompson is giving away a $25 Amazon Gift Card!
Terms & Conditions:
• By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
• One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive one $25 Amazon Gift Card
• This giveaway begins March 1 and ends May 27.
• Winners will be contacted via email on May 28.
• Winners have 48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!

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Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap-Up

Another week has come to an end, and I am left trying to figure out how it is almost May, and that means we are close to half way through this year, and I am not sure how that is possible.  Anyway here are the links from this past week.

Join Becky Wade for a Facebook Party May 5

Must-Read Books for Harry Potter Fans

Audrey Hepburn-Quote Of The Week

Scar Tissue by MC Domovitch

Song Of Silence by Cynthia Ruchti

Last Light by CJ Lyons

Keeper of The Stars by Robin Lee Hatcher

Pocket Prayers by Max Lucado- Update

May’s Book Reviews

Those are all of the posts from last week, and I will be back next week with more reviews & a post about six places I would move to if I could.  I hope you have a great weekend!

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Pocket Prayers by Max Lucado- Update

Pocket Prayers by Max Lucado

Back at the first of April, I reviewed all of these books, and you can check out that review here.  As part of that review campaign, we were asked to give away the books to people who meant something to us and then post a little bit about that person.  I won’t have any pictures in this post because like me the people in my life don’t like pictures being taken of themselves


So one of the books that I gave away was to one of the guys that I work with.  I  chose to give him the one for someone who is/was in the military.  I decided to give him this book because I thought he would get the most out of it.  I have worked with him for almost nine years, and he is one of my favorite people that I work with.  He served in the Army reserves for years and years, and I know that he will get the most out of it.  Although I have tons of people in my life that have been in the military so this one was easy to find a new home for.

I haven’t found a home for the other ones yet, but I will update this post once I have found them new homes.  Like I said in my review these are great gift idea’s and they are perfect for anyone who wants to take a few minutes re-focus on God.

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Keeper of The Stars by Robin Lee Hatcher

Book Review Graphic

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from BookLook in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Keeper of The Stars by Robin Lee Hatcher is the third book in the series.  I am such a sucker for all of the books that I have read by Robin that I hoped that I would love this book as much as I have enjoyed other books by her and I am happy to say that I did enjoy this book.  This is the third book in the series, and I have enjoyed all the books in this series.  I love all of the characters in the books and even though they are all in the same series they are each their story and are so different for each of the other books.  I think that Penny and Trevor are my favorite characters so far from this series of books.  I am a huge fan the setting of this series and just about everything in these books.  They are super easy to read, and I was able to get through the book super quick which I love.  If you love Christian romance novels, then you need to check this one out because it is amazing!

Keeper of The Stars by Robin Lee Hatcher

About The Book

She blames him for her brother’s death. Can she let go of resentment and open her heart to love?

Penny Cartwright found it difficult to understand why her younger brother would choose to join a country singer’s band rather than return to Kings Meadow after college . . . and the separation strained their relationship. Then a car accident made certain her brother could never return.

Trevor Reynolds has chased stardom in Nashville for more than a dozen years, but it remains out of his reach. After an accident kills his young drummer, Trevor goes to Kings Meadow to keep a promise—and perhaps to discover what truly matters in this life.

Thrown together by circumstances, Penny and Trevor must learn to give and receive forgiveness. And if they do, perhaps something beautiful can rise from the ashes of heartbreak.

Robin Lee Hatcher

About The Author

Best-selling novelistRobin Lee Hatcher is known for her heart-warming and emotionally charged stories of faith, courage, and love. The winner of the Christy Award for Excellence in Christian Fiction, the RITA Award for Best Inspirational Romance, two RT Career Achievement Awards, and the RWA Lifetime Achievement Award, Robin is the author of over sixty novels.

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Last Light by CJ Lyons

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Welcome to another exciting tour with Novel Publicity. Today, I’m excited to share with you, my review of Last Light, by CJ Lyons! Also, make sure you check out the rafflecopter, because Novel Publicity & CJ are giving away scented candles, signed hardbacks. . . AND a KINDLE PAPERWHITE!
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Last Light by CJ Lyons hooked me right from the start. When it comes to thriller/mystery books, it isn’t hard for me to get sucked in right away. I read this book in a day because I had to know what happened and how it all worked out. This is the fourth book in the series and it is the first book I have read but I didn’t feel lost at all when it came to reading and understanding what was going on in this book. If I had to pick a character that I liked the most from this book, I would pick TK. I loved her attitude throughout the entire book. I loved Lucy but if I had to pick it would pick TK. I just loved everything about her personality and how she gave Lucy a run for her money through parts of the book. If you love thrillers, I know you won’t want to miss this book.


