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Weekly Wrap-Up!


Another week is over and once again I am so happy that I have two days off and not have to get up and be anywhere first thing in the morning.  Let’s get right into the links from the past week.

Christian’s Hope by Ervin R. Stutzman

Timothy Leary – Quote Of The Week

A Wedding For Christmas by Lori Wilde

Monthly Book Reviews – November 2016

God Of The Internet by Lynn Lipinski

Trust My Heart by Carol J. Post

Those are all of the posts from this past week in case you missed any of them.  I hope you have a great weekend!

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Trust My Heart by Carol J. Post


FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Litfuse in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Trust My Heart by Carol J. Post was a sweet story. If I am honest, this book isn’t very memorable to me. I enjoyed it, but it was so much like so many other books I have read. There was nothing that made this book memorable to me which I hate saying because it was nothing special for me I know that other people will totally love this book. I did enjoy this book, and it was a sweet story, but it just doesn’t stick out in my mind. I finished this book a few days ago, and I already have trouble remember much about this book other than that it was sweet and well written. I would be willing to read more books by this author, but this book just didn’t stick out to me. If you love chick lit books, I would give this one a chance and see what you think. If you have read this book what, did you think of it?


About The Book

Grant McAllister arrives in Murphy, North Carolina, with one aim: to sell his inherited property and leave as quickly as possible. The big-city lawyer has no interest in his late, estranged grandparents or the dilapidated mansion he just acquired. After his high-profile divorce, he should be avoiding perky reporters, too. But Jami Carlisle is honest, funny, and undeniably appealing.

After breaking up with her safe-but-smothering boyfriend, Jami is determined to ace her first big assignment. A story about the McAllister estate is too intriguing to ignore—much like its handsome, commitment-phobic heir. Thanks to her digging, the pieces of Grant’s fraught family history are gradually fitting into place, but also upending all his old beliefs.

The two draw closer as they share their dreams, until misread signals and misunderstandings begin to test their trust. But in the unspoiled beauty of the Smoky Mountains, there’s healing and forgiveness to be found. And for Grant, this unplanned detour may be just what’s needed to finally guide him home…


About The Author

From medical secretary to court reporter to property manager to owner of a special events decorating company, Carol’s resume reads as if she doesn’t know what she wants to be when she grows up. But one thing that has remained constant through the years is her love for writing. She currently pens fun and fast-paced inspirational romance and romantic suspense stories. Her books have been nominated for a RITA® award and an RT Reviewers’ Choice Best Book Award.

Carol lives in sunshiny Central Florida with her husband, who is her own real-life hero, and writes her stories under the shade of the huge oaks in her yard. Besides writing, she works alongside her music minister husband singing and playing the piano. She enjoys sailing, hiking, camping—almost anything outdoors. Her two grown daughters and grandkids live too far away for her liking, so she now pours all that nurturing into taking care of a fat and sassy black cat and a highly spoiled dachshund

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God Of The Internet by Lynn Lipinski

Book Review Graphic

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

God of The Internet by Lynn Lipinski was a super interesting book. When I read the description of the book I knew I wanted to read it because I have always been interested in hacking and things like that. It isn’t something that I would ever want to do but reading a fiction book about it was so interesting. I am amazed at how far people will go to get other people’s information but this review isn’t about hacking so let’s get back to my thoughts on this book. I really enjoyed this author’s style of writing and for the most part I liked the characters. I did end up not liking some of the characters in the end but that is because I just didn’t like them. I always like when an author can make me hate one of their characters because it means that it is something that could really happen and that the characters seem like they could be real people. If you are into computers or are just looking to scare the crap out of yourself when it comes to computers, than I would pick this one up and give it a shot. If you have read it what did you think of it?

God Of The Internet by Lynn Lipinski

About The Book

When a hacker known as G0d_of_Internet hijacks millions of computers to do the bidding of an Islamic jihadist group, their first act is to disrupt the water treatment systems in Boston, Dallas, and Los Angeles. Next, the power grids go down. Is this the start of a digital world war? The only thing standing between the terrorists and their goal to weaponize the internet is a small band of white hat hackers, including cybersecurity guru Mahaz Al-Dossari and his wife, Juliana. The search is on for a couple of hundred lines of code and a global hacker network before they can make good on their ultimate threat to divert money from the world’s banks. But G0d_of_Internet has been tracking their every move. And it’s Juliana, a PR manager lacking in technical skills, who may hold the key to unmasking the hacker.


About The Author

Lynn is a writer and editor who pens non-fiction for a living and mystery fiction for fun.

Favorite writing projects in the past few years include a speech on the history of the Internet, a blog about wearing a monkey costume at work and a mystery novel set in her hometown, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Her nonfiction feature stories on topics ranging from a bad dental school experience to electricity deregulation have been published in the Los Angeles Times, UCLA Magazine, arcCA, USC News, Trojan Family Magazine, UCLA Today and Aqueduct Magazine.

Decades of living in Los Angeles have worn away the Okie accent, but not the affection for all things Oklahoma. She blogs occasionally about writing, PR, Oklahoma and travel at Her passport is filled with stamps and visas from all the places her jobs have taken her in the past four years, including Argentina, China, Czech Republic, Senegal, Singapore and South Africa.

She earned a bachelor’s degree in business from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles and completed fiction and screenwriting classes through UCLA Extension, Writers Boot Camp and the 2010 Prague Summer Program of Western Michigan University. She’s currently pursuing an MFA in creative writing at Mount St. Mary’s University in Los Angeles.

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Monthly Book Reviews – November 2016


How are we all ready to November??? I mean this means that my birthday is in less than a month and that Brycen will be turning three the day after my birthday. I will never understand how time goes so fast when you are an adult, but as a kid, it seems to take so long. Let’s get right into the reviews that I have coming up during November.

November 2ndGod Of The Internet by Lynn Lipinski

November 4thTrust My Heart by Carol J. Post

November 9thThe Ghostwriters by Mickey J. Corrigan

November 10thLoreena’s Gift by Colleen M. Story

November 15thJust A Kiss by Denise Hunter

November 16thAttracted To Fire by DiAnn Mills

November 23rdThe Key To Cabo by Dave Harrold

November 28th The Remnant by Monte Wolverton

November 29th– Killer In The Band by Lauren Carr

November 30th– Love Connection by Camilla Isley

Those are all of the reviews that I have coming up in November as of right now. Now and then one will pop up during the month. If I have anything like that I will update this post when I find out about them.

What book would you like to see me review in the future?

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