About the Books

From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author CJ Lyons. For fans of Lisa Gardner, Tami Hoag, and Jeffery Deaver:
“Everything a great thriller should be–action packed, authentic, and intense.” ~#1 New York Times bestselling author Lee Child
After leaving the FBI, life should be easy, right? Wrong–not if you’re Lucy Guardino.
Lucy has always seen herself as a normal Pittsburgh soccer mom who happened to have a job chasing the worst of the worst. But after a violent predator targets her family and she’s injured, Lucy sacrifices her career with the FBI to keep her family safe.
What is she now that she’s no longer an FBI Special Agent? She wonders as she begins her new job with the Beacon Group, a private consulting firm that specializes in cold cases and bringing justice to forgotten victims.Lucy fears she’s traded being a kick-ass law enforcement officer for being a civilian mother hen shepherding a team of amateurs.
What is she now that she’s no longer a FBI Special Agent? she wonders as she begins her new job with the Beacon Group, a private consulting firm that specializes in cold cases and bringing justice to forgotten victims.Lucy fears she’s traded being a kick-ass law enforcement officer for being a civilian mother hen shepherding a team of amateurs.
Her fears appear justified when she’s partnered with TK O’Connor, a former Marine MP struggling with her transition to life back home, and sent to rural Texas to investigate a case that’s more than cold, it’s already been closed with the killers behind bars for the past twenty-nine years.
But…who really killed Lily Martin, her infant daughter, and husband? Why was an entire family targeted for annihilation?
What price will Lucy pay when she fights to expose a truth people will kill to keep buried?
LAST LIGHT is the seventh Lucy Guardino novel, but they can be read out of order. If you enjoy captivating suspense, intelligent storytelling,strong and vulnerable characters, and a freight-train pace, then you’ll love this adrenaline rush of a heart-pounding thriller.
Join the millions of readers who’ve fallen for CJ’s Thrillers with Heart and grab your copy of LAST LIGHT today!

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Pediatric ER doctor turned New York Times bestselling thriller writer CJ Lyons has been a storyteller all her life—something that landed her in many time-outs as a kid. She writes her Thrillers with Heart for the same reason that she became a doctor: because she believes we all have the power to change our world.

In the ER she witnessed many acts of courage by her patients and their families, learning that heroes truly are born every day. When not writing, she can be found walking the beaches near her Lowcountry home, listening to the voices in her head and plotting new and devious ways to create mayhem for her characters.
To learn more about her Thrillers with Heart go to http://www.CJLyons.net
Connect with CJ on her website, Facebook, or Twitter.
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Song Of Silence by Cynthia Ruchti

Book Review Graphic

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Litfuse in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Song Of Silence by Cynthia Ruchti was an okay book just not the right fit for me. I have read several books by Cynthia and I have liked all of them but this book just wasn’t the right fit for me. With that being said it was well written and I the plot but I just couldn’t get into the book. I always feel bad when I can’t get into the book because I hate giving anything less than a raving review but I have to with this book. I know that this book would be great for some people it just wasn’t that one for me. I had a super hard time getting into this book and I was glad when it was over because I was just bored by the end of it.

Song Of Silence by Cynthia Ruchti

About The Book

Lucy and Charlie Tuttle agree on one thing: they’re committed to each other for life. Trouble is, neither of them expected life to look like this. While Charlie retired early, Lucy is devoted to a long-term career . . . until the day she has no choice.
Forced to retire from her position as music educator in a small Midwestern K-8 school, Lucy can only watch helplessly as the program her father started years ago disintegrates before her eyes. As the music fades and a chasm separates her from the passion of her heart, Lucy wonders if her faith’s song has gone silent, too. The musical score of her life seems to be missing all the notes.
When a simple misstep threatens to silence Lucy forever, a young boy and his soundless mother change the way she sees–and hears–everything.

Cynthia Ruchti

About The Author

Drawing from 33 years of on-air radio ministry, Cynthia Ruchti tells stories of hope-that-glows-in-the-dark through her novels and novellas, nonfiction books and devotionals, and speaking for women’s and writers’ events. Her books have been recognized by Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Awards, Selah Awards, the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence, Christian Retailing’s BEST Awards, and Carol Award nominations, among other honors, including a Family Fiction Readers’ Choice Award. She and her plot-tweaking husband live in Pittsville, Wisconsin, not far from their three children and five grandchildren.

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